In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates followed the enthusiastic"villagers" to the town and started the banquet!

"Are these two guys really human?"

A group of villagers at the banquet looked at the two people who were eating crazily in front of them as if they were monsters!

One of them had turned into a balloon, but he kept eating as if he could never be full. This person is of course our captain, Luffy!

The other person was different. His body had not changed significantly, but he ate much more than Luffy! He kept stuffing food into his mouth like a bottomless pit. This person is our protagonist, Xu Haifeng!

Luffy and Xu Haifeng's appetites were so big that everyone present was stunned. They seemed to have forgotten everything around them and were completely immersed in the world of food.

The villagers whispered,"What's the matter with these two people? Are their stomachs bottomless pits?"

Just then, Nami came over, looked at Luffy and Xu Haifeng who were eating voraciously, and shook her head helplessly.

She patted Luffy on the shoulder and said,"Luffy, don't eat too much. Be careful not to upset your stomach."

However, Luffy didn't care at all. He stuffed food into his mouth and replied vaguely,"It's okay, Nami, I can eat more!"

In comparison, Xu Haifeng seemed calmer. Although he ate a lot, he still noticed the eyes of the people around him.

He raised his head and looked at the surprised villagers. The corners of his mouth rose slightly and revealed a smile. Then he turned his head and continued to enjoy the delicious food in front of him.

The banquet became extremely lively because of the presence of Luffy and Xu Haifeng.

While tasting the food, everyone appreciated the performance of these two"big stomach kings". Luffy and Xu Haifeng became the focus of the audience, and their appetite was amazing.

"Mayor! Oops, we are running out of food!"

At this moment, a chef in the kitchen came to Ikalem in a panic and whispered in a low voice.

Ikalem frowned and thought to himself: What should I do? He pondered for a moment, and suddenly a cunning light flashed in his eyes.

""Go! Bring all our wine here, I don't believe we can't defeat them!"

Ikarem whispered to the chef, his tone firm and confident.

The chef was slightly stunned, but then he understood Ikarem's intention, nodded, and quickly turned and left.

After a while, there was a busy sound of footsteps in the kitchen, and then a large amount of wine was moved to the scene.

Ikarem looked at the wine, and a barely noticeable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Next, the villagers began to find ways to get the Straw Hat Pirates to drink.

They either persuaded them to drink diligently, or coaxed them with clever words, and tried their best to make the Straw Hat Pirates drink more wine.

With the unremitting efforts of the villagers, the Straw Hat Pirates finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground drunk.

Looking at the Straw Hat Pirates members lying on the ground, Ikarem was secretly happy: This is finally done!

""Okay! Everyone, go out first and let the guests have a good rest!"

Seeing that everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates had fallen, Ikarem hurriedly shouted to the villagers!

"Mayor! Why don't you start now?"At this time, a villager came to Ikalem and asked quietly!

"Idiot! They just fell down. If they wake up, all their efforts will be wasted!" Ikarem cursed angrily!

The villagers listened to Ikarem's words and nodded in agreement.

They knew that Ikarem was right. If they acted now, once the Straw Hat Pirates woke up, all their previous efforts would be in vain.

So, the villagers followed Ikarem's instructions and quietly left the room, leaving only Ikarem and a few guards at the door to monitor the movements of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Ikarem secretly calculated in his heart that he would wait for the best time to make sure that everything was foolproof before taking action. After all, these guests are not ordinary characters, and they must be careful.

At the same time, the Straw Hat Pirates lay on the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

They didn't know that they had become the target of others, nor did they know what kind of danger they were about to face.……

"They are inside. You can go in and capture them alive now!"

In the middle of the night, Mayor Ikarem led Princess Huihui and MR9 and others and quietly came to the door where the Straw Hat Pirates were resting.

Ikarem lowered his voice and signaled to the people behind him:"Everyone be careful, don't make any noise, don't wake them up."

There was a hint of cunning and complacency in his eyes.

Princess Huihui followed behind, feeling a little confused. She looked at Ikarem and asked softly:

"Are you sure they are all down? They are pirates with a bounty of over 100 million! How could they be subdued so easily?"

There was a hint of distrust in her tone.

Ikalem turned around, patted his chest, and said confidently:

""Hmm! I saw them drink the wine with my own eyes, they must be unconscious now! Go and arrest them without worry! There will be no problem."

His face was filled with a confident smile, and he seemed to be full of confidence in his plan.

However, just as they were ready to go into the house to arrest people, suddenly, a voice came from the roof:

""Hey! Can you please not disturb them? They are already very tired from sailing today!"

This sudden voice startled everyone. They all raised their heads and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

At this moment, Zoro was sitting on the roof leisurely, his eyes were cold and indifferent, as if the whole world had nothing to do with him, just staring quietly at the few people below.

"Ah! How is this possible? Aren't you already drunk and unconscious?"

Ikalem stared at Zoro in astonishment, and said in disbelief.

Zoro's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a disdainful smile, and chuckled:

"Hehe... As a true swordsman, how could I lack such a simple sense of self-protection? You guys underestimate me too much!"

After saying that, Zoro slowly stood up, his body exuding an invisible pressure that made people look at him sideways.

He held the two knives at his waist tightly in his hands, his eyes flashing with sharp light, staring at Ikalem and others, as if telling them that he was by no means an ordinary person.

Seeing that Zoro had woken up, Ikalem knew that things could no longer go according to the original plan, so he gritted his teeth and said:

"There is no other way. Since you have woken up, we can only capture you first!"

After hearing Ikalem's words, Sauron did not show any fear. Instead, he sneered and said:

"Okay! Then let me see how strong the members of the Pirate Hunter Baroque Studio are!"

Before he finished speaking, Zoro flashed and came to Ikalem and others like a ghost. Zoro slowly pulled out the double swords at his waist!

" do you know the name of our studio?"When Princess Huihui and her companions heard Zoro say the name"Pirate Hunter Baroque Studio", their faces suddenly changed and they asked in great surprise. They never thought that Zoro knew their identities so well.

"Because your people wanted to poach me before, I naturally did not agree, but if you want our bounty today, it depends on your ability!"

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