"Ah! System, can you still take us to other worlds?" Xu Haifeng said in surprise!

"Of course, this system is omnipotent!" The arrogant voice of the system sounded from Xu Haifeng again!

"Going to another world? I want to go, I want to go!"Luffy ran over excitedly when he heard that he could go to another world!

"The world's number one martial arts tournament? It sounds very interesting!" Zoro also said at this time!

"I also want to go and see what the other worlds are like compared to ours!" Nami also said she wanted to go along!

"Can you take me with you? I'm scared if you all leave.……"Usopp whispered!

""Okay... okay... okay, let's all go! It's a good opportunity to take everyone to experience the scenery of the high-level world!" Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

"Go! Yes, but it will consume your divine power," the system said to Xu Haifeng!

"What? Why do you want to consume my divine power? I don't have much divine power left." Xu Haifeng, who was very happy just now, was no longer happy!

"Because I need your divine power to break through the world barriers and take you across the world!" the system explained!

"How much divine power do I need to take them there?"Xu Haifeng asked cautiously! His current divine power was too low!

"One hundred divine power points per person!" the system replied!

"What? Why don't you just go grab it, you bastard?"Xu Haifeng exploded when he heard the offer!

"Who cheated you? Please don't slander this system."The system replied calmly!

""System! I suspect you are just trying to cheat me out of my divine power! I have 500 divine power points now, and there are exactly five of us. Who would believe you if you said this is not cheating me?" Xu Haifeng said with certainty!

""Since you are my host, this system will be merciful and give you half the price, but it is not allowed for other people! Besides, your divine power can be restored by 10 points every day, why are you so stingy?" The system said proudly!

"However, this system wants to remind you in advance that I will take you there, and you can only stay there for one day!

You also know that there are gods in that world! I can only help you cover up for one day!" The system warned!

"OK! I get it, but we traveled through time, so what about the Merry?"Xu Haifeng didn't want to come back and find that the Merry was gone, that would be funny!

"Don't worry, I can choose the time to come back, which means we came back after a day, but only one second has passed here!" The system explained!

"Awesome, it really is a system!"

"Of course, this little thing is nothing to me!" The system said proudly after hearing Xu Haifeng's praise!

""Okay! Everyone has heard what the system said. First of all, the main task this time is to let Luffy participate in the martial arts competition. Luffy, the higher the ranking you get, the better! Whether you can get the reward this time depends on you!" Xu Haifeng said to Luffy and the other four!

"Hahaha..., don't worry! I will definitely be the first place!" Luffy said with a confident smile!

"Forget about the first place. If we can get into the eighth place, our mission will be accomplished!"Xu Haifeng knew that Luffy had no idea about the situation of Dragon Ball, so he dared to say this!

"The world's number one martial arts tournament? I'm also interested, I want to participate! I also want to learn from the strong men from other worlds!"Zoro became interested when he heard this!

"Uh! It seems that you can't participate! Because the rules of the competition seem to prohibit the use of weapons!"Xu Haifeng remembered that in the original Dragon Ball anime, weapons were not allowed!

"Really? That's a pity!" Sauron said with a disappointed look on his face!

"Let's just be a spectator and cheer for Luffy! Just think of it as a trip!" Xu Haifeng consoled!

"Okay, everyone remember, after we go there, we must stay together and never separate. Otherwise, if we travel through time and fail to come back, it will be troublesome!"

"Especially the person who is bad at finding his way must not be separated from everyone else. Nami, you are responsible for looking after the person who is bad at finding his way, and Usopp, you are responsible for Luffy!" Xu Haifeng reminded!

"You bastard, who are you calling a person with poor sense of direction?" Sauron was furious when he heard Xu Haifeng's words!

"It’s enough for everyone to know it, you don’t have to come out and admit it!"

"Okay, everyone, get ready! We'll be back soon!"

"System, prepare to travel through time!" Xu Haifeng said to the system!

"All right! Host! Everyone, please get ready!"

"Ding! Four hundred and fifty divine power points are deducted!"

"Open the crossing channel! Cross now!"

The five people on the ship disappeared together, and only the Merry was still drifting on the sea!


In an uninhabited place on Papaya Island in the Dragon Ball world, a white light suddenly flashed, and five people, four men and one woman, appeared!

"Is this another world?" Luffy and the others looked around curiously!

"Why do I feel like this is similar to our world?" Nami asked doubtfully as she looked at the island in front of her!

"This is just a small island that is used to host the world's number one martial arts tournament, so it looks more like your world! If you look at the buildings inland, you can see the obvious difference!" Xu Haifeng explained!

"Okay, let's go to the venue to help Luffy sign up!"Xu Haifeng led a few people to the competition venue!

The closer they got to the venue, the more they felt the difference between the two worlds!

Xu Haifeng and his friends came all the way to the registration office of the venue! After Xu Haifeng took Luffy to sign up, they came to the venue. Xu Haifeng sent Luffy to the backstage of the competition and then came to the audience seats, where he found Zoro and the other two!

""Nami, you stay here and watch over us. Don't get separated! I'm going to do something and will be back soon!" Xu Haifeng said to Nami!

���What are you doing?" Nami asked in confusion!

"I'm going to buy some things from this world and bring them back, so that I can use them in the pirate world!" Xu Haifeng explained!

Nami:"Then go quickly and come back soon! We'll wait for you here, don't worry!"

"Well! Bye then!"

Xu Haifeng came to an uninhabited place on the island, and then flew directly to the sky! He closed his eyes and released his mental power to sense it, and when he opened his eyes again, he flew quickly in one direction!

Xu Haifeng flew across the vast ocean and finally arrived at a big city. Looking at the hustle and bustle in front of him, he unconsciously thought of the scene on Earth, and thought that he was really lucky to be able to travel through time!

"This should be the West Capital!"

Looking at the sign of the Universal Capsule Company in front of him, Xu Haifeng came here just for this Universal Capsule!

"Boss, help me get three sets of universal capsules, two empty sets and one set of traveler suits!"Xu Haifeng came to a store and bought two sets of universal capsules with the money exchanged for divine power!

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