The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 214

The tiger head roared, and the muscles bulged, punching out! In the loud noise! With the sound of ‘ka-cha’, the head of the snow-capped monster was cracked and opened, and the blood flowed out. Monet screamed in pain, and the big body was directly crashed to the ground!

“Do you want to be a domineering person…” Monet grabbed the bleeding head and looked at the tiger head, his eyes full of anger!

“Monet, you have to recognize your identity! If you attack us, do you want to betray the adult of Kaido?” The tiger head looks at Monet, Ki is pressing, and the muscle is raised, full of strength. The beauty of it looks like a mighty domineering! Then there is the look of a grandson when facing Sun Wukong.

“Betrayal? Ridiculous! My loyal people only have one less one… Kaido? What is the thing!” Monet coldly snorted, the eyes are full of killing: “I originally wanted to use the power of the four emperors to deal with Sun. Wukong’s … so it was added to Kaido to help him continue to make SMILE raw materials SAD, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary…”

“The garbage like you has no courage to face Sun Wukong, and there is no use value…”

“It’s ridiculous that you are right…” The tiger head is not ashamed, but instead looks disdainful. Monet, his eyes are full of ridicule: “Even if I can’t beat it, I still think about finding Sun Wukong’s revenge!” You said that you are stupid and still ignorant? You can’t face the reality, you are really pitiful… In fact, you should have been very clear about yourself? Why bother to deceive yourself…”

“Yeah… I haven’t experienced it myself, I have always had illusions… I really have to face it, I know… It seems that I can never revenge for the Lord….” Monet once remembered the Sun Wukong belt. Give her the endless desperate Ki, it is a burst of trepidation, even the soul is trembled! That kind of existence is simply not a conspiracy trick that can be dealt with. In its lifetime, revenge is hopeless.

“But… killing the enemies of his companions… I have swallowed up all of you who belonged to the Lord’s Lord… Damn! At least… What else can I do for this…” Monet’s eyes were suddenly bloodshot and extremely exhausting. Crazy, beautiful face is distorted by the age, it looks a bit unattractive!

Sudden snow and snow all over the sky, the snow of the goose feathers, the snow on the ground suddenly surged, like an avalanche, swept forward toward the front…

The Hutou Dahan and Caesar and others were shocked, and they jumped up and ducked away…

It’s just those little guys, but they are not so lucky. The screams are drowned by heavy snow, but the avalanche is more then, still like a wave hitting the hull of the pirate ship! Ka-cha In a loud bang, the pirate ship was destroyed in an instant, then under the impetus, directly drowned in the sea, slowly sinking down…

“Damn! She ruined the pirate ship… We couldn’t leave!” Caesar suddenly screamed, and he was in the face of his busy moment, but his face was covered with an angry!

“Bastard!” The tiger head was furious and jumped up. The fist was wrapped with armed color and domineering. The snow monster in front of him was screaming away!

Snow monsters are not afraid, open mouths and big mouths, they are biting away from the tiger head…

The violent roar broke out between the two collisions! For a moment, broken snow!

The snow monster’s head is obviously being knocked out of a small gap!

It’s just the snow, but it’s spreading along the arm of the tiger’s head… Even the snow under his feet is like a life, and his feet are wrapped up…

The bitter cold made the tiger head chill, and then the facial expression changed: “Not good!”

An exclamation, just want to pull out the fall back, but the cold made his body somewhat stiff! I can’t act freely at all!

Monet’s upper body emerged from the body of the snow monster, watching the big man, sneer: “It’s just a poor quality artificial person that’s all, do you think that you really won me?”

The tiger head Han Han hurriedly looked towards the side of a fat and thin look, roaring: “When do you still want to see the drama? Not to hurry to save Laozi!”

“We didn’t expect you to even beat a woman!” The thin man snorted and turned into a humanoid mouse with a slender tail!

And the fat man turned into a fat lizard with a big belly, not the tongue that spit out looks very disgusting and terror! Just add his body shape, the picture can not bear to look straight!

The slender rat has ten fingers and one bullet, and the nails are born like a sword. Then the body turns, and it rotates like a tornado. The chest of the snow monster is like a drill bit.

The harsh cicada is not reverberating, but the body of the snow monster is too strong, and the thin mouse is dizzy, and only a small hole is drilled! Then the snow that was suddenly emerged drowned out! In an instant, the body was frozen and stiff, and lost the Ability of the Battle!

And the lizard body with a big belly turned into a big meat ball and crashed toward the snow monster…

A loud bang, like a car hitting a big tree, aura full! A large piece of snow fell from the snow monster’s body, then drowned, frozen there, snoring…

“The two idiots!” The tiger head looked at him and browed! That is angered by two subordinates of their own! I am asking you to save me. What do you mean by yourself? Sure enough, IQ is a bad injury!

Now I have to pin my hopes on Caesar: “Caesar, at this time, do you still want to see a play? Still said, are you going to stand on her side?”

“Hey! It’s not until you can order me!” Caesar coldly snorted, watching the tiger head, full of disdain: “Sure enough, the artificial Demon fruit has a big gap in front of the TRUE’s Ability… It seems that there are still many The place needs improvement…”

Say, Caesar’s body immediately turned into a poisonous gas gasform floating in the air, and then manipulated Aura oxygen around the snow monster to ignite it!

‘Hey! ‘A bang, the fire filled, the snow around it melted at an alarming rate, and the snow monster was also surrounded by the fire, quickly melting, and then collapsed, revealing Monet hiding inside, and burned it!

After getting along with Monet for so long, Caesar had already known what Monet’s weaknesses are!

Monet reluctantly emerged from the fire, glaring at Caesar, smiling at a strange smile, Caesar’s shot, she had no accident: “One person’s words… really a little reluctant… but…time is coming…you are all with you Let me go to Hell together!”

As Monet’s words just fell, all around the island, suddenly there were countless liquids rushing here, and the cockroaches fell to the ground, and they moved autonomously…

“This is…Blam?!” Caesar’s facial expression suddenly changed.

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