In this way, Luffy and his crew defeated the entire Buggy Pirates, and then, under the leadership of Nami, they plundered all the treasures of the entire Buggy Pirates. However, Xu Haifeng and the other two did not want any of these treasures, and gave them all to Nami.

Luffy and Zoro did not care about money at all, and Xu Haifeng did not care about such a small amount of money at all, because his 1 point of divine power could be exchanged for 100 million berries, and he had just spent one million of the 100 million berries exchanged for dinner last time, and the rest were still in the system space!

After receiving this treasure, Nami generously invited Xu Haifeng and the other two to dinner, because she felt that these three people were strong and easy to deceive, so she decided to continue to follow the three of them!

"Xu Haifeng, Zoro, this is my new crew member Nami! This is the swordsman Zoro, and this is the vice captain Xu Haifeng!"After dinner, Luffy introduced Xu Haifeng and the other two to each other!

"Hello! My name is Nami and I’m a navigator. Please take care of me in the future!" Nami decided to continue following Luffy and the others, and then sneak away when she had enough money!

Zoro:"My name is Zoro, and I’m a swordsman!"

"My name is Xu Haifeng, and I’m a world traveler. You can call me Haifeng from now on!"

Xu Haifeng looked at Nami in front of him. He could probably guess what Nami was thinking, but he didn't expose her, because no matter what, Nami would eventually become a member of Cao Mao!

"Okay, Luffy, let's go to the next island now and see if we can buy a pirate ship of our own!"

Xu Haifeng remembered that he would be able to see the Merry on the next island. Thinking of this ship that made him, a grown man, cry so much in the anime, Xu Haifeng was very excited! Now that he has come here in this life, he will never let that happen!

"Uh! Don’t we have a boat now? Why are you in such a hurry?"After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Luffy said innocently!

"Bang! Idiot, what are you going to do with the crew members who will join you in the future with such a small ship!" Nami looked at this unreliable captain and couldn't help but give a physical explanation!

"OK, I understand. Let's go find a pirate ship that truly belongs to us!" So in the end, it was through Nami's physical explanation that Luffy finally understood!


"Zoro! How was the battle today? Any insights?"On the boat, Xu Haifeng thought of his mission and asked about Zoro!

"Humph! That person today is not a swordsman at all, it's a complete waste of my time!" Zoro was very disappointed when he heard Xu Haifeng mention today's opponent!

Xu Haifeng:"So how do you feel about your swordsmanship?"

Zoro:"Although my swordsmanship is still a bit far from that of a swordsman, it will soon reach the level of iron-cutting!"

Xu Haifeng:"Do you know what I think of your swordsmanship?"

"Do you also know swordsmanship? What do you think about it?" Zoro immediately became interested when he heard you say that!

Xu Haifeng:"You might get angry if I tell you!"

Zoro:"It's okay, just tell me! If you really know swordsmanship, we can learn from each other!"

Xu Haifeng:"I feel that your swordsmanship is only slightly better than the acrobat you just fought with! I feel that you have taken the wrong path in swordsmanship!"

"We are partners. I won't bother with you, but please don't insult my swordsmanship!"Zoro heard Xu Haifeng's words and immediately replied excitedly! Now in his opinion, Xu Haifeng doesn't understand swordsmanship at all!

""Okay... okay..., sorry, just pretend I didn't say anything, but I see you usually do some physical training, I have a way to improve your training efficiency, how about trying it?"

In fact, in Xu Haifeng's opinion, the swordsmanship in this world is just getting started, and many people have gone astray! Just like Zoro. But Xu Haifeng didn't plan to argue now, and he would explain it to him after Zoro was defeated by Hawkeye. Even if he said more now, it would be difficult for him to recognize the reality without experiencing it!

"Oh! What method?"

Zoro immediately became interested when he heard that there was a way to improve physical training. He had hardly trained on this small boat these days and could only do some simple physical training. This kind of small boat had no way to carry out high-intensity physical training!

"Do you see this on my wrist?"Xu Haifeng raised his right wrist and saw a device that looked like a watch on his wrist!

"What is this? Is it useful for training?"Sauron looked at the thing on Xu Haifeng's wrist that he had never seen before and asked curiously!

"This device is called (Gravity Bracelet), which is specially used to cultivate physical strength. It can freely adjust the pressure on the body to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body!"

"The one I wear can be freely adjusted from one to a thousand times. The advantage of this bracelet is that as long as you keep it on, you will become stronger unconsciously in your daily life!"Xu Haifeng explained to Zoro seriously!

""Oh! This is good! Can you give me one?" After listening to Xu Haifeng's explanation, Sauron felt that this thing was really good, so he wanted to try it right now!

"What is that? Is it delicious? I want some too, I want some too!"Just then Luffy heard the noise and ran over immediately!

""Okay… okay… okay, you have some too, but they’re not for eating!" Xu Haifeng said helplessly as he looked at Luffy who was running over!

But this is just right, he just wants them to quickly increase their strength, so that he can quickly complete the task, and then he can quickly gain divine power to improve his position as a god!

Xu Haifeng took out two (gravity bracelets) that he had just exchanged for twenty points of divine power from the system space, and gave one to Luffy and one to Zoro!

"Idiot! I told you this isn't edible!"

Luffy was about to put the bracelet into his mouth right after he took it, but Xu Haifeng didn't tolerate him. He used his armed fist to teach Luffy a lesson!

"Ah... it hurts... it hurts... it hurts! Xu Haifeng, why does your fist hurt as much as when my grandfather hit me?" Luffy held his head with both hands and said in surprise!

"Humph! See if you've learned your lesson! Come here and I'll help you put it on! This thing is very expensive, and I'm the only one with it!" Xu Haifeng snatched the bracelet back. Even if Luffy was given this thing, he wouldn't be able to put it on properly, so he had to do it himself!

"Hmm! Xu Haifeng, how expensive is this thing you said is very expensive? How much Bailey is it worth?"

At this moment, Nami heard the word"very expensive" and immediately ran over and asked hurriedly! Nami was not interested in them at first, but when the word"very expensive" appeared, she became excited!

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