The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 134, Soap Bubble Islands

On the sea, the emperor is slowly moving forward…

Kemi took out a chart and spread it out in front of everyone. He said, “If you want to go to the fisherman’s island, you have to go through it, the soap islands. Thank you for saving me and Papac, let us be Your guide, take you to the mermaid island!”

“Good yeah yeah! Finally can go to the fisherman’s island! Great! Tina sister, accelerate! Accelerate!” After listening to Abis, he was excited and cheered more then.

“Fishman Island! We have seen the empty island, and I really look forward to what the fisherman island looks like!” Robin smiled.

“Kemi, on the fisherman’s island, must have a lot of mermaids?” Connie looked forward.

“Well! There are a lot!” Kemi nodded and said.

“What is the fisherman’s island like? Is it a small island?”

“Yeah, but the fisherman’s island is on the bottom of the sea! If we mermaid or fisherman go to the fisherman’s island, swimming can be reached, but you humans can’t, it will kill because of the water pressure…”

“That’s it… Tina, emperor can can dive directly?” Namei looked at Tina.

“As long as you open the enchantment, there is no problem where you go!”

“This way, Nana sister, let’s go to the fisherman island!” Abis could not wait to urge.

“This kind of thing, you have to ask our captain first!” Carly Law helped the glasses and looked at Sun Wukong.

“No, we don’t go directly to the fisherman’s island, still go according to the route that Kemi has designated. Otherwise, there will be a lot less adventure on this road!”

“That’s also true! Well, Kemi, follow the route you specified to the fisherman’s island! Then, our Next target is… soap bubble islands!” Namei hammered the sound.

“But why do we only go to the Soap Islands when we go to the Soap Islands?” The slightest doubt.

“Yeah! Why? Can you tell me all this, who is in the end? That is me!” Papak suddenly jumped out and said loudly: “Let me explain it to you carefully! There are actually two routes to the new world, but for those of you who are unlawful, there is only one way to go!”

“Why?” A little confused.

“Because one of them is to apply for approval from the world government, crossing the city of Sacred Land, Mary Joa, at the top of the red clay continent, the pirates cannot be approved! Therefore, the only remaining roads are through soap bubbles. The archipelago, heading for the submarine route to the fisherman’s island…” Caliph gently stroked her glasses and explained it with a serious face.

As a spy officer, she knows a lot of intelligence that others don’t know.

“Well… that… don’t grab my lines?” Papak looked at Carly’s face in disappointment, but saw all the girls around, and no one was listening to it.

“I was forgotten again…” Papak leaned down on one side and fell straight down, hurting himself in the corner alone!

“But the sea route is very dangerous. Many people have been swallowed by sea animals or sea kings!” Kami said.

“This kind of thing, it doesn’t matter! Our emperor number, but it’s very powerful! And there is Goku, what sea king class is not a thing… But what does it matter to us to go to the soap bubble island?” Nami Watching Kemi, asked.

“Because the fisherman island is deep in the sea 10,000, if you want to go to the fisherman island, we have to go to the soap islands for coating…” Carlyfa explained with a serious explanation: “Well, it’s coated, it’s like soap bubbles. The unique bubble that is unique to the archipelago can wrap the pirate ship group and it can safely sneak into the sea. The information I know is like this!”

“It sounds like a very interesting look. Although our emperor number can open the enchantment, I also want to see what the strange bubble looks like!” Namei said.

“Really, I am also very curious! Let’s go to the Soap Islands to see it, then go directly to the fisherman island!” Robin Road.

“Okay, that’s it!”

Time, a little bit in the house asked Kemi about the fisherman’s island…

Unconsciously, there has been a small island in front of everyone, a misty, floating island with strange blisters!

“That is the soap bubble islands? Really beautiful!” Namei looked amazed.

“There are really a lot of bubbles, no wonder the soap islands…” Robin laughed.

After boarding the island, all the girls were surprised and watched everything around…

“It’s really unfathomable. Where did these bubbles come from? All floating in the air…”

“Why are the numbers written in those trees?” Can asked curiously.

“The Soap Bar Islands are made up of the world’s largest mangrove tree, the Arruste mangrove tree. There are a total of 79 mangrove trees. Each mangrove tree forms an island, each with towns and facilities, so it’s called Soap bubble islands!” Carlyfa gently lifted the glasses, slow explanation.

“Okay, let’s stop at the island of 42 in front! Everyone must remember the number! Otherwise, they will get lost!” Kemi said seriously.

The emperor slowly approached the island of 42. After landing on the island, Tina was a heart-felt move, and the emperor was directly taken into the space Ring by her!

“Ah! Your pirate ship suddenly disappeared!” Kemi and Papak suddenly opened their eyes, and their eyes almost came out, and they screamed!

“Okay! What’s the fuss! We just put the emperor number up that’s all!” Naomi patted Kemi and pointed to the Ring on her finger. It was very proud: “I saw it, This is called Space Ring, can accept the thing as you like… like this…” Naomi said, the mind was moving, and a piece of turf on the side was instantly invisible and disappeared into the space Ring, and then the mind was moving, then The turf is spit out.

“Wow! It’s amazing!” Kemi and Papak looked at the two eyes, and the envious expression of hatred, seeing Nami’s heart is dark and cool.

“Haha~~Goku, brother, look at it, these bubbles are coming out of the ground, and they won’t break! It’s fun!”

At this time, Abish’s full of excitement was heard, and everyone looked at it, but found that Abis had jumped around on the various bubbles, playing it!

“It’s a bubble of unfathomable!” Robin is also a surprised face at the moment.

“It seems that the coating that Carly Law said should refer to this kind of bubble? If it is not broken, let it wrap the boat into the bottom of the sea, it is really possible!” Naomi watched the bubbles around, a look of surprise.

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