The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The 195th chapter of the ordinary meaning

“Hey! Just like I heard the cry of Princess White Star?”

“Fast! Go in and see! You are on the alert, if you find a suspicious person, arrest immediately…”

At this moment, the outside world suddenly became extraordinarily buzzing, and the crying of the white star made the guards of the Dragon Palace enter the alert form, a large number of guards patrolled around, and part of it was quickly toward the hard shell tower…

Watching the sinister door, all face changes, the face turned instantly pale: “Damn! Why is the door open? Princess Royal Highness!”

“Ah! Someone is coming! Uncertain…” White Star was slightly surprised and hurriedly reached out and grabbed Sun Wukong in his hand and hid behind him. Her move is obviously protecting Sun Wukong. Although it is superfluous, Sun Wukong has not done to resist. People’s good intentions can’t be rejected! The mind was moved, the traces of the destruction in the room and the weapons that were shot down by him were disappearing!

“His Royal Highness, are you safe? No injuries!”

A team of guards entered the hard-shell tower at an alarming rate. Watching was a nervous white star princess sitting on the bed. The leader was very nervous.

“No…nothing…just had a nightmare…and suddenly found out…the door is open…so…sudden…” Bai Xing was a little confused and waved.

“Well? Is this the case? What is the in the end?” The fisherman who took the lead frowned, looking at the fisherman behind him, full of angry.

“Ah… I am sorry… I am sorry… Right minister… It seems to be… When I gave the princess a meal, I forgot to close it?” A guard suddenly turned away and turned out, full of fear. Road.

When Sun Wukong entered, the door was not locked.

“Damn! I just went out to meet the distinguished guests… You just made me such a big error… Fortunately, nothing happened, or it would not be enough to cut your head for a hundred times…” The right minister listened, suddenly Furious, facing the guard leader is a big sigh.

“Is sorry for…” The guard leader also knew that he had put a big mistake, and the trembling fear shook his body and apologized again and again.

“Fortunately, it is just a false alarm!” The right minister sighed and looked at Bai Xingdao: “His Royal Highness, we have a distinguished guest in Longgongcheng, so we will leave our first…”

“Ah! Nothing… you should go ahead!” The white star princess was happy to wave her hand, and she wished they would hurry.

The right minister looked around for a while and found that there was really no suspiciousness. After the guards left, the door of the hard-shell tower was re-opened and locked from the outside…

“Call~”watching others are gone, and White Star is also a long sigh of relief. Holding Sun Wukong in front of both hands, I am very grateful: “I really thank you just… I was really shocked…” The voice is very soft and very nice: “That… you are Are pirates? Also…bad person?”

“I am a pirate, a bad person, it depends on you!”

“So… that… Goku should be a good guy…”

“Haha! Since you have said this, I will take you out to go shopping! In this room for eight years, I really want to go out and go?”

“Hey? You… really want to take me out?” White Star’s little face immediately appeared on the excitement of the flush, full of excitement, but then immediately shrugged his head: “still forget, I have already said Someone wants to kill me… I know who the prisoner is… He is called Van Dadicken (also translated as ‘Van Deyken IX’) because he refused his proposal, so he hates me…”

“The adult… was cursed by Demon called the ‘target’. It seems to be able to aim at my life locked in as a target whenever and wherever… so outside is very dangerous, I can’t step out of it. Hard shell tower one step!”

“What curse, he just ate a kind of Demon fruit called ‘target target fruit’ that’s all, don’t be afraid, let’s go, there is me, that guy is absolutely not hurting you. If there is time, I am Help you get rid of him, so you don’t have to stay here all the time!”

“Yes… is it! You can say that… It’s so happy… but…still forget it… right! Have you seen the real sun? Will the stars of the night reflect the sky? Have you seen different kinds of flowers and animals with long hair?”

Listening to the innocent and simple question of the white star each and every one, watching her eyes full of expectation, Sun Wukong’s heart suddenly raised a nameless anger, I can’t wait to put Van Dadicken to death!

But in the same way, Sun Wukong is also somewhat grateful to Van Dadicken, because of his existence, he has created such an innocent and intriguing white star princess.

“I can’t answer these questions….still take you to witness!” Watching White Star Princess, Sun Wukong smiled slightly, ‘唰’, the two appeared directly in a greenery On the island…

“咦?咦?咦?咦?!This…this… is it here?”

Suddenly changing scenes made the white star surprised and widened his eyes, and everything around him made her unbelievable…

The warm sun shines on her body, the breeze blows, it makes people feel comfortable, the flowers and trees sway in the wind, the sparkling sea, like the stars…

Everything about this ordinary ordinary is so ordinary, but in the life of the white star, it is so commendable, maybe only occasionally meet in the dream…

Dragon Palace City, the King of Neptune, who is ready for the banquet, can’t see the noble figure in the watching field. It is very doubtful to see the women like Robin and other women: “The banquet is about to begin, what about Goku?”

“It seems that I haven’t seen him from the beginning…” Robin smiled slightly: “The King does not care, the guy is a free guy, and wants to go where to enjoy the mermaid!”

“Oh… that banquet…” Neptune and other ministers of the Dragon Palace City were silent for a while, and the Lord ran away. How did the banquet open?

Just when I didn’t know how to be good, a guard suddenly ran in with a panic: “King of the King! His Majesty the King! Not good! Not good! Your Royal Highness… is gone!”

“What!” Neptune suddenly stood up, and the violent Ki sprang out from his body, and looked at the past toward the guard: “That, what is in the end?”

“Just… you asked me to give Princess White Star the food prepared in the banquet… but…but the door of the hard-shell tower is clearly locked, but the Princess’s Highness is gone…”

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