Instead, it allowed Naruto to master the trajectory and skills of this attack. Burning novel????????????`t


With one slash, Jun Malu's bone knife snapped! ! ! Hard enough! Naruto's mouth tingled from the shock!

As I said just now, Junmaro's bone knife is very hard, and Naruto's ninjutsu of fire escape, water escape and earth escape are useless.

The high-temperature fire escape, the most classic fire escape ninjutsu, the Uchiha family's "Gao Huoqiu", "Feng Xianhuo", Sasuke's "Gaolonghuo", "Dragonfire" just now, Naruto has tried all of them , the result is unexpected!

It stands to reason that no matter how hard the bones are under the high temperature chakra of Huo Dun, they will probably be burned! ? However, Jun Malu is very smart. After all the flames came to Jun Malu's body, they were split open by the bone knife in his hand. Although there may still be a certain degree of burning, it is already It will not affect Jun Ma Lu himself.

Naruto's fire ninjutsu can't help a knife made of bones? ? ?

This is simply a joke, isn't it? ? l However, because the opponent is Junmaro, there is no way to do this. He is a character who can fight against the fourth Kazekage, Gaara's father, at the age of fifteen!

If it weren't for Naruto's wind escape is strong enough, the bone knife is probably still strong!

Jun Ma Lu, who has fully recovered, after several years of precipitation, this strength must be at the kage level! ! !

A loyal shadow-level subordinate.

Just think about it, don't say it, I really envy that fellow Orochimaru! !

Does he have such charisma? ?

"Pause for a moment!!" Changing a bone, Junmalu continued the impenetrable attack, but Naruto who was being violently attacked suddenly broke away.

"What are you doing?!" Jun Malu said in a deep voice. Tsubaki's dance was actually useless for his attack? ? This kid has always been in control of the entire battle situation.

Originally, it was an ignorant garbage, but I didn't expect this garbage to be unexpected! ! Still, rubbish! His mission is to clean up the garbage that hinders Mr. Orochimaru! !

"Well, let me take a look, do I have any charisma??!" Naruto took out a small mirror and looked around.

It seems worse! Although this face is so handsome, if you want to attract girls, this charm is definitely awesome! But, it seems not! It's a pity that there are no loyal subordinates like Kimaro!

However, suddenly Naruto thought of a very good idea. If Kimaro is killed, can he use his newest ability to do that... Hehe, it seems very possible!

"You are very strong! But I must kill you!" Jun Ma Lu said lightly, murderous aura filled the air, Jun Ma Lu, this Orochimaru once thought to be a perfect existence, finally wants to use his true abilities.

His third dance is the dance of Tang Song!

At the same time, his curse mark also broke out. To perform this third dance, it must be supported by the spell seal as the basis.

A kind of ninjutsu developed by Dashemaru based on the special physique of that Chonggo, which can stimulate the power in the human body.

At the same time, it will also cause a great degree of burden and erosion to your body.

Double-edged sword!

Junmaro's curse seal is the 'Earth Curse Seal', which is the highest level among Orochimaru's curse seals.

In the state of the curse seal, the 'Dance of Tang Song' can be fully displayed.

Just when Jun Malu's "Tang Song Dance" was about to start, one of the four battles had already ended!

Guess who's battle will end first! Mr. Kakashi? This is impossible! The current Sasuke and Kakashi are not easy to provoke, it is impossible for the two of them to be able to tell the winner very quickly...

The battle between Sakura and Kabuki! ! ? This scene, if you want to end it, it feels like you can do it anytime! Sakura can't beat her pocket again...


That is naturally the battle between Yamato and the trio! !

A team of three, this should be the most common lineup in the ninja world! The cooperation between them should be the most convenient.

But, the cooperation between Tayuya, Jirobo, and Satoshi Kin is really not satisfactory!

Jirobo is recognized as the best among them, and was seriously injured by Yamato at the beginning; Tayuya, although she is a woman, she has a strong self-esteem, or... it is because she is a woman that she will In this way, he has always refused to admit defeat; he is close to the left and right, this guy is crazy, and he will never be reconciled until he kills the enemy, and he has always wanted to prove that he is the strongest other than Junmalu...

The three of them don't know how to cooperate!

Therefore, after the fight, they were broken one by one by Yamato. Although his wooden escape effect cannot be compared with that of the first Hokage, it is still more than enough to clean up these three people!

Now, Yamato is finally free.

Then he didn't have time to fix it, so he hurried to support... Sakura!

Sakura is the weakest member of their team this time, and her opponent is that Yakushito who even Kakashi-senpai is afraid of three points, which is very unfavorable.

Sakura's current situation is indeed as Yamato imagined, at a disadvantage, very unfavorable.

No matter how calm she is, Dou's strength is indeed beyond her.

The chakra scalpel in the pocket is as sharp as the chakra knife of Mr. Asma, and it is hard to be faster in speed! Every time he rushes to attack, Sakura will be traumatized, and after being injured, Dou Bute will not pursue the victory, but leave time for Sakura to heal herself with medical ninjutsu, just like this over and over again, She finally understood that this man with glasses was playing tricks on her! Use this method to wipe out her willpower...

What a terrible man! terrible enemy! Is this the true face of the kind senior Dou in the death forest? ?

Sakura clenched her fist tightly, she felt very helpless, very powerless.

A few days ago, she had fought with the talented stylist of member Akatsuki, the red sand scorpion... That puppet master, his strength is many times stronger than that of the bag, but at that time Sakura did not have such a feeling, her Are you afraid? ?

Because at that time she was surrounded by Grandma Chiyo, and Asma-sensei, Hong-sensei, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji. It was a battle of all of us, united as one, so there was no fear!

But now Sakura is facing such a powerful enemy alone, what will she do? !

Not far away, the two most important men in her life are fighting, what about her? what to do Naruto, can you tell me the answer? ? ? (To be continued..)

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