Xu Haifeng looked at Luffy, who was full of confidence, and his heart was in turmoil. He knew that although the young man in front of him was gifted, he was still a little immature in the face of the impending crisis. So he took a deep breath and decided to use the most direct way to let Luffy understand the cruelty of reality.

"If you really think you are strong now, then your brother Ace may still die in the end!"

Xu Haifeng's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Luffy's heart.

Luffy's eyes became sharp in an instant, he clenched his fists, and his voice revealed disbelief:"What? Ace's enemies are so powerful?"

Xu Haifeng nodded, his expression solemn:"Yes, stronger than you think."

He paused, and then said:"In order to let you understand more intuitively, I will find a way to let you see with your own eyes the strength of the enemies you need to defeat in the future."

A trace of determination flashed in Luffy's eyes:"Okay! I want to know how strong the opponent is!"

Xu Haifeng did not hesitate, he immediately issued an order to the system:"System, can you help me simulate a battle with Akainu?"

"Yes, it's very simple."The system's voice sounded in my mind

"Don't I need to make any preparations?" Xu Haifeng asked

"You don't need to do anything. I will use your powerful mental power to transmit the simulated battle scenes to their brains, so that they can watch the battle as if they were watching it live."The system explained.

Xu Haifeng thought for a moment and continued to ask:"System, which battle of Akainu do you think we should simulate?"

"I think you should simulate the battle between Akainu and Aokiji. This battle shows the strength of both of them."The system suggested.

Xu Haifeng took a deep breath and said firmly:"Okay! Let's start!" As soon as Xu Haifeng finished speaking, the eyes of the Straw Hat Pirates went dark and they closed their eyes involuntarily.

When the light came on again, they found that they were no longer on the Merry, but on an unknown deserted island.

"Xu Haifeng! What is going on? Why are we here?"Luffy's eyes widened, and he asked Xu Haifeng curiously.

"This is the scene I simulated through the system's capabilities. In fact, everyone is still on the Merry."

Xu Haifeng explained calmly,"Wait a moment, you will soon be able to witness a shocking battle."

"Wow! I'm so excited~ So, who is going to start this earth-shattering battle?"

Luffy couldn't hold back his excitement and curiosity, and couldn't wait to continue asking

""Look over there!" Xu Haifeng pointed to the two figures facing each other on the island. The two people exuded an amazingly powerful aura.

Robin had sharp eyes and recognized one of them at a glance:"That's the admiral of the Navy Headquarters - Aokiji!"

Weiwei also recognized the other one immediately:"The one next to him should be the admiral of the Navy - Akainu!"

"You are absolutely right! It is exactly these two." Xu Haifeng nodded in agreement.

"You must watch this battle carefully and see the gap between you and them." Xu Haifeng reminded everyone seriously!

"Okay! We will definitely watch it carefully! I also want to know how powerful they are!" Luffy said seriously!

On the deserted island, the sea breeze was howling, and the waves hit the rocks, making a deafening sound.

However, in this wild land, an extremely fierce battle is about to take place-Admiral Aokiji and Admiral Akainu, the two top forces of the navy, started a life-and-death duel for the position of Navy Marshal.

Aokiji, wearing a navy coat, his eyes were as firm as ice, like an unshakable iceberg. He took a deep breath, and the cold air in his body began to gather, and the air around him seemed to be frozen. Suddenly, he swung out his right arm, and a huge ice bird whistled out, with a biting chill, and rushed straight to Akainu.

Akainu remained calm, he had already prepared. He pointed his arm to the sky, and lava began to form on his arm. The next moment, he swung his hand violently, and the lava spurted out like a volcanic eruption, colliding with the ice bird in the air.

The collision of ice and fire instantly burst into a dazzling light, distorting the surrounding air.

Aokiji did not back down, he released the"Ice Age" again, and the entire deserted island began to be shrouded in cold air. The sea water quickly froze, trapping Akainu in it.

However, Akainu's lava power is not an ordinary one? He quickly splashed the lava out, broke the ice layer, and rushed out again.

The two of them went back and forth, neither of them gave in, and the battle became more and more intense. Aokiji waved his hands, and countless huge ice balls hit Akainu like cannonballs.

Akainu was not in a hurry, and a raging fire spurted out of his mouth, instantly melting the ice balls into water.

Then, Aokiji again Using the Ice Spear Technique, extremely sharp ice spears rushed towards Akainu.

Akainu dodged sideways, and then activated the Meteor Volcano skill. Countless magma fell from the sky, as dense as raindrops.

Seeing this, Aokiji immediately performed the Freezing Moment, and the surrounding space was instantly frozen, and the magma stopped flowing. Akainu was not to be outdone, and used the Dark Dog's special move. A black flaming dog pounced on Aokiji with its fangs and claws bared.

Aokiji dodged the Dark Dog's attack with a flash of his body, and at the same time fought back, using ice to build a solid line of defense.

The two sides fought back and forth, and it was hard to tell who was better. Each of their attacks was enough to destroy a small island, but on this deserted island, it only left countless cracks and pits. The entire battlefield was filled with smoke and flames, as if the end of the world had come. Generally.

The battle lasted for ten days and ten nights, and the deserted island has become unrecognizable. The original green trees, birdsong and flowers are no longer there, replaced by a ruin of ice and fire. Aokiji and Akainu have also reached their limits. Their physical strength, spirit, and even willpower have been exhausted in this battle.

In the end, in a fierce confrontation, Aokiji was hit by Akainu's lava and lost a leg. He fell to the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness and loss. Akainu stood aside, gasping for breath, but his eyes were full of determination and victory. Although

Aokiji lost the battle on the deserted island, his courage and strength won everyone's respect.

His tenacity and perseverance made everyone see the style of the admiral of the navy.

"How is it? After watching this battle, how big do you feel the gap between you and them is?"Xu Haifeng asked the Straw Hat Pirates seriously! Xu Haifeng asked them to watch this battle because he wanted Luffy and the others to realize their shortcomings, so that when Xu Haifeng takes them into another world, they will practice seriously!

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