The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 198 is dead

The raging sea water flows in like a wave, which makes Nami and other women all change facial expression…

“Haha… stupid inferior humans… don’t wait on the land, but ran to the bottom of the sea to die… The unbeaten myth of your emperor’s pirates, let me end with Hodie Jones! Haha~~! ”

Watching the influx of water, Hodie Jones madly gave the winner a laugh! Then they went down with Fanda Dickon and others and fell back. They opened a certain distance with Robin.

They are very smart, knowing that everyone on the Emperor’s Pirates is not a simple item, so they simply don’t directly fight with Robin and others! When the sea water is poured in, as long as it is the Ability, you are only strong, they are just the fish that they slaughtered.

This kind of tactic is really very feasible! If you change to another Ability, even if it is the Four Emperors, as long as it is the Ability, I am afraid it will not escape bad luck.

“This guy… I want to drown us with sea water…” Nami Watching Hodie Jones and others, the expression on her face is awkward.

“It’s a very clever tactic… If you’re a normal person… you’ll be hit by a net!” Robin smiled.

“You said this, it seems that we are not normal people…” Rachi watched Robin, a faceless speech.

“Look at you… the tattoo on his arm…” Dina suddenly pointed to the surprised face on the arm of Hodie Jones.

“This…this is…” Naomi looked, and Eyes suddenly shrank, which reminded her of Aaron’s fisherman pirate group, and shouted at Hodge Jones’s extremely angry: “You and Aaron.” What is the relationship in in the end?”

“Aaron’s big brother? Our new fisherman pirates can only be created by inheriting Aaron’s will…” Hodie Jones hey hey smiled and his eyes flickered.

“Aaron’s will… you really aren’t a good thing!” Naomi snorted and wanted to go forward and hurry up with Hoddy Jones, but the raging seawater around it was already drowned…

Tina hurriedly waved her hand, and the emperor of Noda was directly in the hall.

“Everyone, hurry in…”

Under Tina’s greetings, Nami had to follow the crowds and climbed onto the emperor, but for a moment, the whole hall was completely submerged by the sea.

The sudden appearance of the emperor was obviously a surprise to Hoddy Jones, but in this amazing world, they didn’t think too much, just the gorgeous appearance of the watching emperor, all showing greed. The eyes!

“It’s a pirate ship of First Under the Heavens! It’s really good! But don’t think you are hiding in the pirate ship, you are safe…” Hodie Jones snorted and swam to the emperor, a claw狠狠 grab out…

“Hey!” A loud noise, Hoddy Jones just touched the enchantment, it was a flyback from the shock of a terrible shocking force, spitting blood on the way, smashing a wall, Deep in the ground…

The painful pain makes Hodie Jones clench his teeth and the facial expressions are a bit distorted! His face was shockingly watching his right hand, which was unbelievable, because his arms were comparable to steel, and now he was bloody, unable to hang down, and he was fractured!

“Āiyā !don’t tell me Have you ever heard of it? The emperor number was personally set by the Goku adults. If a man touches it, is it dead or disabled?” MissValentinewatching Hoddy Jones Like, a face of gloating.

“Awful…whatever… I didn’t expect such a capacity…” Hoddy Jones’s face was dignified, and the development of this matter was completely different from what I imagined!

“Since we can’t get close…” Van der Dickin immediately controlled countless sharp arrows and spurred toward the emperor! It is a pity that the enchantment of the emperor is still blocked!

It’s like a tortoise shell, so they can’t do anything!


Seeing victory is hopeless, the plan in mind has just been implemented, it has already died, and Hodie Jones decisively issued the order to evacuate!

“When you want to come, you want to go and leave. Who do you think you are?” Jenny Bonnie stunned and directly pulled out the emperor and blocked it in front of Hodie Jones and others.

“You are a prostitute…Jenny Bonnie! Are you not an Ability? Why can you freely move in the sea?!” The woman in front of the watch of Hodie Jones and others is full of horror!

“This is just for others. Oh, our emperor pirate group is not a dry duck!” Jenny Bonnie was a playful watching of Hodie Jones, saying: “You really confirmed it. Goku said the sentence! If you don’t die, you won’t die!”

“Damn! The Ability… is not afraid of the sea… How is this possible! Why? Is this in the end?” Van der Dickon’s shocked watching, Jenny Bonnie, has a strong touch Strong fear and uneasiness.

The other party does not have the weaknesses that the Ability should have. This is a nightmare for them!

They dare to scream with the Emperor Pirates, because this is the bottom of the sea, the Buster of the Ability!

If this weakness does not exist, then wait for them, only death! Because they are facing, but the world’s first emperor pirate group that is respected and feared by the world!

The heart has been filled with horror, and Hodie Jones and others have calmed down before they are, and everyone is scared! And Hodie Jones took a lot of ES sin from his pocket and threw it into his mouth!

In an instant, his muscles swelled rapidly and his eyes were bloodshot! The violent Ki broke out from his body! The terrible power has multiplied!

At this moment, Hodie Jones looks like a fierce god who entered the berserk form!

The heart that was originally fearful is filled with temper! He is no longer in fear!

“Haha~~ Emperor Pirates can do it! As long as there is ES sinister! I will never fail!” Hoddy Jones screams wildly, swells on the muscles, arms, blood vessels It is more like a slap!

Explode and scream at Jenny Bonnie…

Because it is a fish man, even if it is in the water, he has not received much resistance!

“The coward of power and strength… As far as your strength is concerned, I dare to fight against our emperor pirates. I really don’t know how to write the dead words!” Jenny Bonnie shook her head and looked at herself. The bombarded Hodie Jones pointed out that Berserk, like the fierce Hody Jones, became old at an alarming rate!

When he was in front of Jenny Bonnie, he was already a burly old man, but he has become a skinny old fisherman!

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