“Roar! Roar! ”

The lioness was in pain, and quickly turned around and roared lowly.

The spotted hyena dares to attack the hind legs of the lioness, but does not dare to face the fangs and claws of the lioness.

The moment the lioness turned around, five or six spotted hyenas immediately retreated, made a big circle, and ran behind the lioness again.

The lioness obviously also knew the stunt of the anorectal director, did not dare to slacken, and quickly sat on the ground to protect the point.

While the lioness was looking left and right, a spotted hyena in front of the lioness sneaked up and wanted to sneak attack.

It was greeted by a solid slap from the lioness.

After slamming the attacking spotted hyena to the ground, the lioness immediately pounced and bit the spotted hyena’s neck.


-” “Woo-woo-”

When the lioness attacked the spotted hyena, the other spotted hyenas suddenly swarmed up and stormed the lioness three ways.

In an instant, at least three spotted hyenas bit the back half of the lioness.

Chen Yu, who watched the battle through the gap in the bushes, felt extremely heart-wrenching.

The lioness’s care and affection for him is unparalleled.

Even if it’s just a wild animal, who says wild animals have no feelings?

Even, compared to humans, the relationship between wild animals is more pure.

Chen Yu, who has a human mind, although he does not regard the lioness as a real mother.

But for Chen Yu, the lioness is definitely a good teacher and best friend.

Now that the lioness is in danger, he can’t help anything.

At this time, if he comes forward, instead of helping the lioness, it will also distract the lioness to protect him and cause more damage.

“Evolutionary energy! Evolution Energy! You must get more evolution energy! ”

Chen Yu was secretly ruthless in his heart.

On the other side, while the lioness was attacked, she let go of the spotted hyena she had suppressed and turned to deal with the enemy behind her.

A few spotted hyenas that bite the lioness and quickly retreat.

The spotted hyena is a cunning and desperate hunter.

They will swarm while the lioness attacks her companions.

If the lionesses insists on killing one of their companions, they can inflict heavy damage on the lioness during this time.

However, the lionesses abandoned their companions and turned to the defense, and they did not dare to act rashly.

Although as long as they rise up and attack, the lioness can only kill one of them at most, and will be besieged to death.

However, these spotted hyenas, no one wants to be that “one of them”.

The lioness sat on the ground and looked around alertly.

On the one hand, it can restore physical strength, on the other hand, it can also protect the key points.

Neither side dared to act rashly, and the situation was so deadlocked.

It’s just that at this time.

A treacherous spotted hyena, taking advantage of the siege of its companions to the lioness, sneaked up next to the remaining half of the zebra carcass and gobbled it up.

The witty second brother said: You fight first, more me is not more, less me is less, I will not go over to add to the chaos.

The clever spotted hyena is quickly noticed by its companions.

Its companions were immediately furious.

It makes perfect sense!

We are fighting with the eldest brother here to fight and die, you two or five if you don’t help, forget it, and still steal food over there?

An extremely unhappy spotted hyena directly gave up the confrontation with the lioness, and also ran to the zebra carcass and joined the ranks of the meal.

With these two taking the lead, the remaining spotted hyenas no longer hesitated and retreated from the lioness one after another.

The feud between hyenas and lions, in the face of fresh zebra meat, is simply not worth mentioning!

Since there is already meat to eat, what else to knock with the lion?

Seeing this, the lioness quickly ran to the bush where Chen Yu was hiding and took Chen Yu to open up.

A life-and-death crisis ended in such an absurd way.

Originally, Chen Yudu had already made up the lion version of the thirty-year Hedong and thirty-year Hexi.

However, the spotted hyenas retreated for ridiculous reasons.

One has to sigh that things are impermanent.

In fact, Chen Yu has always exaggerated the hatred of lions and spotted hyenas in his heart.

Between the beasts, there is no such thing as “hatred”.

They fight each other, it is a competition for survival.

To put it bluntly, it’s for food.

I killed you today, not because I wanted to kill you, but because I took a fancy to the food resources you occupied.

When eight spotted hyenas face a lioness and a dead zebra, their minds naturally weigh.

What do you get by choosing to kill a lioness?

The meat of a lioness and a lion cub!

What can you do to get meat?

Eat one’s fill!

However, hunting a lioness carries a risk of death.

This risk is equal for every spotted hyena, and there is no such thing as me being a sacrificial companion.

And what about the zebra that chose to die?

It can also keep them full!

Since it is also full, why choose a rough road and risk death to eat, instead of simply eating safely and safely?

Perhaps, the purpose of the spotted hyenas was only to drive the lioness and seize her prey from the beginning.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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