"Great! This is the swordsman of our pirate group!" Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

"Zoro, you just didn't show your strength at all! You were distracted from the beginning," Xu Haifeng said while supporting Zoro!

"Yes! It seems that my state of mind is not good either!"After calming down, Zoro recalled his performance just now and nodded!

"How about starting over?" Xu Haifeng encouraged Sauron!

"I want to, but my injury... still can't give full play to my strength!" Zoro said helplessly!

""Eat this!"

Xu Haifeng took out a magic bean and handed it to Zoro! Zoro ate it without saying a word!

The next second, all of Zoro's injuries were healed! And all the physical strength he had just consumed was also restored.

Zoro looked at Xu Haifeng in surprise. He didn't expect that just a small bean could have such a big effect!

"Oh! By the way, I just forgot to turn off the gravity on your gravity bracelet. I will turn it off for you now."

"Before the battle, I remind you to think about the energy you learned before and make good use of it. Now go do it!"

After saying that, Xu Haifeng returned to Luffy and the others! And Shan Ye looked at Xu Haifeng who flashed over and knew why Luffy and the others were so relieved!

"Is that your captain who just came over?" Hawkeye asked Zoro with a serious face!

"No! He is my vice-captain!" Zoro responded with a smile!

"He is very strong!" Hawkeye said again!

"Yes! Come on! Let's fight again!" Zoro said proudly!

"What difference does it make if we do it again?" Hawkeye said calmly!

"Maybe I can bring you a little surprise this time!" Sauron said with a smile!

"Well, I hope so!"

After that, the two of them prepared for battle again!

Zoro held two swords in his hands and rushed towards Hawkeye. His speed was extremely fast, like lightning. Seeing this, Hawkeye raised his mouth slightly, and he also picked up the black knife to meet Zoro's attack.

In an instant, the swords intersected, making a crisp sound. Sparks flew, and both sides refused to give in.

Zoro used the secret of the double sword flow, and for a moment, the sword energy was crisscrossed, dazzling people. However, Hawkeye easily resolved his attack

""Not bad, kid. But that's not enough!" Hawkeye said loudly.

Zoro's eyes were firm, he took a deep breath and attacked again. This time, he condensed his energy on the sword, and his power was even stronger.

Hawkeye felt the change in Zoro, he began to get serious and display his true strength.

On the battlefield, the atmosphere was extremely tense. Every move was full of thrills and excitement, as if it was a life-and-death duel. The fierce battle between Zoro and Hawkeye entered a white-hot stage, and both sides showed the style of top swordsmanship.

Zoro continued to break through himself, and his swordsmanship became more and more superb. , while Hawkeye responded calmly, not giving Zoro any chance to take advantage.

At the critical moment, Zoro realized a new realm, his momentum rose sharply, and his swordsmanship was as fierce as a storm.

Hawkeye's eyes flashed with admiration, but he did not retreat. The black knife in his hand drew a sharp arc and collided with Zoro's sword.

After a brief stalemate, Zoro was repelled. Zoro stood firm again, he pulled out the last knife from his waist and bit it in his mouth!

Zoro took a deep breath, the energy in his body surged wildly, he clenched his hands tightly With two swords, he stared at Hawkeye in front of him with a firm look.

With a roar, he rushed towards Hawkeye like lightning.

Three cold lights intertwined and flashed, forming a silver light. In the blink of an eye, the figures of the two crossed each other, and the silver light flashed suddenly, and then everything returned to calm.

Zoro stood there, his hands trembling slightly, and the two swords that were originally tightly grasped had now turned into fragments and scattered on the ground.

He looked down at his chest, where there was a hideous wound, and blood was constantly flowing out of it. It poured out, staining his clothes red.

At the same time, Hawkeye stood quietly not far away. His face was still grim, but there was a shallow scar on his cheek, and blood was slowly oozing out of the wound.

This fierce battle lasted only a moment, but the danger and intensity of it were astonishing.

At this moment, the entire battlefield was filled with a tense atmosphere, and everyone held their breath, watching the duel between these two peerless masters.

Hawkeye touched the blood on his face, smiled and said,"Congratulations, kid. You have proved your strength."

Zoro panted, looking at Hawkeye, his heart full of admiration and gratitude.

This battle gave him a clearer understanding of his own strength and laid a solid foundation for his future growth.

At this moment, the entire sea fell into silence. Zoro's defeat not only shocked and regretted the members of the pirate group, but also made countless spectators sigh.

However, it is precisely this kind of failure that highlights Hawkeye's strength and invincibility.

"How do you feel? You didn't expect yourself to be so powerful!"

Looking at the two people who had finished, Xu Haifeng came to Zoro with a smile! Xu Haifeng gave Zoro another Senzu Bean!

"I'm not stupid enough to think that this is Hawkeye's full strength! He was only injured because of his carelessness and letting him go!"

Zoro looked at Hawkeye on the opposite side. Although he injured him, he looked very relaxed now, while he was not only seriously injured! He was also completely exhausted. From this, you can tell the winner at a glance!

"Not bad! You have this kind of awareness!" Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

"Humph!" Zoro turned his head away proudly!

"Thank you, Hawkeye! Your guidance has helped our swordsman grow a lot!" Xu Haifeng turned around and said to Hawkeye!

"Just to kill time when bored���That's all!" Hawkeye replied calmly!

"I think your swordsmanship hasn't improved for a long time, right?" Xu Haifeng continued to ask!

"Yes! After reaching the Great Swordsman, I don’t know how to improve at all! The Great Swordsman may already be the highest realm!"

Hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Hawkeye also showed a confused expression!

"How about this! To thank you for guiding Sauron, I will also give you a sword. Whether you can comprehend it depends on yourself!"

"Sauron! You are also optimistic! You may not be able to understand it now, but it may be helpful to you in the future!"


Zoro said seriously when he heard Xu Haifeng's words! Hawkeye felt that Xu Haifeng was just being mysterious!

"Watch out!"

After saying that, Xu Haifeng turned around and slowly raised his right palm above his head! He gently chopped down at the sea in front of him! However, there was no change on the sea!

Zoro, Luffy and others were all confused after seeing it, and Hawkeye was even more disdainful after seeing it! He was sure that Xu Haifeng was just being mysterious!

This thought just came up, and suddenly Zoro and Hawkeye's eyes locked on the sea in front of Xu Haifeng at the same time! Because both of them are swordsmen, they have a keen sense of danger!

Later, Luffy and others also felt it, and everyone could feel that there was a very scary thing in front of Xu Haifeng!


Suddenly, there was a loud"boom" sound, but strangely, there were no huge waves or strong winds on the sea!

As everyone was shocked, they saw that the sea water in front of Xu Haifeng was cut apart without any warning.

The scene in front of them was jaw-dropping: it was a trench about two or three meters wide, and its length was endless, as if it was formed naturally.

What was even more strange was that the sea water on both sides of the trench seemed to have been separated from the beginning, with no intention of closing together! Xu Haifeng looked down, and everything on the seabed was clearly visible.

""Everyone, look up at the sky!"

Someone shouted, and everyone immediately looked up at the sky. They saw that the clouds in the sky and the sea water below were like tofu that had been cut!

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, and they couldn't believe it was real!

Hawkeye only realized how ignorant he was just now! He was still dismissive just now, but now he was slapped in the face!

"Excuse me, sir! Is this a realm above the Great Swordsman?"

Eagle Eyes looked at everything in front of him and immediately asked Xu Haifeng excitedly!

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