“However, the urgent task now is to fill the stomach.”

I don’t know how long this evolution took, Chen Yu’s stomach was already grumbling with hunger.

He wanted to go to the lioness, drink some milk, pamper his stomach first, and then go hunting some cattle, sheep, red deer or something, and eat a full meal.

Chen Yu looked around, but found that there was nothing around.

The fertile wilderness has become very empty, and the huge population of herbivores has disappeared.

Not only the prey is gone, but even the lions are gone!

The prey was gone, and it must have migrated somewhere else.

Prey lives after water and grass, and lions follow their prey.

Huge groups of herbivores will gnaw the grass on the ground to a stubble of grass roots.

Nature pushes them to move toward places where food is plentiful.

Lions, on the other hand, will follow their prey unless they migrate outside their territory.

“System, how long did I sleep when I evolved for the second time?” Chen Yu immediately asked.

“Ding – the process of the second evolution of the host, a total of 75 hours!”

“75 hours, that’s more than three days?!”

Chen Yu immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

When he sleeps, there is no protection around him.

I thought that evolution would not take too long, and it should be fine with lions to take care of.

Who knows, when I woke up, it was actually three days later, and the lions ran away and didn’t know where.

After the lions left, the period before Chen Yu woke up was very dangerous.

Even a weak jackal can take Chen Yu’s life!

“In the future, it must not be like this again! Next time you evolve, you have to find a place to bury yourself! ”

The second evolution took three days, and who knows how long the third evolution will take?

Fortunately, Chen Yu was lucky, and no unjust opponent found his traces and allowed him to successfully wake up from his slumber.

“Let’s go find the lions first, it shouldn’t go too far.”

Although Chen Yu was already strong and could hunt independently, he didn’t want to become a stray male lion so early.

With a safe herd of lions to live in, and a gentle lioness willing to take care of him, why should he wander around?

Moreover, the lion colony territory must be rich in prey, which can meet his dual needs of skill proficiency and evolutionary energy.

“Hey, big cat, come here, gee.”

At this moment, a human voice suddenly sounded in Chen Yu’s ears.

Chen Yu was stunned suddenly.

He hadn’t heard humans speak for a long time, and it was still in the intimate native dialect!

“Come here, gee!”

The crisp girlish voice sounded again.

Chen Yu turned his head and saw that an off-road vehicle was parked not far away.

The co-pilot’s window was open, and a cute girl with long black hair was waving to him.

“Love plot heroine, invincible girly style of youth, cute healing first love face”

This is Chen Yu’s first image of the girl.

If it was a past life, Chen Yu would definitely find a way to meet the girl by chance, and then ask for a contact information or something.

However, in this life, he is just a lion!

What is the use of girls being beautiful? Can’t eat again!

Even if he changed his race, Chen Yu couldn’t accept cannibalism.

This is the bottom line of being born as a human being in a previous life, and the last love for his own life.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu’s mood was a little low.

He ignored the girl’s call and turned dejectedly to leave.

“Hey big cat, don’t go, come quickly, please eat something good!”

The girl called again.

Chen Yu paused at that time, turned around, and trotted in the direction of the off-road vehicle.

“Stay safe, that’s a wild animal!”

Chen Yu faintly heard a more mature female voice.

“Okay, don’t say it, he’s so well-behaved that he won’t bite!”

The girl said impatiently, then opened the door and got out.

However, the girl was not completely relieved.

She stood next to the car door, and once Chen Yu showed her intention to attack, she could immediately escape back to the car.

“What about good food?! Don’t take it out yet! ”

Chen Yu sat in front of the girl, staring at the girl with a sharp look.

“Wow, you’re so smart! Can you understand me? ”

“I can’t tell you anything at first, and I will come over as soon as I say I invite you to eat!” What a big cat! ”

The girl exaggeratedly shouted, but the action did not disappoint Chen Yu.

She brought out a bowl of instant noodles and placed it on the ground.

“Lying groove, instant noodles!”

Chen Yu almost burst into tears.

This kind of junk food, which represents the development of human industrial civilization, he has not eaten for a long time!

Although it may not be nutritious, it is full of memories!

Chen Yu quickly lowered his head and rolled the instant noodles into his mouth with his tongue.

A familiar taste suddenly filled the entire mouth.

Perhaps because the taste buds of lions are not developed, instant noodles do not taste like in previous lives.

But – what a fragrance!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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