The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The second hundred chapters of the Ark Noah

“The slag like you, even dare to pay attention to our Emperor Pirates! I really don’t know if you are stupid still ignorant!”

Sun Wukong stood in front of the prison, watching the locked Hodie Jones and others, looking at the calm and calm.

“hum hum ~~Sun Wukong… It’s really… miscalculation… I didn’t expect… as an Ability…you…there is no weakness of the Ambassador…this kind of thing…has never heard of it ……” Hoddy Jones is only the skinny bones at the moment, and the thin and thin looks can blow down. The voice is weak, but the eyes still look fierce!

I thought that the perfect plan, I thought that can make the noble fisherman famous in the world! Let those inferior humans see, fish talent is the most noble race! Fish talent is the overlord in the sea! Because the ‘world first’ you fear is not killed by our fishermen! But who knows, the plan has just been implemented, it has become a joke!

“But… you don’t be too happy… because the battle… is not over yet… oh haha!~~” Hoddy Jones turned a bit, suddenly surprised and laughed, just to his present Form, the voice, the hoarseness of the ugly, it sounds like a horror.

“Oh~ is it, can you not have any backhand?” Sun Wukong interested in watching, Hodie Jones, is full of jokes. Now, even now, I still don’t give up, what is his arrogance? Or is it crazy?

And Van Dakken also woke up at this time, twisted his neck and saw Sun Wukong’s moment, the facial expression changed greatly, but when he saw the white star princess, his eyes immediately became extremely hot, even Boldly ignoring the existence of Sun Wukong and others, excitedly screamed and yelled at the white star: “Ah! White Star… Wow Hohou ~~~ finally saw you, my white star princess… Now… answer me quickly… if you are yes, you can avoid being killed… hurry up with me… get married!”


Nami and other female faces have become strange. At this time, this guy actually said such a cool words, don’t tell me not sure about his current situation?

“You bastard… For eight years, I have been throwing weapons, thinking about the life of the white star all the time! Now, there is still a face that says so shameless! White Star has been suffering from the fear of death in these eight years. !Bastard!” Deep star heard, suddenly angry, if there is a weapon in his hand, look at his angry expression, surely a fork inserted into him…

“This sounds… very bad…” Caliph frowned.

“Wow, haha~~~Hurry up and answer me! White Star! It must be yes! Wow Hohou ~~~” Van Dakken simply ignored the deep star, only white stars in his eyes, excited and crazy laughing, looking forward to The white star gave him the answer.

Under the gaze of everyone, the white star appeared very nervous, biting his lower lip, and finally he was brave enough to say: “That… you… you are not the type I like…”

“Hey?!” Fanda Dickon, who laughed more then, suddenly settled in place, feeling his heart suddenly shattered off! The weak words of the white star reverberate from time to time…

“This answer… It’s so cute…” Robin smiled a little unexpectedly.

“Yes… is this question…?” Neptune and others are all dumbfounded. Endured the death threat of eight years, because people are not the type you like?

The excitement and expectation of Van der Dickon suddenly became extraordinarily gloomy, and then the fangs of the fangs screamed out: “You bastard dare to think about my eight years of thinking. So naked trampling! It seems that you are already in your heart!”

In the roar, pointing to Sun Wukong’s angry and screaming big shout: “Is he? Is it him? Damn! You who have no feelings for me, it is invisible to live! I can’t get it, you also Don’t think about it! Go to hell! White Star! Go to hell! Sun Wukong! Hey haha~~! Let me die!”

At this moment, Van Da Dickon has become like a madman, with both hands open and pointing to the sky, seemingly calling for something…

“You dirty man is simply an insult to ‘love’, garbage like you, watching is filthy eyes!” Hancock watched Vanda Dickon, full of disgusted expression. I wanted to take a picture of the captive of the captive, but I didn’t want it. The whole island was shaken sharply, and everyone almost fell to the ground!

“What’s going on? What happened?” Neptune was surprised to see the outside of the temple. Eyes suddenly stunned and immediately became shocked: “How? Why? That is the agreement.” Ya… Why does it move on its own?”

“Father, that’s just the wreckage of history. It’s not something important. You don’t have to be so panicked…” Deep Star’s attitude toward his father is obviously very puzzled.

“No… there must be no mistakes in that ship!” King Neptune’s eyes widened and explained: “That is until the day of fate, and there must be no moving arks!”

The residents of the fisherman island, after seeing Noah, also showed the expression of fear!

“Hey? That’s Noah in the fisherman’s street…”

“Why Noah will move to the sky…”

“The direction…obvious is the Dragon Palace…”

“Damn…in the end what happened?! Going on like this… it will break through the bubbles of the fisherman’s island…”

“If the bubble breaks, the fisherman’s island is over!”

In the eyes of everyone’s fear, the huge shadow of Noah’s terror has already covered the sky above the fisherman’s island…

“Isn’t the problem here?” Robin looked at Neptune’s unreliable guys and frowned. “It’s a bit bad if such a big ship falls down!”

“All this… are you doing it?” Carlyfa looked at her head and looked at the crazy face of Van der Dickin.

“Hey, haha~~ Besides me! There will be anyone who can move such a big ark! White Star! This is what you refused me! Haha~~~Fear! Regret! Hahaha~~Sun Wukong! You are also with you The emperor pirate group is destroyed together on this sea floor! Hahaha~~~!”

“hey hey ~~Sun Wukong…this is the end of your little fisherman…even if you are strong…even if you…not afraid of the sea…but that can…how…as long as the fisherman’s island is destroyed . . . as human beings… you can’t… you are in the bottom of the sea… survive… haha… When you think of the world’s strongest, you will die here… that’s really… great people! Haha… We… fish people… is the strongest! Haha~~!”

Van der Dickon and Hodie Jones are crazy at the moment! Knowing that they are in the hands of Sun Wukong, they will die, so they have used the crazy means of the end!

They even want to use Noah to directly destroy the fisherman island, thus destroying the emperor pirates!

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