Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 306 Flying Thunder God

Now that it's such a happy decision, what then? ? There is another question worth considering, that is, how will he come to this place in the future? ? ? This place definitely has its mystical quality. Absolutely!

This, Naruto is very sure.

Why do you think so? In fact, it is relatively simple! In the original book, Hokage's world is only the legendary "Three Holy Lands", which are the so-called Mt.

There are only these three holy places. Although people in the world have heard of them, they can't find their location anyway, that is, it is difficult or even almost impossible to find them.


The place Naruto came to by accident is completely different from those three places. Naruto has been to Miaomu Mountain more than once or twice. If you want to practice immortality, you must be there. Only then can Mu Shan practice the immortal art perfectly! So Mount Miaomu is the first to pass!

Then, there is the wet bone forest! The slugs in the wet bone forest are very large-scale psychic beasts that even Tsunade Hime, Shizune, and Sakura can't all psychic out so far. There are no such beasts here! And there is no such moist smell...

Finally, as for Ryujidong, wouldn't Naruto, who hates snakes the most, still not notice it?

Therefore, this is another mysterious and unknowable new holy place. Moreover, Naruto has checked this place very carefully, and there is no other breath of life here. In this case, it can be occupied by Naruto and become a base for himself!

So, how to get to this place is a tricky and difficult thing to figure out! !

Because, Naruto came to this place under the circumstances of no accidents and a lot of good luck. He was afraid that if he went out, he might not be able to come in again.

Therefore, before that, it is very necessary to think of a perfect solution!

So yeah!

Naruto used one of his trump cards! ! !

Once this trump card comes out, who will compete with it! !

Want to know what it is? ? ? What means and ninjutsu are there in this Naruto world to achieve such an effect? ?

have! Absolutely!

but! It's definitely very, very rare! The few can even be regarded as none.

For ordinary people, this is naturally impossible even if they know it, because the conditions are too harsh! !

The harshness makes people desperate!

There are some such ninjutsu in this world, this kind of ninjutsu that can make more than 99% of ninjas desperate and helpless!

Because...they just can't learn it! The difficulty factor is too high, not for the time being, and talent is needed! ! Without an extremely strong talent or bloodline, there is no way to master it!

What kind of ninjutsu is this? It's so amazing! Naturally... it's space ninjutsu!

Space ninjutsu, what kind of ninjutsu does this kind of ninjutsu belong to? This... Naruto doesn't know! Either it’s nothing, or it’s everything, in short... This is the kind of ninjutsu that is very difficult to learn! ! !

In fact, psychic beasts are also related to space ninjutsu, but they are formed by signing a contract, and the limitations are very large!

However, the space ninjutsu mastered by Naruto is another matter!

Space-type ninjutsu can also be the highest-level teleportation technique! It is even better than the instant speed brought by that kind of escape technique! That's why the Fourth Raikage was so powerless when he met Naruto's father's Fourth Hokage, and he was willing to bow down to him! So that after the death of the Fourth Hokage, he dared to be the fastest in the ninja world! ! !

This space ninjutsu is the Flying Raijin Jutsu created by the Second Hokage! !

As long as the mark of Flying Thunder God is engraved, it means that this person is about to enter the coffin.

That's the general assessment, right? ! Because as long as the Flying Thunder God technique engraves a mark, it can reach through space instantly, and this mark is very difficult to erase.

In other words, as long as Naruto can still sense the existence of this mark, he can use the space ninjutsu of Flying Thunder God to reach this place instantly. The passage is over! After all, what if there is no access to the outside world!

Everything is possible ~ ~ ~ is not it? ? But with the mark of Flying Thunder God, everything will be all right! !

You know, God knows how difficult it was when I learned this ninjutsu from the Book of Seals! It's simply entangled with Naruto! Although he has mastered all the ninjutsu of the seal in the Book of Seals, do you know how long it takes to learn this ninjutsu? ? Compared with other ninjutsu, the total learning time is much longer. This is the most difficult ninjutsu he has encountered! !

At the beginning, Naruto even wanted to give up the practice of "Flying Thunder God", but in the end he still chose to persevere! !

There is no other way!

The Art of Flying Thunder God! This is a very powerful space ninjutsu! Naruto's father's famous name of "Yellow Flash" is due to this amazing ninjutsu! Compared with the general instant body technique, it is even more powerful! It is also a skill that Naruto must learn. With such ninjutsu, Naruto will have the confidence!

Otherwise, how would he deal with those terrifying enemies! The space ninjutsu of the pupil technique that is more advanced than the flying thunder god, Kamui, and what else is the power of the sky, those are things that Naruto may never be able to master! Even if there is a way to master it, it may take a very long time!

So, before that?

This Flying Thunder God is the key! Therefore, Naruto endured all the pain, and he firmly believed in this truth. He is the son of the fourth Hokage, possesses the same talent as his father, and must be able to successfully master this skill! Sure! !

So he continued to practice with all his strength, which should be Naruto's hardest practice.

In the past, one could easily learn it by relying on talent, but if this 'Flying Thunder God' doesn't put in double the effort, it won't work even if it is a talent! It is even more difficult to fully grasp...

In short, Naruto was surprised to be able to come in handy soon! I'm really glad in my heart! ! Experiment with the ability of Flying Thunder God... (to be continued...)


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