The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 159, Judging Angel and Fallen Angel

Sun Wukong took Luffy and they joined their respective members and came to Raleigh’s home. They were surprised by their identity. After all, the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates Group, his name, can really be like a slap!

Just when Sun Wukong was told that Raleigh was training them, a few of Luffy seemed to be lost: “Goku Big Brother! You told us to learn from him, don’t you teach us?”

The strength of Sun Wukong is obvious to all, so they are looking forward to Sun Wukong can train them!

“I am very busy… I said that the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates group is willing to teach you to steal a smile! Don’t pick and choose!” Sun Wukong said, waving his hand, right Raleigh said: “They will give it to you. How much can be improved? It is best to teach them some simple use of domineering, although only one night time is not enough, but after understanding, maybe in Next, you can have a breakthrough in the battle! Especially he…”

Saying, Sun Wukong pointed to Luffy and said: “He has the king’s Latent Talent!”

“It turns out!” Reilly blinked in the eye and nodded. “No wonder you will be optimistic about him…” said, Rayleigh flew toward the road and they looked at it: “Time is tight, come with me!”

And Sun Wukong, with his own sister papers, came to the side of the island and got the emperor!

In the bright hall, the women sat down around a large round table with a Demon fruit on it, dark fruit!

There are also three Demon fruits next to it: rock berries, shā shā fruit, shadow fruit. It’s just these three Demon fruits, but no one cares!

Rock berry, the battle picture, for the beauty of the sister paper, can not accept, because it is too violent.

Shā shā The fruit is afraid of water, the weakness is too obvious.

The shadow of the fruit is to capture the shadow of others, which is of no use to the good-hearted sister paper!

Therefore, these three arrogant for others, the coveted Demon fruit, but like garbage, was ignored by the crowd of sister paper! If you let others know, what do you think? It’s really full of people who don’t know how to hungry!

“This is the dark fruit? What is the Ability?” Nami and other women are all looking at the dark fruit, curiously asked Sun Wukong.

“Dark fruit, the nemesis of all the Ambassadors, whoever is caught by the dark fruit of the Ability, will temporarily lose the fruit of the Ability, but there is a big weakness, although it is a natural system, it cannot be elemental, and it is Pain will also double!”

“Dark fruit? I heard that it is the most powerful Demon fruit in Demon’s fruit… Although it is exaggerated, it is really powerful…” Robin said seriously.

Can restrain all the fruits of the Ability, is called the strongest, really not too much, but to play its TRUE’s strongest! That also has to find a suitable main talent line!

“Goku, or you ate it! The strongest! I feel that this Demon fruit is the best for you!” Rachi looked at Sun Wukong and said.

“I? It is useless to eat! This dark fruit will not be drawn, give Kony! Laqi eats the thundering fruit, can say that it is the trial of Angel, then let Cornice become fallen Angel, hey Hey ~~ This name is reported, is it very embarrassing?”

“Hey you! But also fallen Angel… Lost what you want!” The girls are all white, Sun Wukong, and they fall down, they don’t like it, but watching Sun Wukong is full of enthusiasm, they Knowing, it is against, and it is useless.

So, Cornice was given the name of a fallen Angel by Sun Wukong, eating the dark fruit…

Just watching the pair of small wings behind Lacy and Cornice, there is always a sense of violation, so Sun Wukong pulled Laqi and Konis to the side, ready to transform them!

“Come here~~ Come to me, brother will let you become the Angel of TRUE, which is worthy of the name I gave you!” Sun Wukong waved at the two women.

“TRUE’s Angel… What do you want to do?” Lach went to Sun Wukong and was full of doubts.

But seeing Sun Wukong with a light hand, a soft Ying Mang is to cover Laqi, and then the girls are surprised to find that under the ray of light, Laqi’s temperament is more and more divine, even The pair of small wings behind it also skyrocketed at an alarming rate…

But for a moment, a pair of white wings suddenly stretched out! With a little bit of white feathers floating, it was seen that Kami and other women were shocked: “Heaven…Angel?!”

At this moment, Laqi, with its white wings and wide wings, turned out to be vacated. The abruptness of the thundering fruit’s autonomous operation, the whole body thunder and four dances, looks really like the trial of Angel in the legend…

But the women are even more shocked by the means of still Sun Wukong, he just waved his hand and turned Laqi into the Angel of TRUE! Do you want to be so exaggerated?

His own changes, even Laqi himself feels shocked, the original wings that look like decorations, turned out to be a pair of white wings, which is a little unbelievable! Now, like this, can you call Angel called TRUE?

“Goku, you are so amazing!” Excited, Lacy fluttered to Sun Wukong and slammed it on his face!

The heart of beauty, everyone has it, the small wings suddenly become the wing of Angel, how can this not make Laqi excited and excited! This is Angel Yeah! TRUE Angel!

And all the girls are also surrounded, full of curiosity on the wings behind the Lacy touch, the face is full of envy and surprise!

Later, Cornice was also transformed by Sun Wukong, and the little wings became the wing of Angel. Her wings and Lach’s differs to some extent, usually white. Once the dark fruit is used, the white is white. The wings will be dyed in a dark, that looks like a fallen Angel!

In the affair, they can freely hide their wings, the two beautiful sister papers, under the personal preferences of Sun Wukong, he is still quite satisfied with this! Now that Angel is there, there is a group of mermaids in the bathhouse!

Ok, what he thinks is actually a group of mermaids. What is the festival?

The night is gradually deepening, and unconsciously, a new day has arrived!

In the early morning, the Nine-Nusn Pirates Group was on the stage of the Naval General headquarters of Marin Fodol…

And Portas D. Ace was also escorted in person by the Warring States and other people, and rushed to the execution ground…

Countless army battleships are already ready!

The war of TRUE is about to start!

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