After Xu Haifeng drove away Princess Huihui and the other two, old man Crocus led the Straw Hat Pirates and the Merry out of Laboo's belly.

Everyone came to the shore of Cape Gemini and looked at the huge whale Laboo floating on the sea from afar. Its huge body gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Crocus stood beside everyone and began to tell the story of Laboo to the members of the Straw Hat Pirates:"A long time ago, Laboo was a very happy little whale.……"

Nami listened carefully to Crocus's explanation. When she heard that Lab was abandoned by his companions, a look of sympathy appeared on her face. She murmured to herself:

"So, was Rab abandoned by them? How pitiful!……"

Kurokas sighed, his tone full of helplessness:

"Yes! Although I have been telling Lab that its companions will never come back, it still firmly believes that they will come back.

So, over the years, Lab has been hitting the Upside Down Mountain, hoping to find its companions."

Nami's eyes were moist, and she continued:"Lab is really pitiful! It must be very lonely and helpless... Can we help it find its companions?"

Kurokas shook his head and said slowly:

"This is probably impossible, after all, too much time has passed, and Lab's companions may have died.

However, I believe that Lab will one day understand that his persistence was not in vain.……"

"That's right, in fact, Laboo's companions have indeed passed away," Xu Haifeng said to the people around him with a solemn expression.

Hearing this news, everyone couldn't help but gasp, with expressions of astonishment and disbelief on their faces.

Nami frowned even more, looking at Laboo in front of her with sympathy, and murmured to herself:"Laboo is too pitiful, how can it bear such a cruel reality?"

He seemed to be able to feel the pain and despair deep in Laboo's heart, which was an unspeakable sadness.

At this moment, Laboo stood there quietly, motionless, with endless sadness and loneliness in his eyes.

It seemed that it had known this ending for a long time, but it was powerless to change anything.

At this moment, Xu Haifeng was surprised to find that Luffy, who had been silent all the time, stood up without warning, and then walked silently towards the mast of the Merry!

His movements seemed a little strange, as if with some kind of determination. Everyone's eyes were attracted, and Luffy raised his leg, as if ready to kick the mast hard!

" I'll go to you!" Xu Haifeng didn't have time to think about it. He flashed and came to Luffy as fast as lightning.

Then, he threw a punch without hesitation and hit Luffy hard. Luffy's body flew straight to the mountain on the shore like a cannonball.

"Hey! Xu Haifeng! What are you doing? Why are you hitting me!"

Luffy got up from the ground in a panic, his face full of anger and confusion. He asked Xu Haifeng loudly, his voice full of grievance and dissatisfaction.

" Bastard! You still have the nerve to ask me, what are you going to do with the Merry?"

Xu Haifeng was equally emotional, he widened his eyes and glared at Luffy, his tone was filled with uncontrollable anger

"I just want Lab to regain hope!"

Luffy looked at Lab seriously, his eyes full of determination.

"You can't hurt the Merry! It's our important partner!"

Xu Haifeng shouted angrily, his voice revealing his deep affection for the Merry.

Just as the two were arguing, Usopp, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly interrupted and said:

"Xu Haifeng! I remember the task assigned to us by the system yesterday was to pull the cloth, right?"

"What kind of task did the system assign?"After hearing this, Nami and the others all looked strange and turned their eyes to Xu Haifeng.

"Here's what's going on......"After Xu Haifeng's detailed explanation, everyone finally understood the specific content of the task assigned by the system.

"So, do you have any way to help Rab?" Everyone looked at Xu Haifeng with expectant eyes.

"In fact, I had already thought of a solution on the way here!" Xu Haifeng responded to everyone confidently.

"In this case, what are we still procrastinating about? Let's act quickly!"When we heard that Xu Haifeng had a good solution to the problem, everyone couldn't wait to urge him to do it.

"OK, I need the system to help me!" Xu Haifeng said to everyone.

""System, I need to exchange for a devil fruit!" He called the system again in his heart.

When the system issued the task, Xu Haifeng had already started thinking.

He knew very well that there was an ability that was very suitable for Lab, but it seemed that this ability had never appeared in the world of One Piece!

Despite this, Xu Haifeng firmly believed that as long as he had enough divine power, he would be able to exchange for this unique ability through the system.

After all, as far as he knew, the system had the ability to create anything in this world!

""Host! What devil fruit do you need to redeem?" The system's voice suddenly sounded in Xu Haifeng's mind.

Xu Haifeng pondered for a moment, then said,"Please help me redeem a deluxe version: Fantasy Beast Species - Fish-Fish Fruit - Kun Form!"

The reason why he chose this fruit is because he thinks it is the most suitable for Lab.

The information about this fruit actually came from Xu Haifeng based on the mythological stories he had read in his previous life.

In those stories, Kun is an extremely large and mysterious creature with unparalleled power and majesty.

Xu Haifeng believes that if Lab can eat this fruit and awaken successfully,���Then it will definitely become more powerful, and it may even become one of the strongest beings in the world. Thinking of this, Xu Haifeng couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation in his heart.

""Okay! Host! Deduct 200 points of divine power!"

As the system prompt sounded, a brilliant light fell from the sky and landed directly on Xu Haifeng's hand.

Everyone looked closely and saw that Xu Haifeng had a strangely shaped, pitch-black fruit in his hand.

The fruit was like a carved gem, exuding a mysterious and attractive aura.

"Is this what was prepared for Rab?"

Seeing this devil fruit suddenly appear in Xu Haifeng's hand, the people around him widened their eyes, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

They couldn't help but gather around, wanting to observe this magical fruit up close.

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