"Come on! Lab, get bigger!" With Xu Haifeng's shout, he flew over Lab's head like a flash of lightning and shouted at Lab

"Woo……!"After hearing Xu Haifeng's command, Laboo cried out excitedly, and his voice resounded through the sky.

Then, a jaw-dropping scene took place: Laboo began to swell at an alarming speed in full view of everyone, and his body continued to grow.

Its muscles were as hard as steel, its skin shone with dazzling light, and every movement exuded an unparalleled sense of power.

People were so shocked that their mouths could not close. They stared with wide eyes, witnessing this incredible sight.

But Laboo was not satisfied with this, it continued to exert its strength, and its body became larger and larger, until it reached twice its original size before slowly stopping.

At this time, Laboo was like a towering mountain, standing majestically in place.

Its existence makes people feel endless shock and awe, as if it is the overlord of this land, and no one can defeat it.

"this......This is too big!"Usopp's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, and he couldn't help but exclaimed!

"Not only can it get bigger, it can also get smaller!"Xu Haifeng said to everyone with a light smile on his face.

"Get smaller? How small can it get?"Luffy's eyes lit up and he asked impatiently, his face full of curiosity.

"Um......If it becomes smaller, it should be able to become the same size as the palm of your hand!"Xu Haifeng thought for a moment and then replied.

"So small? This is amazing!"Luffy raised his palm in disbelief and looked at it carefully, and exclaimed!

"Not only can it grow bigger or smaller, but do you see the horn on its head?" Xu Haifeng then introduced.

"Well, I saw it. Does it have any special use?"After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Nami's face was full of curiosity, and she asked quickly

"Of course! From now on, Lab's main attack method will all depend on that horn!"Xu Haifeng nodded and replied affirmatively

"That horn shouldn't be anything special except for the ability to strike, right?" Sanji said disapprovingly while puffing on his cigarette.

"You are wrong, Lab can use his mental power to control the sea water within a certain range through that horn!"Xu Haifeng smiled and shook his head and said to Sanji!

""Labo! Show them a show!"

Xu Haifeng said, patting Labo's head with a smile! Hearing Xu Haifeng's order, Labo immediately concentrated and injected his mental power into the horn.

The surrounding sea water began to become restless, forming a powerful vortex.

The water in the vortex seemed to be under a spell, moving with Labo's will. Sometimes it raises huge waves, and sometimes it is as calm as a mirror.

Not long after, ripples suddenly appeared on the calm sea surface, and then countless various and colorful fish made up of sea water jumped out of the water and swam directly into the air.

They shook their heads and tails and played and fought in the air, as if they had real life, freely shuttling back and forth among the crowd, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Everyone was stunned, they were completely impressed by Labo's strength.

"It's amazing! This is simply a miracle of marine life!" Nami said excitedly.

Luffy rubbed his hands excitedly,"It would be great if our ship could have such capabilities!"

"This is just Lab's attack method, its defense method is even more amazing!"

Seeing the surprise on everyone's faces, Xu Haifeng smiled slightly and continued!

"Hmm! Lab has a defensive method? Let Lab show it quickly!"Everyone was immediately excited when they heard this!

"Okay! Then let me show you!"

""Labo! Use the body of Phantom Kun!" Xu Haifeng shouted to Labo again!


After hearing Xu Haifeng's instructions, Lab obediently activated his devil fruit ability.

Lab's body gradually became illusory, and slowly, Lab's body became translucent!

"Did you see it? This is the second form of Rab!"

Xu Haifeng said excitedly, his voice echoing in the air, as if to attract everyone's attention.

"Once Lab enters this form, it becomes almost invincible! No attack can touch it!"

Xu Haifeng continued, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

He knew the power of this form, and now he was trying to make others understand the mystery.

"Don't compare it to the elemental form of the Nature Devil Fruit! Although it is somewhat similar, this form of Lab is much more powerful!"

"Even if you have the most powerful Armament Haki, you can't cause any damage to it! But Lab can use his horns to attack the enemy!"

Xu Haifeng emphasized, he hopes everyone can understand the importance of this.

As he spoke, he gestured with his hands, trying to make his explanation more vivid.

The people around listened attentively, they were attracted by Xu Haifeng's words, and they were curious about Lab's mysterious ability.

Xu Haifeng became more and more excited, and he began to describe in detail the characteristics and advantages of Lab's special form.

He told everyone that in this form, Lab can freely shuttle through any objects, avoid enemy attacks, and launch amazing counterattacks.

Everyone showed surprise on their faces, and they began to realize that Lab's The true strength is far stronger than they imagined.

Xu Haifeng's explanation gave them a deeper understanding of this magical creature and also stimulated their imagination.

As time went by, Xu Haifeng's narration gradually ended, but everyone's thoughts were still immersed in the power of Lab.

They began to think, if they faced such an opponent, how would they deal with it? Or, if they could master similar abilities, what kind of changes would it bring?

Xu Haifeng stood on the beach where the afterglow of the setting sun fell, his eyes fixed on the huge whale beside him-Lab.

He took a deep breath, turned to his companions around him, and said in a firm tone:

"Well, from now on, Lab is our partner. It is not only our new friend, but also carries a deep emotion."

"We should not only accept it, but also take it to find its former partner Brook."

Usopp was surprised when he heard this. He widened his eyes and asked in disbelief:

"Are any of Rab’s former companions still alive? That happened decades ago, how could Brooke still be alive?"

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