The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The second hundred and four chapters almost scared the urine

“Pokmus, it’s impossible to do the job that ‘Mom’ gave us…” At this time, the strange man who was drinking tea on the side stood up and watched King Neptune, elegant and only fine. The long feet and the wearing on the crotch, the picture is so beautiful, some people dare not look at it.

The little-nose is wearing open-leg pants, but he is wearing half of the eggshell.

Obviously, I am getting old, and I am wearing it like this. Don’t tell me, I don’t feel blushing? Don’t you feel embarrassed?

Isn’t a hat worn on the head, but a piece of wood? Ok, in fact, it should be said that a ‘tea table’ with a ‘cup’ is more appropriate! Are you telling others that you are always ‘tragedy’ at any time?

Holding an umbrella and holding the same crutches, it looks like a sinister, really think that you are a gentleman?

Such a wonderful guy, there is only the bastard.

At this moment, the facial expression of the Baron is very gentle and calm. It looks like a gentleman’s taste: “First introduce yourself… I am called the Baron… This time, I really want to solve the problem by peaceful means. In fact… our requirements are not very high, aren’t we? We only need to supply us ten tons of candy a month, so we can protect you from the fisherman island…”

“You know, the white beard is dead! You are no longer protected by the Whitebeard Pirates… Think about it, don’t tell me, you still want to go back and see your people at any time by the sea. Is the thief capturing and grabbing the money? If you go on this, the fisherman’s island may be destroyed. Maybe…”

“While it makes a lot of sense…but ten tons of candy every month… it’s really too… and even if it’s going to be attached to a pirate group, I’ve already planned, so still That sentence, for your kindness, I can only say sorry…”

King Neptune’s gesture was very low, because the person in front of him was the envoy sent by one of the four emperors, and the fisherman’s island could not be provoked, but he still refused euphemistically.

“Is there a plan? Is it a Caddo? Still Shanks?” The Baron is obviously a little surprised, and the elegant face is a bit more serious.

“Not…” King Nipton shook his head.

“Nothing? Are you playing us? Don’t tell me. Besides the other two emperors, can anyone else compare with us? Hurry and tell me, I will kill him now!” Si’s face is close to King Neptune, picking up his own sunglasses, revealing a pair of fierce and very beautiful eyes, trying to show his prestige.

It’s just that his eyes are fierce, but with his lion face, it looks very funny, and the deterrence is greatly weakened.

“Destroy me? Give you 10,000 courage, do you dare?” Sun Wukong walked into the hall with three Princes, and watched Pok Mousse in a playful look.

“You are the bastard? I dare to be so embarrassed…” Polk Mousse immediately turned around, his claws pressed tightly, and he had to shoot it with a punch…

However, when he saw the coming of the people, he took a sigh of relief for a moment, his face was full of sorrow, and he was so arrogant that he couldn’t be as weak as a cat, and his legs could not help but tremble. : “Sun… Sun… Sun Wukong?!”

With a bang, Pockmus’s foot was soft, and the horror fell directly to the ground. He even asked for mercy: “I’m sorry… I’m sorry! Goku! I didn’t mean to offend you… please forgive… Please forgive me!”

I even married the Emperor Sun Wukong? Pockmus’s back was cold and almost scared.

Sudden changes, it is the stunned look of King Neptune and others!

What’s happening here? The guy who was still arrogant, how could this suddenly beg for mercy? Are you not envoy sent by one of the four emperors? If you see Goku, don’t you have to scare it like this?

It is no wonder that King Neptune was shocked and confused. Because after the Marin Vatican War, the world government did not put the horrible things of Sun Wukong TRUE on the newspaper, because it was a very shameful thing. Anyway, most people on land have seen it through live broadcasts!

So it doesn’t matter if you don’t board, you can still save a little bit of face, why not? This indirectly led to people in the fisherman island who did not see the miracle that subverted the world!

So it makes Hodie Jones why they dare to rush to the Emperor Pirates! Because they have never seen the terrible things of Sun Wukong. Although there is fear in the heart! But there is also a fortunate mind! Because of their understanding of Sun Wukong, just staying at Sun Wukong is the most powerful person recognized by the world! Even the world government does not dare to offend the level!

But Pok Musi is different from the residents of Yuren Island, because he has witnessed the terrible things of Sun Wukong! Subvert the world with just one person! When he is domineering, even the white beard has to fall to the ground. This is a desperate terror person, giving him 10,000 courage, he does not dare to offend! Because the consequences are not only that he will die, but even the BIG·MOM pirate group behind him has to become history in an instant!

The current Pockmus’s heart is depressed! In fact, he did not think of Sun Wukong before! But in his view, the existence of such a Sun Wukong, even the opportunity to rule the world is dismissive, give up! How could you care about a fisherman’s island in this area! As a result, I thought that the most impossible thing was made possible, and it was just a pit.

“This fisherman island has been ruled by my emperor pirates since now! So, you have made me clear, if you dare to come here to make trouble! Your BIG·MOM pirates will not be necessary. !”

“Yes! Yes!” Pockmus and the Baron, both of them nodded in horror.

“Father Wang… They are not one of the four emperors… Biguem’s subordinates? Don’t tell me is a fake?” Deep star watching like a grandson’s Puke Mousse, eyes wide open Some are unfathomable.

“You know a fart!” When I heard that Shen Xing and others dared to swear by myself, Puke Mousse jumped up and furious, and then pointed to Sun Wukong’s face full of worship: “Like you are here on the sea bottom 10,000 meters The place doesn’t know the greatness of Goku’s adult is justifiable! But now, your ears are listening carefully! Can you be proud of seeing the great existence of Goku adults, and feel honored!…”

Bokmus looks excited and excited, and his mouth is flying, it looks like a fanatic fan! Seeing Sun Wukong is very unexpected.

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