The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 166 is coming

“The grandson of Karp, the son of the revolutionary dragon… this person must also seize it!”

After escaping the battle of Huang Wei, after seeing Luffy, it turned into a dazzling light spot, and immediately came to the side of the Warring States: “Marshal, kill this person… You said that Karp will also give me Get rid of it?”

“Well~ Try not to kill it…” The Warring States saw Luffy with a look and a plain face. After all, you have to really kill Luffy, but you can’t explain it to Kapp.

“Understood… We have made such a big squad, can’t we drag it all the time… Otherwise, the Navy will be laughed at!” Huang said, raising his right foot and emitting a dazzling light. ……

“Yes… is Huang Wei…”

“That is the speed of light kicking… Straw hat kid… will be dead!”

The pirates have a lot of shock and fear on their faces…

The dazzling light is almost irritating, and people can’t open their eyes!

In the sparkle, I’m already rushing towards Luffy…

Above the sky, on the invisible emperor, Sun Wukong looked at him and shook his head: “One is the general, and the road is really bad luck…”

Then Sun Wukong looked at the other side of the battlefield, Sauron, Ivakov and others, now surrounded by the navy, there are several lieutenants, and pacifists, their situation over there. It doesn’t seem too optimistic!

“Forget it, it seems that we are also playing… Laqi, go help Lufei, don’t let him die here!”

“Understood, Goku!” Lacy’s facial expression nodded solemnly, and the body was instantly turned into an electric light, a flash, disappeared!

Then everyone saw it, a huge column of lightning, falling from the sky, drowning the dazzling light…

This is a silent roar, its voice is not very loud, but it gives people a sense of trepidation!

It is like the god of punishment, suddenly flashing down!

The collision of electro-optical light and beam suddenly burst into a harsh roar!

And the beam that looked like terror before, was cut in a moment by lightning, and then drowned…

The terrible repercussions are spread out in a semi-circular spread, causing the ground layers to collapse!

When the light is gone, reveal a hole of tens of meters!

“this is?!”

Sudden changes, people who are concerned about the battlefield here are shocked and wide-eyed!

And even more shocking of them, that day, the sudden appearance of the shadow! The beautiful woman with the white wings on her back…

“Heaven…Angel?!” for a moment, everyone present was shocked by the shadows that appeared in the sky!

“It’s her! Emperor Pirates… Laqi!” The Warring States Eyes shrink, the facial expression instantly becomes extremely dignified! Although they don’t know much about the emperor pirates, but Laqi had just handed over with Moonlight Moria, and at that time, the tyrant bear was there!

The appearance of Laqi, it also represents, Sun Wukong has also come?

For a moment, the heart of the navy is filled with fear! Even if they face white beards, their performance is not so can bear!

Just because the white beard is strong, but still has the hope of defeat! However, Sun Wukong formidable is a feeling of invincibility!

“It’s coming, still is coming… Emperor Pirates!!” The empty face was dignified and breathed out, looking around, but unfortunately, he did not see the figure he wanted to see!

“Look at you… heaven!”

Suddenly a shocked scream is passed into everyone’s ears! Everyone looked up subconsciously, and they both opened their eyes!

I saw a gorgeous pirate ship, just under the eyes of the public, a little bit of emptiness emerged…

This scene is full of Mystic/mysterious colors, but it also makes people feel unspeakable and uneasy, even… fear! Because her Peugeot represents this world – the strongest!

“emperor number… Sure enough… Come!” The Warring States face is dignified, the fist is already pinched, and the terrible aura is looming from his body!

And Karp and others, at this moment, have given up their opponents, the facial expression is extremely dignified convergence in one place! Just to meet Next, the arrival of the person with terror!

The original battlefield, at this moment, seems to have received any orders, have stopped! Looking up at the sky, I want to see the style of the person in the legend!

“Imperial Emperor… Sun Wukong? It will make the Navy one so nervous…” The white beard watched the movement of the Navy, and the face that was not shocked also showed a hint of surprise, watching the slowly emerging pirate ship in the sky. The eyes are also filled with the expectation of light: “completely cover up the old man’s light, is called the world’s strongest! Oh, the old man wants to see, how can you have the ability! It is called … the strongest! ”

Step forward! Under the eyes of the public! Sun Wukong appeared in front of hundreds of thousands of people!

He, the facial expression is calm, the movement is very casual, but everyone suddenly feels that the air here seems to freeze!

It seems to be the arrival of the supreme supreme, even the time has forgotten to turn.

Almost everyone is lost and forget to breathe!

Just as in this state of the world, the people gradually felt that breathing was difficult, and they began to suck hard… Then they watched with awe, and they walked down from the sky…

He stepped down from the air like that step by step, and there seemed to be a ladder set up for him in the invisible space. Every step of the step is like stepping on people’s hearts! At the same time, I also fear the figure on the sky!

“Oh… really… terrible people!” White beard squinted his eyes, watching the figure that walked down the air, holding the palm of the big knife, and began to tremble slightly! My heart is inexplicably born with a touch of awe!

However, it is because of this awe that makes him more and more excited! The war in the eyes is also gradually rising! Only strong person faces a strong person, and wants to kill one with the other person, even if it pays the price of his own life!

“Sun Wukong! You are not saying, will you not be involved in this? Now, why are you coming here?!” The Warring States facial expression is dignified and looks at Sun Wukong, the terrible aura rises to the top, facing Sun Wukong, let He is extraordinarily nervous!

In the past, he only learned from Sun’s mouth that Sun Wukong was terrible. Now, in the face of Sun Wukong, he learned that this is a strong person of terror!

He clearly did not do anything, just standing there, giving a terrible sense of terror!

“When did I say that I didn’t get involved? And… it’s my freedom to come and not, isn’t it?”

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