In the evening, the setting sun was like blood, sprinkling on a quiet jungle path, coating every green leaf with a layer of gold.

Three young boys and girls, their faces were filled with youthful vitality and expectations, and their figures jumped in the interweaving of light and shadow amidst laughter.

They were chasing and playing, or whispering, and their emotions flowed quietly in this quiet jungle.

However, in the depths of the jungle that they had not noticed, a strange force was quietly surging.

Suddenly, the space seemed to be distorted by an invisible big hand, and then a black hole appeared out of thin air, like a deep pair of eyes, quietly watching the world. After a while, several figures slowly walked out of the black hole, and their appearance seemed to break the peace of the jungle. Exploration in a different world: revealing the dark human nature and laughing at the shortcomings of the pirate group.

"Is this really the legendary other world? Why does it feel like it's not much different from the world of One Piece?"

Luffy was the first to step out of the space passage, looking around curiously, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Luffy, don't underestimate this place."

Xu Haifeng walked up and said with a smile,

"Although it may look similar on the surface, it is actually another independent and complete world."

"It is a vast continent, which is very different from the One Piece world we are familiar with."

"So what is so unique about this world?"Robin followed closely behind and asked with the same curiosity.

Xu Haifeng's expression suddenly became unusually serious.

"If we talk about the most special thing in this world, it must be the human nature here."

"The human nature here is extremely dark, even more complicated and cruel than the world of One Piece."

"What? You brought us here just to see this?"

Sanji couldn't help but frowned when he heard this, his heart full of doubts and dissatisfaction.

He originally thought that there would be something important or an exciting adventure waiting for them, but now it seems to be just a boring farce.

"Don't worry, Sanji." Xu Haifeng patted his shoulder, trying to calm him down.

"I do this to make you see the dark side of human nature and to help you cure your gentleman disease’"There was a hint of seriousness in his tone.

""Gentleman's disease? How can I have such a disease?" Sanji retorted dissatisfiedly, feeling very annoyed by this inexplicable name.

He always thought that he was a real gentleman, polite to ladies, so how could he have the so-called"disease"?

"Don't forget that you were almost defeated by a shemale last time."

Xu Haifeng reminded with a smile, a hint of teasing in his eyes. This sentence was like a sharp sword, piercing Sanji's self-esteem.

Sanji's face turned red instantly, and he remembered that embarrassing experience.

At that time, he was facing the attack of a shemale, but he was helpless and almost defeated.

This was a shame for Sanji, who thought highly of himself.

" was just an accident!" He stammered, with a hint of unconfidence in his voice.

"Humph! I think Xu Haifeng is right! Some people really should receive proper treatment!"At this moment, Sauron slowly walked out of the dark and deep black hole that seemed to be able to swallow everything, with a face full of disdain and ridicule, and sneered!

"Humph! You are such a directionally challenged person! How dare you say that to me!"After hearing what Zoro said, Sanji suddenly became furious and retorted unhappily, pointing his finger directly at Zoro.

"Hehehe...! At least I'm much better than a certain lecherous pufferfish whose head is full of pornographic thoughts!" Zoro responded with a very contemptuous tone, and at the same time, a smug smile appeared on his face.

Looking at Zoro's proud and complacent look, Xu Haifeng couldn't help laughing out loud. He knew very well that his two partners had their own unique personalities and some minor shortcomings.

Perhaps through this special experience, they could understand themselves more deeply and achieve continuous growth and progress.

"You are so proud of being a road idiot. It really opened my eyes."Xu Haifeng teased Zoro with a playful smile on his face.

When Zoro heard it, his face turned red instantly. He angrily retorted:"That, that is not a disease! I just... just……"

He hesitated, and finally sighed helplessly and shook his head, as if he was also helpless about his"direction idiot" attribute.

Xu Haifeng couldn't help laughing when he saw this. He clapped his hands gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet. His eyes became serious, and he raised his hands to suppress the atmosphere, and then said:"Okay, the jokes are over. Now, I want to tell you seriously about the purpose of our coming here this time."

As Xu Haifeng spoke, serious looks appeared on everyone's faces. They know that this time coming to this strange world will be an unprecedented adventure and challenge. But at the same time, they also understand that this is an opportunity to grow and an opportunity to hone their will and abilities.

"This world is the most miserable one I have ever seen! Almost all the protagonists here died tragically in the end!"

Xu Haifeng said in an unusually low voice.

"The purpose of our coming this time is to help the righteous people completely overthrow the endless darkness of this world and let the light shine on this world again!"

Xu Haifeng said with a righteous face

"Once the mission is successfully completed, I will copy some special items in this world that can help you improve your combat power and give them to you one by one!"

Xu Haifeng solemnly announced to everyone.

"Great! Then let's work together to overthrow the darkness of this world and bring happiness to this world!"

After listening to Xu Haifeng's words, Luffy immediately shouted excitedly

"Good! Now that everyone has understood the mission this time, let's follow the three people in front."

Xu Haifeng said to everyone, looking at the two men and one woman in the distance.

Everyone looked in the direction of Xu Haifeng's finger, and saw two young boys carrying huge packages on the road ahead, laughing and playing.

Their laughter was crisp and cheerful, as if it could dispel all the haze. Next to the two boys, a young girl stood quietly, her eyes were clear as water, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was admiring this picture of youth.

"They? One of them is the protagonist?" Someone asked doubtfully, breaking the silence.

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