The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter IV hangs up and fights

“hum hum 哼! I was scared! I told you to be arrogant!”

The emperor was very proud and very suspicious. She scared people to call her mother. Suddenly, she liked the feeling of being shocked…

After calming down, Dina went to think of something and looked at Sun Wukong: “You are not letting this ship fuse the fruit of Demon? But it is impossible! How can such a big ship… and fusion With the fruit of Demon, it is impossible for this ship to drive on the sea again… What is this in the end?”

“In this wonderful world, do you think a talking boat is really weird?” Sun Wukong watching, asked.

“Is it strange?”

“Is it strange?”

“Not strange?”

“Okay! I admit that it is very strange…” Sun Wukong unanimously spread his hand and said: “All living things are spiritual, my emperor’s ‘spirit’ just completely awakened that’s all…” Sun Wukong explained.

“This Dina has been heard before…” Dina seriously recalled, said: “legend Only a ship through the true love of the crew, love the hull, will be born out of the ship elf … did not expect this legend It turned out to be true, I actually met the ship elf… but your ship elf could not show up in the light of the day, but also can speak and feel very good…”

“Oh… you have to understand this… that’s fine…” Sun Wukong nodded and was too lazy to explain it. It is unclear how to explain it. To say that the emperor number can really be said to be a ship elf, but with the kind of ship elves mentioned in One Piece and differs to some extent that’s all.

“Can let your pirate ship come out with such a high-class ship elf, it seems that you guy is not bad…” Dina watching Sun Wukong, looks very serious.

Is this a good card?

If it is a bad guy, the ship elf can’t be born or appear.

“Hey! You don’t always call the pirate ship, the pirate ship, but people have a name! My name is emperor!”

“emperor No…. Emperor Pirates… You want to make the whole thief community sinful!” Dina took out the cigarette, she must point it, but she was robbed by Sun Wukong, directly Throwed into the sea: “What a woman smokes, smoking is harmful to health, and smoking is forbidden in the future!”

“Hey! This is the only favorite of Dina! You are not qualified to deprive…” Dina suddenly became angry.

“If you don’t accept it… Big can take a try, take one time, I will slap you once…” Sun Wukong seems to threaten.

“Dinna doesn’t believe it…” Dina didn’t know where to take out a pack of cigarettes. When she just wanted to point it, she was shocked to discover that her body was suddenly lifted by an invisible force. Lifted up high, I was really hanged in the air, and I couldn’t move if I moved…

Mature and full body for a moment show undoubtedly, not to mention her clothing at the moment still wet, close to the skin, the scene, it seems too love!

“You…what do you want to do with Dina? Hurry… hurry up and down…” This shameful gesture made the facial expression a faint, and the heart pēng pēng jumped straight and looked very nervous. Can she be nervous if she is a lonely woman?

“hum hum! Let you down? Swelling may be… Although the brother’s festival is getting worse, it is definitely a matter of speaking! For those sister papers that are not obedient, say hang, then hang up…”

“Okay! Dina knows it wrong… I don’t smoke, just let it go!” The hard-hearted Dina was finally compromised under the threat of Sun Wukong’s sinister action.

“hum hum! I remember that you are a first-time offender, and you know what you can do, and your brother will forgive you once and for all, but there is absolutely no next time…” Sun Wukong said, he was suspended in the air. Slowly descended and restored freedom.

Although Sun Wukong would like to take two shots on Luna’s buttocks, this kind of thing that reduces the good feelings is still less and better. Afterwards, I feel good about it. I don’t want to take a picture. Let’s take it off again, and hurry up…

“Hey! Don’t you really want to change the name of your pirate group?” After convulsing the mood, Dina was very serious about Sun Wukong: “Know, one word of the emperor, for the pirates Say, but the highest honor…just like the four emperors…you are a fledgling guy who dares to claim to be emperor and stand on top of the four emperors. This is something that all pirates can’t tolerate. The pirates yell at the object…”

“I don’t call it! My name is Sun Wukong… You can call me Goku, or can call me Goku… As for the question you said, it’s not a problem… Anything that doesn’t open your eyes, how much… How much do I destroy? !”

“Although you are very strong…but please don’t underestimate the people of this world…” Dina reminded me. Sun Wukong’s arrogance made her a little crazy. I have seen madness, but I have never seen him so mad, so I don’t even put the Navy or even the Four Emperors in my eyes!

It’s just that she also saw that Sun Wukong is domineering, but it’s not a sinister person, so I don’t want him to take the road to death.

“You told me not to look down on the people… but don’t underestimate me… you will understand later…” Sun Wukong smiled at it and didn’t pull it on this topic: “emperor number, speed up, in Before dark, you must arrive at your destination…”

“Hey! Hey mad! No matter what you are…” Dina turned her head off and ignored Sun Wukong. This guy simply said what she said as a whisper, and there is no one to listen to, it is simply too irritating.

“Yes! Master!” The emperor replied with a loud voice, and the speed increased instantly. It sounded like a black arrow disappearing above the sea level, leaving only a few waves of splashing…

All the way up, it seems very smooth, even did not encounter any unopened pirates, but the time of a a a, Sun Wukong is already in front of a small island, watching the luxury villa at the top of the island I couldn’t help but smile. “The sky is getting dark, time is just right! Then, go see our third companion…”

Why is it the third? Because the emperor number is also one!

“That… I have never seen you use the record pointer, how do you identify the direction?” At the moment. Dina finally asked the question that had been tangled in her heart.

“The map is in the head, why do you need a pointer?” Sun Wukong is a Mystic/mysterious smile, and the emperor is slowly landing…

“Don’t say it…” Dina didn’t get the answer she wanted, obviously mad.

“Ah! The pirate ship… there are pirates on our island!”

Suddenly a voice of a young voice…

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