The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 164 is an enemy three

Compared with the Navy at this time, the White Beard Pirates Group is far less powerful, and the generals will give up all their combat power! And the Warring States and the Air, have not yet entered the war!

In addition to those pacifism and the Seven Wuhai, this war seems to be at the beginning, and the result is already doomed.

“Eagle Eye, your relationship with us is not bad, why should we stop us, when the naval hunting dog! Let’s get off the road, we still brother!” In the pirate fleet, the forefront of a pirate ship The captain of a pirate glared at the eagle’s eye, and his eyes were full of angry.

“Sorry! Although I don’t want to be with you, but this time… I also have my own reasons!” The eagle eye facial expression is calm, can’t read him in the end, thinking about something, but the sharp eyes are extraordinarily firm.

“Although I don’t know what your reason is… but since you insist on blocking our way, then you can only kill you! Little! Kill!”

In the roar, the dense pirates jumped off the pirate ship, dancing with a big knife, and rushed out with excitement…

“hum hum ~~~ This is decent! Just let me go and enjoy a painful kill!” Dover Langminge laughed and found his palm, tearing forward a claw, ‘pu-chi ‘Innumerable people suddenly sprayed with blood, screaming, falling to the ground…

“Damn! Open the gun!”

As a roar rang, countless pirates smashed the barrel and pointed at the eagle’s eye and Dover’s Langmingo. Suddenly, countless dark shells bombarded the two…

The eagle’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, hesitating for an instant, it is a knife slamming out!

When you were in a hurry, the countless shells were instantly divided into two, and they fell to the ground with powerlessness! Then, swing again with a sword! The terrible sword is turned into a hundred-meter-long cold man, and it is going forward!

Immediately, countless pirates are spitting blood, flying out…

In the dense crowd, for a moment, a road with a diameter of two meters was left, and on the thick ice surface, a scary sword mark of hundreds of meters long was taken out, and the pirates were shocked. be terrified!

“hum hum …… is not the eagle eye! Your swordsmanship is really admirable!” Dover Langming brother looked at the eagle’s eyes, a face of praise: “how, do you want to join my pirate group! ”

“No interest!” The eagle’s eyes did not return to the faint road.

“That’s really a pity!” Dover Langminger laughed happily, but in the eyes it was a terror killing: “But I don’t like subordinates like you!” said Dover Langming Brother crazy laugh, turned out to be vacant, 矗stand above the void, watching the figure below, only crazy and indifferent: “So! Now, in the screams of fear… despair!”

Said. Countless threads spread from his body toward all directions. In a moment, a birdcage shape was formed, and the pirates below were trapped in it!

“So, attack! Pacifists!” Dover Langming looked at the pacifists around him, but hey hey smiled and opened his arms. It looked like a madman!

After getting the instructions, the pacifists who were ambushing on all sides came forward, opened their mouths, and condensed the beam in the mouth. Then, countless lasers lasing toward the pirates in the cage…

For a moment, roaring, screaming! It’s even the ground, under the continuous bombing, it’s shaking…

The eagle’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and the black knife in his hand is straight into the ground, standing still, not working…

There is nothing to say about the two sides of the battle! This is simply a one-sided situation. The pirates in the trapped bird cages, under the indiscriminate bombardment of the pacifists, can be described as fiasco!

Only a few captain-level people can still be supported by the angel…

Just look at this situation, the defeat has been set!

In the execution ground, the battle is even more intense!

White beard with an enemy three, still three naval generals! Its strength can be seen extraordinary!

At this point, Fujii’s smiling stick knife has been completely sold out, the gravity of the tramr is pressed against the white beard, so that the ground under the white beard is deep in the depth of seven or eight meters, and the four sides are spreading terrible spider web cracks!

If the gravity of the terrorist is basically carried by the white beard, this ground, I am afraid to directly press a terrible black hole! Because, that is the terrible power that can affect the falling of the meteorite!

Under the gravity of such terror, if you change to an ordinary person, you have already been crushed to the ground, but the white beard is still proud, standing on the muscle bulge, the terrible Ki spread and chilling! Although he is old, he is still terrible!

Although the white beard and the rattan tiger are deadlocked at the moment, Huang Hao and the green bull can not take the opportunity to take the shot, because if they shoot, even they themselves will be shrouded in the terrible gravity!

“It’s amazing. The Navy has found you the number one person to assume the new general! The world government… is really talented!” White Beard resisted the terrible gravity, and saw Fujimou smile. The face is amazed.

“Get your compliment, that’s really my honor!” Fujio smiled at the facial expression, but the tone was a bit dull.

“But…in the face of the old man…you are still too far away!” The white beard aura suddenly increased, the muscles on his arms swelled more, the blood vessels and the blue veins appeared like a cockroach, then, roared, Abruptly with the gravity of the terrorist, while punching a rattan, it is a bombardment!

‘ka-cha’ a loud noise, the atmosphere broke again under his terrible fist…


Fujio laughed at the facial expression and suddenly changed, hurriedly pulled back…

However, with a loud bang, his body is still being hit hard, suffocating, and flying straight out! Draw a hundred meters of ditch on the ground, and deepen your thighs with your feet before you stop your body!

Rattan Tiger smiled directly by a punch, and the terror gravity pressed against the white beard disappeared instantly!

White Beard felt a light, just want to jump out of the pit! A dazzling stream of light suddenly came to attack behind him!

The white beard with the domineering color is naturally found at the first for a moment. Unfortunately, the speed of the beam is too fast, and he is just reacting, turning his body and making a punch. He felt a huge force coming from the waist, and Rao had a strong body, and he felt a sharp colic in the lower back!

“Huang Wei!”

White beard suddenly glared and screamed, and the battle was extremely terror. At the moment of attack, he grabbed the streamer that was bombarded at his waist, and then tightened his muscles and grasped the beam. Suddenly thrown at the ground!


A roar, the earth shook, and the whole ground was cracked and opened…

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