"Wait here for a moment, I'll go and rescue those two people!" As soon as Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he rushed towards Labu like an arrow from a bow!

In the blink of an eye, Xu Haifeng arrived in front of Labu. Only then did he see clearly that the people on the corner of Labu were actually Princess Huihui and MR9 who he had driven away before!

The two were wet all over and looked very embarrassed. They must have been soaked in the sea for quite a long time!

"Lab! I need to take these two people back to the ship, you can go and play by yourself!"

After saying that, Xu Haifeng stretched out his hands without hesitation, grabbed Princess Huihui and MR9 respectively, and then turned around and flew towards the Merry.

"Hmm! Aren’t these the two people in Lab’s belly before?"

Xu Haifeng brought Princess Huihui and MR9 back to the boat. Seeing this, everyone gathered around.

"Yes, it looks like they were in a shipwreck.

Fortunately, they seem to be fine! Come on, everyone, help them get them into the cabin to rest. They should wake up soon.

Xu Haifeng carefully laid the two of them flat on the deck, then turned around and told the people around him.

"I'll do it! I'll do it! I'll take these two to the cabin to rest." Sanji immediately volunteered to take the responsibility of escorting the injured.

""Okay! Okay! Nami! You and Sanji escort this lady into the cabin together!" Xu Haifeng said helplessly, speechless.

"You can rest assured! I will treat her very gently!"After Sanji made a solemn promise, he picked up Princess Huihui and walked towards the cabin with Nami.

""Colored pufferfish!" Zoro saw this scene, looked at Sanji with disdain, and muttered to himself

"Zoro! Then you are responsible for sending this person into the cabin as well!" Xu Haifeng then turned around and looked at Zoro and said.

After hearing this, Zoro's face immediately showed dissatisfaction. He frowned, widened his eyes, and protested:"Why let me go!"

Seeing this, Xu Haifeng sighed helplessly and explained:

"Oh! Anyway, you have nothing else to do now, just treat it as a kind of exercise! This way you can move your body!"

Zoro was not convinced after hearing this. He still snorted reluctantly and muttered to himself:

"Why do I always have to do these trivial things!"

After Zoro snorted, he strode to MR9 who was lying on the deck!

Zoro stretched out his right hand and tightly grasped one of MR9's legs. Zoro dragged MR9 all the way towards the cabin.

In the process, Zoro did not care about the feelings of MR9 who was dragged face down by him.

Xu Haifeng looked at the MR9 who was being dragged away, and his heart did not fluctuate too much.

After all, he had rescued two people onto the boat. As for what happened next, it had nothing to do with him.

However, just as he was about to return to the cabin and take a rest, suddenly, a crisp"ding" sound came into his ears.

Then, an exciting voice rang in his mind:"Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest, and the rewards are now distributed!"

The sudden system prompt sounded, which cheered up Xu Haifeng's originally tired spirit.

"Hurry up! System, collect the reward for me!"

He shouted to the system with a happy face, as if he suddenly remembered something important.

It turned out that he had completed a task called"Labor" before, but had forgotten to collect the corresponding reward.

At this moment, he finally realized this, so he hurriedly urged the system

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Divine Power Point: 100 points!"

As the system's voice sounded, a powerful force instantly surged into Xu Haifeng's body.

He could clearly feel that his strength had been significantly improved, and a surge of joy surged in his heart.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the weapon: Elemental Bow!"

Immediately afterwards, the system sent good news again. As soon as the voice fell, a dazzling white light flashed, and an exquisitely shaped bow appeared in Xu Haifeng's hand.

This bow exudes a mysterious and powerful aura, as if it contains endless power.

Xu Haifeng carefully held it in his hand, feeling the texture and heart-pounding power it brought.

He knew that with this elemental bow, Usopp's combat ability would be greatly enhanced.

He couldn't wait to try the power of this bow and see what amazing effect it could produce.

"Usopp! Come here quickly!" Xu Haifeng turned around and shouted loudly into the cabin.

""Here I come! Xu Haifeng, what did you ask me to do?" Usopp responded as he walked quickly towards Xu Haifeng from the cabin.

"This...! Could this be……!"

When Usopp walked to Xu Haifeng, his eyes were immediately attracted by the bow in Xu Haifeng's hand, and an expression of disbelief and extreme excitement appeared on his face.

"That's right! This is what I promised you before - the bow of elements!"

Xu Haifeng smiled as he looked at the excited Usopp in front of him, with a hint of pride and satisfaction in his eyes.

He knew what this bow meant to Usopp, and it was a great happiness to be able to give such a precious gift to his friend.

Xu Haifeng gently raised the peculiarly shaped elemental bow in his hand, and the bow was shining, as if it contained endless power.

He looked at Usopp with a smile, and that smile was full of encouragement and expectation.

"How about it? Usopp, do you want to try the power of this elemental bow?"

Xu Haifeng's voice was gentle and powerful, as if it had a kind of magic that could inspire courage in people's hearts.

Usopp was attracted by Xu Haifeng's words, and his eyes fell on the elemental bow involuntarily.

He felt an inexplicable tension in his heart, and his hands clenched together involuntarily, as if trying to suppress the excitement in his heart.

He took a deep breath and tried to make his voice sound more stable.

"Can I... can I?" Usopp's voice trembled slightly, but his eyes were shining with determination.

"Of course! This was originally prepared for you!"

Xu Haifeng's voice became gentler. He took a step forward and handed the elemental bow in his hand to Usopp.

His hand gently rested on Usopp's shoulder, giving him silent support and encouragement.

Usopp carefully took the elemental bow, holding it in his hands as if he was holding a treasure.

He stared at the bow, as if he wanted to engrave every detail into his mind.

His fingers slid lightly over the bow, feeling the cool touch and the faint power fluctuations. His eyes flashed with excitement!

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