The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter VII reveals

“Why, was it debunked in person, was it irritated?” Carat Burter watched Sun Wukong, a faint smile, and the calm look looks very troublesome.

“Is angry and irritated? Ridiculous! I should be old and shy and angry should be you…” Sun Wukong facial expression calm, look disdainful watching Carat Burter.

Sun Wukong knows that in the eyes of other villagers, the pirates are bad guys, so now he said nothing is useless.

And Keya now obviously believes that Usopp is a bit more. After all, Sun Wukong and Keya just know that’s all. I ask, you believe in your own friends, still believe in a stranger you just met? The answer is obvious.

Therefore, it can only be proved by facts.

On the head, Sun Wukong looked at the past and smiled. “Don’t forget what I said to you before. Maybe you think that the closest person is often the one who wants your most…”

Keya Eyes shrank slightly, and remembered that the bowl was poisoned. For a moment, my heart was really tangled. I don’t know who to believe in the end.

“Miss, you have been waiting for me since I was a child…I asked how could I poison my medicine? If I really want to be bad for you, do you think you can live to this day?” Carat Burterer watchable Yana’s tangled look, explained slowly.

“I have never doubted you, Carat Burter!” Keya answered very seriously. If she can’t believe her own housekeeper, who can she trust?

“You can say that, I am very happy…” Carat Burterer smiled and said: “Moreover, the medicine is his test, then the result is naturally with his heart… poisonous, not poisonous, but he Between the thoughts that’s all ……”

But Arden’s face looked blank: “It’s like this… I know how Carat Burter might be such a person…”

For a moment, even Dina is also full of doubts watching Sun Wukong: “It turned out to be like this, Dina is very disappointed!”

Sun Wukong was suddenly made to laugh and cry: “You are disappointed! In the end, where are you?”

“Dina is a navy, and Dina is of course standing on the navy!” Dina answered very seriously.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“hum hum! Even his companions don’t believe him! What else to say… Don’t talk to them any more, and drive them out of the island…” Usopp hid behind the crowd and screamed loudly.

“Your mom didn’t tell you, are you really annoying?” Sun Wukong suddenly turned his head, and Coldly’s Chaosop was looked over. The cold killing directly went to Usopp: “Who Can forgive, but you are awkward!”

The terrible killings made Usopp fall like Hell. For example, I saw the blood of the corpse, and the white bones slowly approached towards me. The feeling of death was so fascinating.

“Mom! Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me… I just said it… I don’t know anything… don’t kill me…” Usopp was directly scared and smothered, miserable, eyeballs Protruding out, the horrified expression looked so ugly and twisted, his feet twitched, and a scent came, and the silky water was left from his crotch, and he was scared. Pants, that look like a face, it is unbelievable to see it.

The other villagers are even more contemptuous and look disgusted…

All the time, Usopp has been brave about how bravely he is, and how brave and good he is, now he is directly scared by one other’s eyes, which has completely broken the glory image of Usopp in her heart. .

“TMD, I have never seen someone who is so timid and disgusting like you…” Sun Wukong suddenly turned aback and didn’t even feel his mood. That would only dirty his hand. And watching can be an unfathomable expression, his purpose is also reached.

Usopp has always been a glorious and great image in Kelly’s heart. Now he has completely exposed his timid and fearful side. His brilliant image is also instantly shattered in the heart of Kaya, so Koya will be in the future. Can safely go with him to the sea…

The only obstacle is being stepped on, then, it’s time to do business.

Sun Wukong looked at Carat Burter, and was full of praise: “I have to say that your eloquence is really good. If you change to an ordinary person, you are really forced to die. But unfortunately, you are not It is against me… Anyone who obstructs my way is destined to be a tragedy… You are no exception, Captain Cullo of the Black Cat Pirates (also translated as Clo).

Carat Burter’s facial expression suddenly changed, and it instantly converges, pretending to be nothing, saying: “What are you talking about? Less gibberish here…”

“Don’t hide it… don’t think that you are secretive, you can hide everyone…” Sun Wukong watching Cullo, directly dismantled all his disguise: “All you do, I know everything… because of boredom The pirate lives, so, three years ago, you designed the death, was rescued by Kaya’s father, and then lurked for three years as a butler, and after gaining her trust, he won his family. It’s better than your worry-free retreat. I’m right? Because of the scheming, well-planned and well-known captain Cullo of ‘Hundred Coulo’!”

“What? You said that Carat Burter is a pirate? How is this possible?” The information that Sun Wukong uttered, suddenly shocked Kaya, and shocked everyone present.

“He is a pirate?” Dina suddenly frowned, carefully recalled, suddenly suddenly realized: “Ah! I think of it! No wonder I think you are familiar, you are the head of the Black Cat Pirates Luo… It turns out that you haven’t died yet! I’ve been hiding here to play a plot! hum hum~~ Since I’m met by my black prison, you’ll be stunned!”

Yan Najiao drank, and punched Cullo to the past…

Cullo’s figure flashed slightly, but it flashed to the side instantly, and helped the glasses. The facial expression was a bit gloomy: “You are attacking others like this, but I am very troubled… Maybe it looks like that’s all, I am not Captain Cullo, but Carat Burter… The most troublesome thing in my life is the pirate. How can it be a pirate?”

“So far, do you still want to deny it? I really don’t see the coffin without tears!” Sun Wukong’s mouth showed a hint of Mystic/mysterious smile: “But soon, you will not be tempted… ”

Kullow brows slightly and looks at Sun Wukong: “What do you want to say in the end?”

“You will know soon… ah…has come…” Sun Wukong said, looking down at the coast, I saw the sea, a pirate ship heading towards the village of West Brom… …

Seeing this pirate ship, Cullo’s eyes flashed in a flash of light, which seemed to be a little unexpected: “How come they are so fast? By the way… there should be a few days before…”

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