"Quiet!" the leading guard shouted with black lines on his head.

Luffy turned around and asked, "Who are you?"

The leading guard said, "We are the White Beret Unit, the direct subordinate of the priest. I am Captain McKinley of the Beret Unit."

As he spoke, McKinley He showed the photos uploaded by the supervisor on Amazon and said, "There is no room for excuses, we have received the photos taken by the supervisor of the Gate of Heaven with the camera..."

Before McKinley could continue, Lin Hai was shocked. He shouted: "Everyone, did you see that? My photo is the most handsome!"

"Roar!" Sanji said angrily: "Mine is the most handsome."

Lin Hai: "Mine!"

Sanji: "I 's!"

Lin Hai: "Mine!"

This scene made McKinley, who was standing aside, feel offended for the second time!

"Quiet!" When McKinley was about to say something, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten what he was here for?

The seashore was quiet for a few seconds, and everyone stared at each other...

Luffy was the first to say, "I'm not interested in what you said. If nothing else, we're going to take the risk."

After that, Luffy Looking at Lin Hai, his eyes lit up and he said, "Hey, Lin Hai, is there really delicious food on that island?"

Zoro replied, "If there is wine and a sword, that would be great."

Sanji's eyes were on Hong Xin looked at the sky and said infatuatedly: "Beautiful lady, beautiful lady..."

And Nami's eyes were full of money and she muttered: "Treasure, treasure..."

On the side, Mai Jinli, for some reason, wanted to find a piece of tofu and then crash into it and die!

Furious, McKinley shouted, "That's enough. I say you have committed two crimes. The first is illegally entering the Kingdom of God. The second is obstructing our work!"

Luffy punched himself On the palm of his other hand, he suddenly said: "I remember, Lin Hai said you are here to cause trouble, get out of the way..."

Usopp quickly covered Luffy's mouth, and then said: You know but don't say it. "

Luffy said innocently: "But they are here to cause trouble, let me go, I want to beat them, umm..."

Usopp ignored Kimmelli's Face, cover Luffy's mouth!

At this time, Sanji asked, "What does illegal entry mean?"

Robin explained, "To enter the Kingdom of God, each person needs to pay 1 billion ik. According to Conis's explanation just now, 1 billion ik, that It's 100,000 Baileys, and we didn't pay it at the time."

Usopp replied: "But didn't the old lady say that you can come in without paying?"

McKinley said: "It's useless, don't make excuses, Please confess your guilt quickly. But there is no need to panic. Illegal entry is only considered a level 11 crime in the punishment of heaven. If you are willing to accept the punishment, you can immediately become For the safety of passengers."

"What?" Sanji said speechlessly: "This should have been told earlier, causing us all to be alarmed. Tell me, what is the punishment?"

McKinley explained: "It's very simple, as long as You just need to pay ten times the entrance fee. As long as you pay it on the spot, your crimes can be written off on the spot. One person, 10 billion ik..."

"What did he say? We pay 80 billion Ike, which is 8 million Baileys? "Nami went berserk and wanted to beat McKinley, but was stopped by Lin Hai.

At this time, Sanji said: "This is too much Isn't it too expensive? How many tons of rice can be bought with 8 million Baileys? Who can accept this? "

McKinley replied: "What are you talking about? Couldn't it be enough to pay 800,000 Baileys?"

"Then It’s also very expensive, isn’t it? "Sanji exclaimed.

Lin Hai said speechlessly: "Hey Sanji, why are you so excited?"

Luffy replied sincerely: "That's right, didn't Lin Hai just say that they are here to cause trouble? Stupid Sanji."

Sanji turned his head immediately "What are you talking about, bastard!"

Usopp looked at McKinley in confusion and asked, "This is our first time here. We didn't know anyone here before, right? Why are you here? We are in trouble?"

Luffy and Chopper asked at the same time: "Yes, why?"

Without waiting for McKinley to answer, Lin Hai smiled and said: "Actually, I know the reason."

"You know?" Everyone shouted.

Straw Hat Pirates The White Berets all looked at Lin Hai, especially McKinley. The people he brought were here to cause trouble, but that Qinghai

How do people know their purpose?

At this time, Lin Hai put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky...

Seeing Lin Hai's posture, the Straw Hat Pirates felt strangely familiar!

"Hey." Lin Hai said vicissitudes of life: "It's all my fault. In fact, it's because I look too handsome that they are very unhappy with me..."

Before Lin Hai finished speaking, everyone fell!

"What a joke?" When McKinley was about to confront Lin Hai, Lin Hai had already taken the lead.

"Are you kidding?" Lin Hai stepped forward and asked, "A handsome man like me should be serious in his words. Do you think I am kidding? How can you say such crazy words?

There is a proverb in my hometown, that is, you can say whatever you want, but you can't eat whatever you want. Bah, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want, do you know?

In Windmill Village, I am the most handsome. Luffy can fully testify to this. Think about it again. As soon as we met, you directly accused us of two crimes. Let's not talk about the second one, just talk about the first one. How much is your monthly salary?"

"Me?" McKinley, who was stunned, replied stupidly: "Less than 1 billion Ike."

Lin Hai asked, "So you are asked to pay this money, but you can't afford it yourself? Let alone us? Look How can we look like rich people?

Especially our captain, he eats more than ten pigs. He was driven out by the villagers because he eats too much.

Do you know that we were still unable to support ourselves at the beginning? Do you know how we felt when we were abandoned? Do you know how difficult our life was when we were drifting on the sea?

Our life is so difficult, and you, a bastard, are so shameless to ask us for so much money? Think about it with your ass, can we afford it?

You made such a difficult problem when you knew we couldn't afford it. It's obviously to embarrass us. And the reason is that you are jealous of my handsomeness, right? "

McKinley was confused. Who am I, where am I, and what should I do?

Lin Hai would not give him a chance to react, and continued to ask: "You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say cannot cover up the fact that you are jealous of me."

After saying that, Lin Hai turned around and put his hands behind his back again, looked up and sighed: "To sum up, being handsome is also a sin! You don't have to be so jealous of me. In fact, I am also troubled. Time flies, and my face is easy to age..."

As he said that, Lin Hai sang a song: "Spring goes and spring comes back, flowers fade and flowers bloom..."

Ahem, it's out of tune, and everyone shuddered.

The people on the Yunhai Coast were brought back to their senses by Lin Hai's broken voice, and then looked at Lin Hai in a daze, as if they had forgotten what they were going to do next.

Is Lin Hai so pitiful? Is he really that handsome? It turns out that being handsome also has so many troubles!

Fortunately, we look very ordinary! !

No! It's this Lin Hai who is poisonous! !

"Oh!!" Luffy, who was the first to react, pointed at Lin Hai and exclaimed: "Everyone, Lin Hai's brain is really useful!"

"Bang, is this the time to talk about this?" Sanji was the first to say: "By the way, what are we going to do here? I forgot..."

Good guy, really good guy, it's okay to be coquettish, Lin Hai actually confused his own people...


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