"Okay! Let me start from the beginning!" Xu Haifeng had no choice but to tell them from the beginning!

"Back then, your mother volunteered to be killed by Aaron in order to save you!"

"After death, the deceased becomes a spirit composed of mental power and soul power, which cannot be seen by living people!"

"Your mother is with you in this spiritual form!"

"Until Nami wanted to buy the village from Arlong and went out to sea to steal the pirates' money! From this time on, Bell-mère's soul has been following Nami!"

"Mother……!"Nami burst into tears when she heard this!

"The reason why you have never been caught while spying on pirates outside for so many years is not only because you are lucky, but also because your mother's soul has been protecting you!"

"Every time Nami was in danger, your mother would use up her own mental strength to help Nami resist it!"

Everyone was impressed by this great mother when they heard this!

"When the spiritual power of your mother's soul was exhausted, she became what she is now, with empty eyes and no self-thoughts, only one instinct left!"

"However, even though she had lost her self-consciousness, she still followed Nami and continued to protect Nami with her remaining soul power!"

"So when I attacked Nami just now, she instinctively took action to help Nami block the damage!"

"Until now, her soul has been broken! It won't be long before her soul will dissipate between heaven and earth!"Xu Haifeng looked at the soul in front of him with admiration!

"No...Impossible! This is absolutely not true!!!"When Nami heard Xu Haifeng say that, her heart felt like it was pierced by thousands of steel needles at the same time, and the pain made her almost unable to breathe.

She widened her eyes, her face full of disbelief, and her body trembled involuntarily.

"How could this happen? How could my mother's soul......Disappear? ? This is impossible!! Something must have gone wrong!!"

Nami shouted at the top of her lungs, tears pouring out of her eyes like a flood.

Her voice was full of despair and sadness, as if the whole world had collapsed at this moment.

At this moment, Nami had only one thought in her mind - all this was just a nightmare, as long as she woke up, her mother would still be alive and well.

However, the cruel reality mercilessly struck her heart, forcing her to face this terrible fact.

"Originally, when her spiritual power was not exhausted and she still had self-awareness, she could have reincarnated on her own, but she voluntarily gave it up for you!"When everyone present heard this, tears silently flowed from their eyes!

""Xu Haifeng! Please! Please! Save my mother!"

At this moment Nami suddenly rushed over, then fell to her knees with a plop, hugged Xu Haifeng's legs tightly, and tears gushed out like a flood.

She cried and shouted at the top of her lungs:"Please, Xu Haifeng, only you can save my mother.……"

At this moment, Nami's heart was filled with despair and helplessness, as if the whole world had collapsed.

She placed her last glimmer of hope on Xu Haifeng, hoping that he could find a way to save her beloved mother.

Xu Haifeng was stunned by the scene in front of him. He had never expected Nami to be so excited and out of control.

Looking at her grief-stricken appearance, Xu Haifeng couldn't help but feel a strong sense of sympathy and pity.

""Get up quickly! Stop kneeling! I have a way to help you save your mother!"

Seeing Nami kneeling on the ground with a sad face, Xu Haifeng's heart softened. He quickly walked up to her and helped her up, and comforted her.

He knew that Nami must be in extreme pain and despair at this moment, but he had to cheer her up.

"Really? Can you really save my mother?"

Nami's eyes widened, looking at Xu Haifeng in front of her with disbelief, her voice trembling with excitement.

She tightly grasped Xu Haifeng's arm, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly disappear. Tears welled up in her eyes, her eyes were full of expectation and hope.

"Well! My position as a deity can do just that!!"

Everyone present laughed happily when they heard that Xu Haifeng could save Nami's mother!

"First, replenish your mother's soul power, so that your mother's soul will not dissipate!"

Xu Haifeng stretched out his right index finger again without hesitation and gently tapped Bellmère's soul.

Surprisingly, with his movements, Bellmère's soul began to gradually become solid at a speed visible to the naked eye! The originally illusory and looming soul gradually emerged with clear outlines and details, as if it had a real texture.

This wonderful change made people marvel, and at the same time, they also generated a deeper curiosity and expectation about Xu Haifeng's ability.

Nami and Nojigo widened their eyes, looking at the real figure that suddenly appeared in front of them in disbelief - their mother!

Tears flowed out of their eyes uncontrollably, blurring their eyes. Although they could not see clearly, the two still tried hard to see the face they had been thinking about day and night.

The excitement in their hearts made their bodies tremble slightly. Their hands were clasped together tightly, but they seemed to have completely lost their strength and didn't know how to touch this person who once only existed in their memories.

Time seemed to freeze, and the whole world was left with only the gaze between them and their mother.

Nami and Nojiko let out hoarse sobs in their throats, which were the sounds of years of longing and yearning for their mother.

They tried to express their feelings in words, but found that all the words seemed so pale and powerless.

At this moment, no words could describe the complex and deep emotions in their hearts.

"The next step is to restore her mental power, let her have her own thoughts again, and remember the past!"

After saying that, Xu Haifeng began to use his divine power to repair Bellemeier's mental power!

After a while, Bellemeier's eyes began to show color, no longer the emptiness before!

"Where am I?"

After Bellemeier's mental strength was completely restored by Xu Haifeng, she looked around and asked aloud!


When Nami and Nojiko heard Bell-mère's words, they immediately ran forward excitedly and cried and shouted excitedly!

"Are you Nami and Nojiko?"

Bellmère asked softly as he looked at the two familiar yet unfamiliar girls running over!

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