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Chapter 211 The Lord of the World

“Who is he?!”

In the sky, the sudden appearance of the figure, so that all the people in the hand column and all the shocked, under the vast and terror Ki, they are from the soul of the tremor and awe!

He looks like a human figure, but also has an ear and eye, but it is dark, like an element.

The so-called ten-tailed in front of this terror Ki that covers the whole world is simply not worth mentioning. He is like a god on the top, controlling everything in the world!

From the suppression of the soul, the thousand hands and other people from the heart of the fear, inconsistently crouched down, although only the upper body between the thousand hand column, but still crouched down to show respect!

In the fear of shock, they know that the existence of TRUE terror has just appeared! This kind of Ki that makes mortals dare not have the slightest to resist is what the TRUE god can have! In the past, they were really too ignorant. The understanding of the word ‘God’ is simply awkward!

Of course, Hui Ye Ji and Shi Wei are actually the ‘God’ in the world of Huo Ying. They are just like ‘God’. For TRUE’s ‘God’, it is a little bit hydrated. ‘One word!

“This Huo Ying world … has a variety of wonderful things… I did not expect that this is the owner of this world is also one of them …” Sun Wukong watching the Lord of this world, a face spit.

Immediately turned his head and looked behind him, faintly opening: “How, Hui Ye Ji… See you in this world of TRUE’s creation god… What do you think?”

Because Sun Wukong resisted the supreme pressure of the Lord of this world for the women behind him, the women and the women were not crouched by the terrible Ki.

“He… is… the god of creation?!…” for a moment Huiyue Ji is somewhat lost.

“Yeah! Also called the Lord! The Lord of Dimension World! Control the world! Everything in this world, but between his thoughts… If you want to say ‘God’, he can be called a God of TRUE!”

“TRUE… God?”

After listening to Sun Wukong, the people in Qianshouzhu said that they are all moving, and God is such a terrible existence! They used to look down on God!

“TRUE…God?…Impossible…nothing! How could this be…how could this be…no…I am God! I am the supreme god in this world! You are fake! I am real! I am the god of this world! I want to kill him… Prove that I am the god of this world!…”

Hui Ye Ji suddenly appeared crazy, long hair flying, like crazy like a demon, has always regarded himself as a god on the high, but suddenly found that he is like the mortal who is raised in the nursery, but the ants are one, how Can she accept it? Severe drink, vacated, and even launched a fierce attack on the Lord of this world!

Because she is behind Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong also blocked her heartfelt terror Ki from the Lord of the world. Therefore, although Huiyin Ji felt the terrible Ki of the Lord of this world, she did not have the heart. Awesome!

The terrible black beam condensed in her hands, eventually turning into a dark beam, rushing toward the Lord of the world…

For a moment, the three generations of old man and other people are full of surprise, this Hui Ye Ji, even dare to shoot at God, is simply daring!

The main face of this world is angry, and he was provoked by Sun Wukong, and more angry: “The mortal in the district, dare to disrespect this seat… It is the kill!”

The word ‘kill’ has just fallen, and there seems to be some kind of regular force. The black beam in front of him is so strange that the smoke disappears, and Hui Ye Ji himself is gradually becoming illusory. Her delicate body is being bitten from this world. Erase…

The master of this world, as the supreme master of this Huo Ying world, his words and deeds, even a thought, can control all living things! Even destroy the world!

“God! Just a word… It will make Hui Ye Ji in the legend die… This is the power of God?…” The hand was horrified and exclaimed.

“No! I am not dead! I am not dead! No! Impossible! I am the god of this world! I am the master of this world! I don’t believe it is true!”

Hui Yee Ji’s face is astonished, and it is also extremely crazy. The other person’s words make him want to die from this, which is unimaginable! How can there be such a presence on the world! The ruthless facts made her proud, almost collapsed!

The power of God is desperate and powerless!

But the truth is in front of her, her body is being a little bit to be erased by to erase, from bottom to top… she will be removed from the world forever… even no one will remember her night The existence of Ji. Because this is not only to erase her life, but also to erase any footprints she left on this world…

For the first time, Hui Yeji felt the fear, the fear of being erased from the world a little bit, even a second, it was like a purgatory…

She felt that she was going to die. When she was feeling desperate, a warm big hand suddenly touched her head, the invisible wave spread in her hand, her disappearing body gradually disappeared… a moment, recovering as usual…

Hui Ye Ji looked up and rescued his enemies, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and some puzzled: “You… why should you save me?”

“Because your life and death… is in my hands…not others can be around!” Sun Wukong facial expression is calm, but the words are filled with endless domineering!

Hui Ye Ji’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and the tone of Sun Wukong domineering is very uncomfortable and contradictory. She will not be grateful because Sun Wukong saved her life, because her heart has been completely frozen! There is no feeling of the slightest, the rest, only the desire for power!

And Sun Wukong does not kill her, it is because she is difficult to Raiders, so she stayed for her life, because Sun Wukong, only left the Raiders paper so much fun!

But now, obviously, it’s not the time to attack the sister paper. Watching Hui Ye Ji, faintly said: “Now, I will let you see what is the power of TRUE… The power you get from relying on the foreign object is just the next Work… also deserve to be sealed…”

Sun Wukong said that his body vacated and stood in opposition to the Lord of this world. With a big hand, an invisible space enchantment was to cover the women below!

Sun Wukong arbitrarily laid out such a space enchantment, which is to make Eyes, the owner of this world, shrink, because he feels that the solid level of space enchantment is far better than this world! This shows that Sun Wukong’s Dimension is far above him!

“You and I have no enmity, why do you want me to die?” The financial expression of this world is serious, watching Sun Wukong is extremely dignified.

“I didn’t provoke you before… Then why are you going to die?” Sun Wukong said with a faint smile.

Before the billions of Thunder, it can be described as a punishment. If he does not have two brushes, he will be replaced by others.

“It seems… there is only one war…” The Lord of the world sighed a little, and he did not expect that his previous actions had caused such a comet.

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