The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 18 Tina

“Where do you want to go… I seem so fierce?” Sun Wukong apparently saw what Naomi thought, and she was not mad at the moment, and said: “Tomorrow, we will follow you to you.” The village is a glimpse, killing the dragon pirate group for you, so that you can be my voyager in peace and mind!”

“You… How do you know about me?” Naomi immediately raised her eyes and was shocked watching Sun Wukong. She couldn’t remember that she had told her about Sun Wukong!

“If you don’t know about you, do you think I will invite you to join my emperor pirate group? Tell you, my emperor pirate group is not anyone who can join!”

“Even if this is the case… you can’t help me… you don’t know Aaron’s terror at all… you can’t beat him…” Nami still shook her head and thought of Aaron’s Terror, the body is a little trembling: “The only way to save the villagers is to get together 100 Million Berry and buy the Cocosia village from his hands…”

“Hey! It seems that you still don’t know what a pirate group you have joined!” Sun Wukong watching Naomi, very arrogant: “Tell you! What a shit Aaron, brother can have a hair Insta-kill him!”

Naomi remembered that Sun Wukong had waved his hand before destroying a pirate group!

“If it’s him… maybe it’s really…” Naomi’s heart suddenly raised a glimmer of hope, and looked at Sun Wukong and said, “You…you really want to… help me? I know, that is a bounty of up to 2000W Berry’s sea thief!”

“2000W of the fart, brother also 5000W!” Sun Wukong grinned disdainfully.

“Hey! What are you talking about at the end? Can you make it clear? Don’t you always talk to yourself? Dina is very confused…” On the side of the scene, Dina dismissfied.

“Things are like this…” Naomi thought about it, and still made up her mind to believe Sun Wukong once, because she was not sure if she had enough 100 Million, and Aaron would not keep her promise. So I explained Aaron’s evil deeds in detail…

After listening to it, Dina suddenly became furious: “This evil dragon pirate group is simply lawless, too odious! Why don’t you report the navy? This kind of garbage, the navy will definitely help you get back to justice!”

“Navy?” Naomi’s face was full of contempt: “I troublesome pirates… but more troublesome navy… They kept talking about justice, but doing something more hateful than the pirates… otherwise Do you think that the Dragon Dragon Pirates Club has been rampant here?”

“Hey! How can you say this… How can the Navy smear with the pirates? It’s impossible!” Yanna immediately replied loudly.

“Impossible? Then you said that the dragon pirate group is so wicked, why is it always safe?” Naomi watched stunned, disdainful and grinned.

“Chick, this world is not as simple as you think!” Sun Wukong patted the scent of Shanna and said: “Don’t think that wearing a just coat is really just! Don’t think of others. It’s a pirate, it’s really a sinister! There is a righteousness in this world, but people also have a good person bad person. You can’t judge the quality of a person with good identities. Good people can do bad things, bad people can also Going to do good things… Listening to the truth, seeing is believing…”

“Dinna is not a child… Of course I know this truth…” Yana frowned and said: “But… I still don’t believe it, the Navy will say so badly…”

“All said that the ears are empty, seeing is believing, we will not know if we go together to see?” Sun Wukong watching Dina smiled slightly.

“Go and go!” Dina snorted and bulging back into her room. As a navy, some people would rather believe that the pirates are not willing to believe in the navy, which makes her very angry.

Before they had to sleep on the island, Sun Wukong wanted to leave a chance for Nami to reveal the purpose of TRUE, and everyone would be honest. Now that things are resolved, there is no need to feed the flies on the island.

Keya and Nami also left and went back to their rooms…

Here, only the emperor number and Sun Wukong are left.

“Go! Go to sleep!” Sun Wukong smiled at the sister paper hey hey in front of him, and took her into her arms and walked into her room…

“Yeah! Master… can’t pull… People are just spiritual, there is no physical pull…”

“hum hum! You think too much, the master, I just want to take you as a pillow that’s all… It’s not easy to say that you want to be a physical…”

Nothing in the night, and the rising sun is slowly rising…

A new day has arrived…

Emperor number… Well, the spirit of the emperor has already appeared, so I can’t always call her emperor. Sun Wukong gave the emperor a name in the middle of the night: Tina!

The lyrics were taken from the Emperor emperor. The latter word he thought for a long time did not come up with a famous name, so he was simply named after the Na Na, and then ‘Tina’ came out!

However, even after knowing the name, even Sun Wukong felt a little shameful. How is this name so familiar? I want to change it, but I know that the emperor number is very satisfied with this name, and I will not change my life and death. Therefore, her future name is also trying to be named ‘Tina’!

Anyway, it is a name. Since Tina likes it, Sun Wukong is too lazy to be entangled in this.

Under the control of Tina, the emperor marched toward the village of Cocosia at an alarming rate. This speed is the fastest ship that Nami has ever seen. It is just like flying, really. It is too exciting! With such an emperor number, the world is big, where can I go?

Watching is becoming a clear island in front, and Nami is getting nervous. She turns to watch Sun Wukong next to her, saying: “Goku… For the safety of the village, you should not first talk to the dragon pirate group. Hands-on, wait for me to buy the village of Cocosia from Aaron’s hand and say…”

“Is it necessary to be troubled? Brother a slap shot him to death!” Sun Wukong is posing with a wave of disdain.

“You in the end can’t listen to me?” Naomi suddenly angered Sun Wukong. Why does this guy like to use force to solve problems?

“Okay! Ok! You like to enjoy the taste of being hit, then you will negotiate with Aaron…” Sun Wukong watching Naomi, suddenly gave her a blank look. This sister paper is really naive, and still wants to solve the problem peacefully.

“Cocosia Village… Noki High Sister… We finally can meet again…” Nami Watching the islands getting closer and closer, inevitably excited.

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