The death of the **** tiger general was like throwing a heavy bomb among the crowd.

"How is it possible? How dare he kill the **** general?"

"Is he not afraid of Lord God King's revenge?"

"It's just looking for death! Wait for the Lord God King to come, see how rampant he is!"

The words of the creatures of the God Tiger clan unabashedly revealed their great confidence in the God Tiger King.

The elder of the sacred cow clan turned pale after seeing Jiang Ning personally kill the sacred tiger general.

But seeing his trembling voice said: "This... how should this be good?"

Originally, he just thought Jiang Ning was going to grab some soul crystals.

But I didn't expect Jiang Ning to directly kill a **** tiger general when he came up.

In this case, wouldn't the two sides fall into a situation of endless death?

However, he didn't know that Jiang Ning had originally wanted to drive the God Tiger Clan to extinction.

After all, when Jiang Ning planned to take the Soul Crystal from the God Tiger Clan, he was already ready to destroy the God Tiger Clan.

Because, from that moment, they are destined to be opposites.

Jiang Ning does not like to cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows again!

There must be constant troubles by then!

Therefore, if you want to come, come to a happy one, and directly remove the **** tiger clan from the three thousand **** clan!

Of course, this idea Jiang Ning did not share with the creatures of the He Shenniu tribe.

Even the elder of the Shenniu clan, he didn't reveal anything.

Because it must be the elder of the Shenniu clan who knew Jiang Ning's plan.

I definitely feel that Jiang Ning's idea is too crazy, and he refuses to cooperate with him.

Therefore, it is the wisest choice to cut first and play later.

I don't know, if the elders of the Shenniu tribe knew that Jiang Ning had this idea from the beginning.

Will there be a feeling of drawing a wolf into the room.

However, the fact is that this is not to lead a wolf into the room.

It was a great opportunity for the Shenniu clan.

If it moves forward normally, the Divine Bull Race at this time may have already been divided by the major Protoss races.

Of course, this refers to the Soul Mine and Soul Crystal.

It's not that the creatures of the sacred cow race.

For the protoss, the creatures of the sacred cow are of no use at all.

As long as the spirit crystals are enough, you can create powerful players in large quantities!

Therefore, the final outcome facing the Divine Bull Race must be eliminated by the three thousand Divine Race!

As for the Soul Crystals, they will completely become legends, and they will never be touched.

But now it is different.

Jiang Ning was there, and Jiang Ning had promised 20%.

The rise of the sacred cow has become an unchangeable fact.

Of course, the premise is that if the Shenniu Clan does not betray Jiangning, it will always follow Jiangning's side!

Otherwise, there is no need for other Protoss to divide it up.

Jiang Ning would break them into pieces!

Jiang Ning will never be polite to those who betray him.

"Why? Can the elder regret it?"

Jiang Ning's spiritual consciousness is strong, so he can naturally feel what the elders of the sacred cow clan thinks.

However, his expression did not change at all.

There is a good saying, you want to run on the thief ship?

How could the elders of the sacred cow clan not know that something has happened, and the king of the sacred tiger would definitely hate them together with the sacred cow clan.

At this time their choice was to go all the way to the black with Jiangning, there was no other way!

"Get ready to fight!" The elder of the Shenniu clan ordered directly.

Then you need to wait for Jiang Ning's order.

Jiang Ning saw that the elders of the Shenniu tribe were so neat.

He nodded in satisfaction. Obviously, he still felt very pleased with the knowledge of the current affairs of the elders of the Shenniu tribe.

"You actually dare to kill the **** general of my **** tiger clan, you simply don't know how to live or die!"

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the palace.

The loudness of the sound made everyone's eardrums feel pain for a while!

"God King!" "God King is out!"

"Haha, thieves of the Divine Bull Race above, just wait to die!"

Suddenly, the morale of the **** tiger clan skyrocketed, and they shouted loudly at the sky.

His voice was so loud that he wanted to vent all the shock he had just received!

The creatures of the anti-audience sacred cow clan turned pale after hearing that the sacred tiger king had come out.

If the **** bull king is still there, maybe they will not be afraid.

After all, someone is supporting it, isn't it?

But now, can he really defeat the God Tiger King?

Everyone couldn't help but looked at Jiang Ning worriedly.

At the same time, in my heart, I started to make plans in case Jiangning couldn't defeat the God Tiger King!

Of course, these Jiang Ning must not know.

If she knew the key, the sacred cows behind her would dare to think so.

He will certainly ignore the **** tiger king of the **** tiger clan in front, and he will kill these wall grass when he looks back!

"Huh!" At this moment, a breaking wind sounded.

Then I saw an afterimage rushing towards Jiang Ning like lightning.

Who is it if it isn't that God Tiger King?

Almost everyone's heart was raised at this moment.

"Take it to death!" The God Tiger King uttered a fierce roar, and slammed it down with a fierce punch.

Jiang Ning sneered: "Wishful thinking, see how I can clean you up!"

After speaking, Jiang Ning grabbed the fist thrown by God Tiger King.

Just listening to the muffled sound of "bang!" Jiang Ning's complexion remained unchanged.

He directly took the fist of God Tiger King.

"How can this be?"

This sentence almost came from the mouths of the **** tiger king, the creatures of the **** tiger clan and the holy spirits of the **** cow clan at the same time!

How can this be?

If Jiang Ning's second death tiger general had caused a sensation.

So now, it undoubtedly makes everyone stunned.

Are you not dreaming?

This is the first thought in everyone's mind at this time!

Although everyone no longer wants to believe it, the facts are in front of them, and they are beyond doubt.

Almost everyone couldn't help swallowing.

The king of God Tiger looked a little embarrassed, obviously he did not expect that this kid who he looked down upon could take his attack so easily!

You know, although he is not a particularly powerful existence in the Protoss. ,, ..

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