The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 34—Nock to Dabura

“You are called Knock, right? You are really extraordinary, not only can resist the control of Babidi, but also kill him, trust your blessing, I also get rid of his control!” At this time, Knock A man with a strong body suddenly appeared behind him. He grew a lot like a human being, but his ears were big and pointed, and he had two small tentacles on his head. It looks very sinister.

“Who are you?” Nock’s faint person in front of watching, does not look at each other at all.

“Demon Realm, Dabura!” Dabura is very proud.

“Just like you, is also the king of the world? It seems that your Demon Realm is just that!” Nok watching Dabura looked disdainful.

“It seems that you are very proud of your strength! Then let me see how strong you are!” Dabura snorted and slammed into Nok.

“It’s not a wise choice for me to do it!” Knocker smiled faintly, and then an extremely beserker’s power burst out of his body, and his body shape, directly hitting Dabura against the past!

“嘭~~”, the collision of the two fists directly brought up a huge hurricane, destroying everything around them. However, the two did not care at all, still madly slamming, the underground base in the two people’s battle also began to shake up and collapsed!

“Hey~~ I didn’t expect you guys to have something to do! How? Do you want to be my subordinates and rule the whole universe with me!” Dabura once again slammed with Knock, both of them to fall back. Lived in shape, hey hey smiled.

“Hey! Your nonsense too much!”

Knock roared, and the Ki of the whole body soared again, the lightning in the vindictive dance, the earth to shatter! After feeling the Knocker of Knock, the Dabura facial expression could not be changed: “Good… very powerful gas…”

“hey hey ~~ now regret it is too late!”

Nok’s bloodthirsty smile, morphed into a golden ray and slammed into Dabura!

“Hurry!” Da Bulla was secretly surprised, and did not retain his strength, and tried his best to smash the past with Nock!

“Oh!”, Dabura was directly punched out by a punch, smashed through the wall, and pulled out a big hole in the earth wall outside the underground base! The base is shaking, and the gravel falls like rain! The underground base finally began to collapse!

“Ah~~” Dabura screamed, his figure flew directly out of the mud, and the big stone that had been shattered down along the road, the remaining momentum was not reduced, and he rushed to the door of Nok!

“hey hey ~~ This is interesting! Then you will have fun with me!” Nock smiled, his body flashed and he banged.


The two men’s confrontation, the strength of the road directly smashed down the mud, the body flashed, the fist shadows fly, the earth cracked, in the two people’s battle, the ground within a few squares has sunk Ten meters, the earth shakes, like a dozen earthquakes! Shocked and terror!


The world roars, the earth sinks, and a golden figure rushes out of the ground and reaches the sky! Then, another figure broke through the ground, cut through the sky, and directly punched and goldened the figure…

The collapsed underground base, in the corner of a ruin in a certain place, has a giant and weird ‘big egg’, and its lines are criss-crossed, sometimes shining with strange light, flickering! There is also a measuring meter on which the pointer is moving upwards at a slow speed…


Dabura was once again kicked out by Knock with a punch, and a huge hole was thrown on the ground! However, he stubbornly flew up immediately, and his hands quickly condensed an Energy Wave and rushed to Nok!

Nock rushed to avoid, the formidable Energy Wave fell to the ground not far away, and directly pulled out a crater tens of meters deep! However, Knock had just escaped and another Energy Wave shot directly at him! As a last resort, he had to sneak away to hide aside, however, Next, cut countless Energy Ball shot in the past!

“You guys are finished!” Knock screamed, his body flashing rapidly, shuttle back and forth between countless Energy Balls, his hands rushed together to form an Energy Wave, and the moment he shot at Dabura!

Dabura’s figure flashed and hid in the past, but the ground under his feet was directly blasted out of a huge hole a few hundred meters wide!

“Go to hell! Dabura!” With the moment of this moment, Nock appeared in the body of Dabura, punching his chest and dabbing it!

Dabura had only had time to protect his chest with both hands, and he was kicked out by a punch. However, his mouth hangs a strange smile, and he vomits a saliva and straightens his shoulder at Nok. go with!

So close to the distance, Knock apparently can not escape, in a critical moment, can only use his right hand to block in front of his body, saliva instantly touched his right wrist!

Watching the disgusting saliva on the wrist, Nokton burned in anger: “You bastard, dare to spit on me! I will tear you into pieces!”

“hey hey ~~ Do you think I will do that kind of boring move? Look at your wrist! This duel is what I won!” Dabura watching Nock, a smug look!

“What?! This…this is…” Watching his own petrified right hand, Nokton was shocked!

“This is called petrochemical saliva. It is also one of my Ability. As long as it is hit by petrified saliva, it will be completely petrified. You will be petrified in fear! This battle is my victory, haha~ ~” Dabura proudly burst into laughter.

“Hey! Do you think that this boring Ability can beat me? It’s really naive!” Knock snorted coldly, his left hand turned into the blade, and instantly put his petrified right hand shoulder Cut it down! The petrified right hand fell to the ground and fell directly.

“Oh! You guys are very embarrassed! I have to abandon my hand! In this case, there is only one left hand left, how could it be my opponent!” Dabura looks calm and calm Watching Nock, at this time, Nock is in his eyes, there is no threat.

“hey hey ~~ Do you really think so?” Knock gave a gloomy smile. Then, with a big bang, I saw him swelled in the blue veins, bloody wounds, flesh and blood, and then a slamming, a complete arm was reborn! Knock pinched his fist and acted on the new right hand, his face showing a satisfied look.

“You guy, there is a regenerating Ability… Oh! I have forgotten it, you are a biochemical person, it is not surprising that there is such an audience!” Dabura frowned, watching Nock, facial expression also became serious Woke up.

“Hey! This boring cheap trick I have already played enough! Let you see the strength of my TRUE!”

“The strength of TRUE?”…

“Drink ahhh!” Knock clenched his fists, clenched his waist, his body violently bursting out, and the lightning danced four times. His anger rose sharply, and golden’s hair grew at a speed visible to the naked eye…

“Drink!” Accompanied by a scream of Nok, a formidable gas directly swept the ground, and he was centered, directly scraping a hundred-meter-long pit on the ground!

The dust smoke dissipated, revealing the shape of Knock. At this time, his eyes were fierce and fierce, and he burst out with a formidable golden vindictiveness. His electric flower was entangled, and a long golden hair was straight on the thigh! He turned out to be the third order of Super Saiyan! Adding his looks is like Sun Wukong II!

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