Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1376: Beautiful Omen (2)

The place Jiang Ning and the others came to was indeed very beautiful. They had never seen it before. All the flowers grow in the clouds. Many beautiful flowers grow in every floating cloud. They walked in these clouds, like a beautiful fairyland.

But Yue'er remembered the beautiful omen Fengjiang had said. This sentence has been lingering in Yue'er's mind, but what exactly is meant by Yue'er can't figure it out, but Yue'er suddenly saw the oleander among all the flowers.

How can oleanders survive here? Everything here seems to be such a gentle and beautiful environment, but why do oleanders exist? It's really strange. So after Yue'er saw the oleander, she immediately realized something was wrong, there seemed to be something weird.

Just when the three of them were about to enter this wonderland, Yue'er immediately stopped them.

"Feng Ying, Yue'er, don't worry for the two of you. Let's take a look before talking. I feel that there is something wrong with this place, but I can't tell you where the specific problem lies. But this is a beautiful place, why is it here? Oleander will be produced. You must not touch this flower."

"Huh? Oleander? What kind of flower is this? There seems to be a lot of flowers here, I can't tell. But what is the danger of oleander? That's why you are so nervous. Right? "

"Well, Fengying, you are right. Oleander is really dangerous. It is an evergreen shrub with pink and white flowers. It is widely distributed, but it can still grow here. Strange, this kind of flower and bark are poisonous, so it's best not to get this kind of flower."

After Yue'er finished speaking, she suddenly noticed another thing. She suddenly found another poisonous flower, which was similar to oleander, which was the grass.

"Wait, there are also guttata, and the whole plant of guttata, especially the leaves and roots. Many people mistakenly eat the guttata as honeysuckle, and the poisoning is very serious. But there are still many flowers. Know, so I feel that there seems to be a trap here.

By the way, do you still remember what Fengjiang said about that beautiful trap when we left. I don't know why when I walked here, I felt that this sentence flashed in my mind very strongly, so I felt that this was the beautiful omen.

But this beautiful omen is actually not beautiful. This beautiful omen must have other meanings. It must be about some trap, so I hope we will be more careful here. "

After listening to what Yue'er said, Jiang Ning felt a little curious. Actually, Yue'er didn't have to lie to them, but what exactly did this beautiful omen mean, and what did she want to tell them? What Yue'er said just now is not unreasonable, but what does this trap mean?

What is this trap? If you face these flowers, these flowers are poisonous, but are every flower poisonous or just some of them? This is indeed still a problem. Although Yue'er has said that the problem exists, what exactly is this problem?

"Yue'er, can you tell me where the problem lies in this garden-like place? What is the problem? If we want to reach the opposite place, we have to go through this garden. There will be no problems in the middle. Well, then there seems to be something wrong with this place if you say so."

"I don't know, but if you have to reach the opposite side, you can only cross here, but I just looked around and it seems that there is really no other way to go. I have gone, but I really don’t feel relieved when I cross here, you Say what if we are pitted by this garden in the middle."

Whether or not to go through here is already a question, but there is only one way. If we have to go through here, we must ensure that there is no danger here.

But how to ensure that there is no danger at all here, this is indeed a problem. Jiang Ning and the three of them all fell into contemplation. Whether they should go through here or not has become a headache for the three of them now.

"Yue'er, do you think this flower bush has problems with flowers or other places? Why do you feel that everything here seems to be beautiful, but in the middle, I think there is indeed a problem here. Tell me about this big promise Where does the flower bush make us feel weird?"

Feng Ying almost completely asked the question Jiang Ning wanted to ask. It is true that Yue'er understands a little bit about geography, but they all seem to understand a little bit about common sense, so this is not just a question of what flowers. , This flower bush seems to have a bigger problem that they still realize but haven't said it.

But what was the problem, Jiang Ning couldn't figure it out anymore, and Feng Ying did. Although Yue'er also knows that these flowers have problems, most of them are poisonous flowers, but after all, there are so many flowers, it is normal to grow so many poisonous flowers! But it's definitely not just about poisonous flowers!

Suddenly, a correct solution flashed in Jiang Ning's mind. That's right, it should be the problem. It was something they thought was weird but couldn't say it was weird.

"Yue'er, Fengying. Maybe I understand the problem we have been unable to figure out since."

"What, Jiang Ning. What's the problem? This flower bush is definitely not a problem with poisonous flowers. Poisonous flowers are a very normal thing. In fact, it is a normal thing everywhere, but the problem here is definitely not the month. The problem with the poisonous flowers that I was talking about must be something else, right? Jiang Ning."

"Yes, that's right. For any place where flowers grow, it's normal to grow a few poisonous flowers. In fact, what Yue'er said has nothing to do with the correct answer, but Yue'er reminds us Yes. This flower bush does have a problem.

You see, this flower bush is the only road through the opposite side, and it is several hundred meters long. Except for this flower cluster, there are no clouds nearby, indicating that this is a direct connection to the opposite side. For all those who think of the opposite side, they must pass through this flower cluster. ,, ..

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