As the rebel army surged forward like a tide, stirring up a cloud of yellow sand,

Kosa led the way and stopped at the edge of the city wall! His eyes were solemn and complicated, staring at the towering and solid city wall in front of him.

"Everyone, take a short break, gather your strength, and prepare to break through the royal city in one fell swoop!"Kousha's voice was loud and firm. He turned to face the soldiers behind him and gave orders.

Although the city wall was right in front of him, he chose to wait, which made many soldiers confused and puzzled.

""Chief! Why don't you take advantage of the situation and attack right away?" One of the men couldn't help but ask, his face full of confusion and uneasiness.

"I want to see if Princess Weiwei will show up."Kousha's answer surprised everyone, and his eyes were shining with anticipation.

Princess Weiwei, the beautiful and kind princess in the legend, would she really care about the lives of these civilians? Kousha firmly believed that she would.

However, not everyone had the same expectations for Princess Weiwei as Kousha. The subordinate who raised the question was one of them.

He continued to incite and seduce:"Don't be naive, chief! She is a princess who is high above, how could she care about the lives of us common people?"

These words pierced Kousha's heart like a sharp knife, and he roared angrily:"Shut up! Princess Weiwei is definitely not an ordinary person!"

His voice echoed in the desert, shocking people like thunder.

Seeing that Kousha was already angry, the subordinate stopped talking and turned around silently and walked to the back.

But when he turned around, a gloomy expression suddenly appeared on his face, as if some conspiracy was quietly growing in his heart.


Just as Kosa was lost in thought, struggling over whether he should attack the city immediately, a familiar shout exploded like thunder, instantly pulling him back to reality from the abyss of his thoughts. He raised his head suddenly, his eyes piercing through the diffuse yellow sand, and saw two figures standing in the air above the rebels, like immortals, with fluttering robes, as if they were gods.

"Princess Weiwei?" Kou Sha's heart moved, and his eyes were fixed on one of them.

After careful identification, he was surprised to find that it was the Princess Weiwei he had been longing for and dreaming about for a long time!

"It's really Princess Weiwei!"When the two people slowly landed and finally stood in front of Kosa, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Princess Weiwei's face was still as gentle and moving as before, and her clear eyes were full of desire for peace and concern for them.

"Kosa, stop this war." Princess Weiwei's voice was soft and firm. She looked at Kosa with deep worry in her eyes."You have all been deceived by Crocodile. This is all his conspiracy!"

"What? Crocodile? What does this have to do with him?"When Kosha heard Weiwei's words, he was confused. He could not connect Crocodile with the war in front of him.

"Ask them to step back first and let me explain slowly. Princess Weiwei's tone was full of pleading. She knew that time was running out and she had to let Kosa know the truth as soon as possible.

Kosa nodded and was about to order the soldiers to step back when someone in the crowd behind him suddenly shouted:

"This is a fake Princess Weiwei, don't believe her, let's kill this fake together!"

This voice exploded in the crowd like thunder, and then several gunshots cut through the sky, and bullets shot towards Princess Weiwei and another person!

Kou Sha was shocked and turned around quickly, only to see several rebel soldiers holding guns with ferocious smiles on their faces.

There was no awe of Princess Weiwei in their eyes, only the desire for power and the excitement of the conspiracy about to succeed. Kou Sha roared, moved his body, and blocked in front of Princess Weiwei, and shouted loudly:"Stop! Whoever dares to disrespect Princess Weiwei, I will be the first to not forgive him!"

In the whistling wind, bullets cut through the air, and the sharp whistling sound was like the call of the god of death, approaching directly.

Kosa stared at the bullets hurtling towards him, his heart filled with confusion and anger.

Why would these once loyal men kill Princess Weiwei at this critical moment?

He had no time to think about it, he only knew that at this moment, he had to use his life to build an indestructible barrier to protect Princess Weiwei from harm.

"Hehehe... a bunch of clowns!" Xu Haifeng had a sneer on his face, his eyes full of contempt.

He slowly raised his right hand, palm facing up, as if he was mocking those who tried to threaten him with bullets.

Just as the bullets were about to hit the three people, suddenly, a mysterious force appeared out of thin air, freezing the bullets in mid-air, as if time had frozen at this moment. This scene stunned everyone present, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

""Witchcraft! They used witchcraft! Quick, keep shooting!" After a brief moment of shock, someone in the rebel army screamed, trying to break this strange situation with more firepower.

Xu Haifeng didn't care. He gently closed his eyes, as if sensing something. Then, he opened his eyes and raised his hands gently.

Suddenly, a group of people in the rebel army began to float up uncontrollably, as if being pulled by an invisible force.

""Ah! Ah! Ah! What's going on? This is witchcraft, help!"

The rebel soldiers floating in the air screamed in terror, their faces full of fear and despair.

The people on the ground were also frightened by this scene and panicked, talking about it.

Someone asked in a trembling voice with fear:"This...what's going on?"

Xu Haifeng was as calm as water, he said lightly:"Please don't be afraid, these people above are traitors sent by others to provoke us to fight."

"I already know their true identities and purposes. Now, I will let everyone know their true colors!"

As soon as Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he exerted his powerful control and drove this group of traitors of the Baroque Organization to fall in front of Kosha.

""Chief Kosa, please come with me and take a look! These guys are spies sent by Crocodile to your side! Their mission is to provoke a war between you and the Kingdom Army!"

After Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he led Kosa and Weiwei to where the traitors were.

At this moment, one of them saw Kosa approaching, stood up without hesitation, and shouted:

"Chief Kosa, you must not be deceived by them! We are loyal to you!"

Then, the rest of the people also echoed:"Yes! Yes! Chief Kosa, you can't just believe their one-sided words!"

For a moment, the scene became extremely chaotic.

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