Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 312 Where do you live?

Is there no free lunch in this world? ? ?

These words came out of Naruto's mouth.

Sakura was constantly struggling to seek relief, and suddenly stopped, her eyes stayed on Naruto, which seemed a little complicated!

" seem to have really changed!!" Sakura stared at Naruto for a long time before slowly exhaling a foul breath and said.

"Huh? Is that so?" Naruto gently stroked Sakura's neck. His expression didn't change at all, his eyelids drooped, and the color in his eyes couldn't be seen, and the atmosphere suddenly began to change again.

"Originally, I thought that you became more mature just under the influence of Master Jiraiya, and your character is still the original Naruto, but now it seems that I was wrong in a mess!!" The corner of the mouth With a wry smile, Sakura's mood at the moment is mixed, and she can't express it. In short, it's okay to feel uncomfortable.

It seems that Naruto's scapegoat is definitely committed by the **** Immortal! ! Really wronged his master! ! But, who made you the master, so it's only natural that the apprentice's blame is taken for granted! !

"Have I changed? Have I really changed??" Naruto lowered his head and muttered to himself, then he raised his head, "Maybe, my nature is just like this?? Or's you, It's you who made me change!!" Naruto spoke calmly, as if he couldn't hear any unhappiness, but the taste was very different. It's not as simple as it seems!

"Naruto, you, you..." Sakura looked at Naruto's face which looked very different and strange compared to the time.

This face is very handsome, but there is always a strange feeling! Sakura seems to have no way to get close to his heart, just like Sasuke before! ! Sasuke's cold rejection is thousands of miles away, and although Naruto always smiles at others, he seems to have a lot of secrets in his heart, and he can't get into his heart. The more he wants her to understand the sense of distance, the more The more you can't get close, the more familiar you are, the more you can feel...

Naruto! What have you been through? ?

"Then, in order for me to rescue your beloved Sasuke, please pay the due price!!" Naruto said softly, and stretched his hands to the lapel of Sakura's chest...

Surprisingly, Sakura didn't move at this time, she didn't even care about the shackles she was struggling to get rid of before, she let Naruto-san's frivolity, and the next more rude behavior...

"Then, my **** will continue..." Naruto kissed the lips that he wanted to occupy for a long time. Although it was unfamiliar, there was still some familiar taste.

Sakura silently closed her eyes... Is this anticipation, or helplessness; this is a kind of acquiescence, or powerlessness to resist;

this is……


Tonight's moon is really round~~It's just curved... This sentence is really familiar...

However, the moon tonight is really curved, like a silver hook, very piercing...

Naruto was outside all day, and then came home and saw this pile of... ruins!

Then, Naruto's originally excited expression on his face suddenly disappeared.

Yep! He was already dumbfounded.

Naruto looked at him stupidly, which had become ruins, and what was ruined could no longer be ruined, which made his mood freeze for a moment.

Nothing wrong! It's frozen! Then Naruto laughed again.

Anyway, he didn't suffer from the last one, did he? ? And it also took a lot of advantages that Naruto hadn't expected before. This is actually an excellent value for money, and what's more, it is already so bad that Naruto will get what he wants! !

As for the last precipice, hehe, I just wanted to keep the excitement until the most appropriate time.

Hehe, Naruto felt happy again when he thought of all the hardships he had gone through during the day.

It’s just a broken house~~ and he rented it,

Because Naruto is an orphan, how could he have a house? How could he have the money to buy real estate like a house since he was an orphan? ? Before this time, Naruto could really be regarded as poor, poor jingle!

Now that this house has become what it is now, there is no need for Naruto to continue to live in it, and he actually doesn't want to live in this house for a long time, and has long wanted to eliminate it. Yes, but... After all, this is the home that Naruto has lived in for a long time, so there is still some affection, so he still doesn't want to lose it, but should he restore this house now? ? This is of course possible, a very random and simple thing, but, now, is it really necessary to restore it immediately? ? there? ? ?

After much deliberation, it feels like it's still worse! ! If you start now, if you want to return to the original shape, it will be a matter of minutes, but once this happens, Naruto will lose a good opportunity! !

Chance? what chance? ?

Naturally, it's an opportunity to sleep in the same room with a beautiful woman! ! So many beauties are waiting for Naruto's choice! ! ! This... who is he going to choose? ? This question... really confuses Naruto! really! !

Miss Bai, for a few years, she followed Naruto through life and death, joined Konoha's Anbu organization together, carried out arduous training with Naruto, and has been working hard to protect Naruto. Bai is very close and very close to Naruto trusting woman.

Miss Bai knows many things about Naruto. Including Naruto's strength... Now she seems to have completely integrated into Konoha's life, and has performed many tasks for Konoha, and has been recognized by many high-level people in Konoha. Therefore, in Naruto Under the application of the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade Hime specially arranged a place for Bai to live in.

It was about half a year before Bai moved out from Ying's house to live. Of course, because Ying and Bai are also close friends, Bai would often go back to live with Ying's house for a few days.

Then, Uzuki Xiyan!

A poor woman who lost her fiancé, has always been the guide for Naruto and Shiro to live in Anbu. This beautiful woman, whether it is temperament or anything, is super... Do you want Naruto to live there tonight? How about some comfort? !

And... (to be continued...)


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