Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1370: Rescue the little princess (1)

And the Spirit King really wanted to save the little princess that he must have saved the little princess, but today he didn't tell us anything about that matter, so the Spirit King has only two possibilities.

The first is that he never rescued the little princess himself. So in this way, why do you love the little princess? The second situation is that he may have rescued the little princess, but he must have failed and something happened in the middle that harmed his spirit king's face, so he didn't want to tell us.

But no matter how you look at these things, the spirit king has other purposes, so I also think that the spirit king must have something to hide from us, and saving the little princess is indeed very troublesome. "

Feng Ying fell into contemplation after saying these words. In fact, he would rather have said what he just said was just a guess. Because if those just said are true, then the spirit king asking them to save the little princess this time is an action that will never return.

Because no matter what it looks like, whether it is the spirit king who has rescued the little princess or not, according to the spirit king's personality and the attitude of talking today, he is a self-centered person. It must be because that beast was so powerful that their spirit race never rescued the little princess.

And if this is the case, based on the current strength of the three of them, they might not be able to beat that beast. Besides, the Spirit King didn't tell them any shortcomings or fears of that beast. The three of them are now completely unable to fight the beast, no matter what, they seem to be sent to death.

Yue'er was also worried after hearing Feng Ying's inference. What Feng Ying said just now is to tell them that this journey is very dangerous! But now Jiang Ning and Feng Ying's stamina is not better than when they were in their world. They are indeed a little bit ugly this time.

Jiang Ning looked at the two people sitting opposite to him who were helpless. Then I wanted to speak to comfort them both.

"In fact, we don't need to be too pessimistic. What if we can save the little princess? Do you have to believe in yourself, and also believe in me. Since I brought you two out of prison, I won't let you two suffer , You two can rest assured!"

"Jiang Ning, that's what I said, but you know how sure you are, don't you know it right?"

"Feng Ying, but even if I don’t know, but as long as I know that I can protect the two of you, no matter how fierce the beast is, as long as the three of us work hard to fight him, I believe we can save it. The little princess.

Even if there is no little princess, but our three good friends are dead together, aren’t they, the scenery of the Spirit Race is so good, it’s worth it if we die here together, isn’t it? ? "

After Jiang Ning said this, all three of them laughed. They didn't expect that Jiang Ning would say something like this to bluff people. It was something that Yue'er and Fengying had never thought of.

In fact, Jiang Ning is also very worried about what to do tomorrow. He has no idea what to do tomorrow. He doesn't know how to deal with that monster, and he doesn't know how to deal with that Spirit King.

Just like Fengying said, the spirit king is definitely not as simple as they thought, and there are many things that the spirit king hasn't told them today. They didn't know the purpose of the spirit king.

Jiang Ning asked Feng Ying and Yue'er to go to rest first, and he would figure out how to fight the monster tomorrow. But Yue'er still has a lump in her heart. She wants to understand a lump now. She wants to immediately ask Fengying and Jiang Ning what they can know about this matter.

"Jiang Ning, Feng Ying, I still don’t want to go to rest. I still have a big mystery to solve. I want you to tell me about it. It’s about Fengying. Did he tell you something? And It's something different from what I said.

I was in jail yesterday for a long time and I didn’t figure it out, so I think Fengjiang must have said something to you, so you two will say those things to me at that time. I think about it. , I think I still believe you, so I just ask you now, I want you to answer my question honestly. "

"Yue'er, you don't actually need to know so much. Knowing so much will only cause harm to you. Actually, Jiang Ning and I don't want you to be harmed, and Feng Jiang also guessed this point, so we can follow us so unscrupulously. Those who said those things."

"Feng Ying, if you think of me in the same way, I can't help it, but I want you to believe me, at least I hope that the way I look in your heart is different from the way I look in Fengjiang's heart. How does he think of me? I don't care, but what I think is what you think of me.

I want you to believe that I am no longer the timid month old. I have experienced so much with you now. Don't you believe me? My first heart is already strong enough, and I hope you will tell me the truth. "

"Okay, Yue'er, in fact, I told you that there was a purpose for Fengjiang to contact you.

He thinks that the spirit race and his cooperation seems to be due to some fluctuations in the spirit race affairs recently, so in this irregular transaction, Fengjiang feels that they should find the next partner they can cooperate with. But in the other world, the distance is just right. But the only thing that can cooperate in our world is your Moon Clan.

So he wants to cooperate with your Moon Clan through you, and he initially told me and Jiang Ning that he didn’t want you to come to the Spirit Clan because he wanted to keep you in his hands as a handle, or else he would take it when the time comes. What is the exchange with the Moon Clan?

But what Jiang Ning and I didn't expect in the end was that he actually let you come to the Spirit Race with us. This is something I haven't figured out. . . "

"In fact, there is nothing I can't figure out. He asked Yue'er to come to the Spirit Race just because he wanted to continue to threaten Yue'er after ten days. At that time, if only Yue'er can't go back, it's okay. If Yue'er is hers Friends, that is, if we can't go back.

He felt that Yue'er would compromise and cooperate with their Shapu people because of her friends. So I think this is the reason why Feng Xian finally sent Yue'er to the Spirit Race with us.

It must be something in the middle of Yue'er that made him think that the two of us are very important to Yue'er. . . . ",,..

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