The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 141 Jenny Bonnie

“Boss…she…they are…the emperor’s pirate group…and that…the man…the emperor Sun Wukong you are looking for this time!”

A tall pirate behind the woman pointed at the Sun Wukong group but was extremely shocked and shouted. Watching Sun Wukong’s eyes are full of panic.

“Sun Wukong! Ah! It’s you! I said how familiar! hum hum ~~ The old lady is finally finding you! Come on! Sun Wukong, let’s win with the aging mother!” The woman suddenly gorged the barbecue in her hand. Swallowing belly, yelling at Sun Wukong.

“Hey! I don’t seem to know you? Still said…you want to be famous? So you want to challenge me?” Sun Wukong watching the woman, but a slight smile.

“Jenny Bonnie, one of the 11 supernovas, is known as a prostitute, and the bounty is 100 Million 4.” The woman who screamed in front of the watch, but said the origin of the other.

“hum hum ~ ~ aging mother is to challenge you! Ming is almost a person with a prime condition, but I did not expect that you suddenly stood on top of the four emperors, and even more excessive, even grabbed the most white beard Strong man’s title! The aging mother is 10,000 dissatisfied, today let the aging mother to see if you are worthy of the title of ‘the strongest man’!” Jenny Bonnie looked at Sun Wukong, but was a shy.

“You shouldn’t be a white-bearded brain powder?” Sun Wukong watching Jenny Bonney.

“What brain residue, the old lady can’t understand what you are talking about! Come on! The old lady is going to kill you here today!” Jenny Bonnie was angry and screamed.

“Goku is not a challenge for you to challenge. This inexplicable guy will be let me go!” Miss’s two fingers came forward and looked at Jenny Bonnie. His eyes were full of coldness. .

“Who are you? The old lady is not interested in you…” Jenny Bonnie was a handful of waves, and in a moment, a strange wave of spread spread, Miss’s two fingers were visible to the naked eye under the shocked look of the girls. The speed became old, and for a moment, a demeanor of the royal sister became a crumpled old woman!

“Oh my God! What kind of Ability is this guy using?” Naomi looked at them, and suddenly I was shocked! The face is full of panic, for women, beauty, that is the most important!

However, a big beauty suddenly became a crumpled old woman, and the watching felt a terror, scalp numb!

With a bang, the girls all went behind Sun Wukong, and they didn’t want to become the ugly old woman! I think there is a heart that wants to die.

This is not because they don’t talk about loyalty, because they are in front of them, but there is still the existence of Sun Wukong. There is such an invincible existence. As a woman, they have made the protection of Sun Wukong in the subconscious.

“I…I…I…” Miss’s two-finger watching his own look like this, horrified and stunned, ‘I’ got quite a while, can’t say a word, suddenly changed from a big beauty An old woman, this contrast, shocked, she almost back the best one’s prime to go…

“Hey, it’s too much!” Watching Miss’s two-finger look at the moment, Sun Wukong felt a burst of pain, the picture was too beautiful, he could not look. With a light hand, a soft white light poured on her body, and Miss’s two fingers instantly recovered.

“Ah! It’s back! Very good! It’s really scaring me!” Miss’s fingers rushed into Sun Wukong’s arms and slammed a few mouthfuls on his face. Just the feeling of getting old instantly, only she can feel the kind of despair.

“Call~” Namei, they are also relieved, can recover, or only Jenny Bonnie grabbed and slammed her and let her recover.

“You… can you unlock my Ability?” Jenny Bonnie was shocked and wide-eyed, looking at unfathomable watching Sun Wukong. And her little brother, also a complete look at the ghost!

“It’s just a child. You turned my sister paper into such a disgusting old woman. You are disgusting. Is this woman really ill-conceived!” Sun Wukong is not good-willing to Jenny. Bonnie roared in the past, and his mind was moving. The body of Jenny Bonnie floated directly, and the four-pronged one was restricted in the air!

“hey hey ~~ Is this the rhythm of the slap? I like it!” Miss’s two-finger watch. At the moment, Jenny Bonnie, suddenly stretched out a thorny whip in her hand, and looked at the arrogant pilgrimage. Nie Bonnie looks…

“Ah! You…what did you do to me at the end? Damn! Hurry up and let go of the aging mother! Have a skillful fight!” Jenny Bonnie screamed in shock and glared at Sun. Wukong, Jiao Jiaodao.

“Ah! The captain was arrested! Everyone hastened to save the captain!” Jenny Bonnie’s companion was also shocked, and sipping it was toward Sun Wukong.

“A group of garbage, get out of me!” Sun Wukong snorted, and the air of the trof was spread out, and the group of pirates flew out directly. He fell to the ground and fainted. ……

“Just a light drink, there is such power…” Riley looked at the side and was shocked. Then, almost he even flew out of the earthquake, but fortunately, Sun Wukong wanted to attack the target. It’s not him: “It’s no wonder that the world government will compromise and give him the title of the four emperors…”

“Everyone!” Jenny Bonny watched her companions all flew out, could not help but panic, facing Sun Wukong is roaring: “Bastard, if they have anything wrong, the old lady did not play with you!”

“You still have to worry about yourself now!” Miis’s two-finger hand holding a thorny whip, hey hey, laughing, watching Jenny Bonnie, that look, it seems so too sinisister.

“That, is there any black house here?” Sun Wukong suddenly turned his head and looked at it.

“Yes! It’s in the backyard…” After a slight glimpse, it was a smile.

“Go, take the little black house, my brother taught her how to be a man!”

“Follow!” Miss’s two fingers were bright, hey hey smirked, picked up Jenny Bonnie, ignored her shouting, followed Sun Wukong toward the backyard of the dark house…

“Goku…you… are you coming?” Nami, they watched Sun Wukong’s back and stunned.

“hum hum! This girl is disgusting to me, must be tuned!” Sun Wukong hum hum.

“Don’t dare to make the aging mother so ugly, this hatred is big!” Miss’s two-finger face is almost gnash one’s teeth.

With a bang, the door of the little black house was closed under the stunned eyes of Naomi…

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