Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 344 Terrifying Potential!

What if Sasuke's body is occupied and becomes a new container for Orochimaru?

really! The body of the Uchiha family has terrifying potential! Sasuke is even more outstanding, which is why Orochimaru spared no effort to train Sasuke. He wants the body of the Uchiha family. Burning novel??????????`t

But, change the world?

Can Orochimaru reach Uchiha Madara's level? ? Without that kind of power, changing the world, I despise you!

Orochimaru was shocked by Naruto's words, and was stunned for a moment.

This kid seems to be different! He seems to have some views on this decaying world...

"You are very different from ordinary Konoha ninjas! You are also very different from Jinchuriki!" Orochimaru said.

"So what?"

"I seem to be interested in you." Orochimaru suddenly laughed.

"Don't, don't, being missed by a man, especially a pervert like you, just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable." Naruto hurriedly said, this guy...absolutely perverted! Although Orochimaru can't be regarded as the most powerful villain in Hokage, but this is definitely the most perverted villain!

A mad scientist who has been devoting himself to researching various ninjutsu and human experiments, being targeted by such a guy, this...

Although this represents a kind of recognition, Naruto really doesn't need it!

"Hehe, in short, you are really interesting." Orochimaru said, "Come on, let me see your strength!"

Gossiping about family affairs is just a necessary link before the fight. After all, they are all people with status, so they are a little bit particular after all, aren't they?

"Okay! Don't be scared!"

"You're so young, your tone is serious!" Orochimaru snorted coldly.

To Naruto, he has a strong killing intent.

Whether it was because Naruto was a disciple of Jiraiya or a child of the Fourth Hokage, and he killed his beloved subordinate just now, Orochimaru had a reason to kill Naruto.

Although he is interested in Naruto now, but Orochimaru is moody, it's hard to say anything!

"Ah drink!"

A long snake spit out from the mouth of Orochimaru, very fast, biting towards Naruto with its teeth bared.

"Huh!" Naruto snorted coldly, this guy's attack method is really annoying, and he must be on guard with all his heart. Otherwise, you might really suffer!

The only remaining red chakra knife in Naruto's hand was almost at the same time as Orochimaru's long snake was biting towards him.

The speed of this reaction is incredible!

This fighting talent is quite high!

As soon as an expert makes a move, he knows there is something wrong! Orochimaru really can't underestimate this junior!

"Look at the move!" Naruto snorted lightly. For the enemy Dashewan, Naruto chose to attack for the first time. Blindly passive defense will suffer a big loss in front of Orochimaru!

"Orochi Servant Technique!" Orochimaru sneered, and took out the Kusanagi Sword to confront Naruto.

The Chakra Knife blessed with Nine-Tails Chakra and the Kusanagi Sword, which is the most powerful among the three major artifacts, are joined together.

This collision, compared to the bombardment of Naruto and Junmaro's bones just now, has risen to another level!

Grass Pheasant Sword! So... so fucking sharp.

His red chakra knife can't hold it at all! Moreover, there is even worse, that is, from the ground, around the Orochimaru, there will be a few long snakes popping out from time to time! When Naruto and Orochimaru are fighting with weapons, attack! This is hard to guard against, is there wood? ?

It's a joke, isn't it? ?

Damn Orochimaru! So many snakes, are they all psychic? Or is it that Orochimaru itself has it? nausea! Do you know that Naruto hates snakes the most?

But who made him a big snake pill! The word "snake" is in the name. He doesn't play with snakes. If he doesn't use snakes, how can he do it?

"Damn it!" Naruto cursed and retreated into the distance,

Orochimaru laughed, and then chased after Naruto. His ninjutsu is very troublesome, there will be big snakes coming out of the ground constantly, it is very difficult to defend against! Especially when Orochimaru is next to him, he is almost attacked on several sides!

However, he is not vegetarian!

The red chakra in his hand was penetrated by Naruto into a more powerful chakra, forming a chakra knife like a flame, and then thrown out by Naruto spinning at high speed, flying towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru used the Kusamaru sword to block it, but the moment the red chakra knife was about to touch the Kusanagi sword, it suddenly changed its direction, and made a beautiful sharp turn around Orochimaru to push those from the ground. All the big snakes that sprang out were cut in two, and then aimed at big snake pills...


The grass pheasant sword cut off Naruto's red chakra knife like mud.

"Next, I will chop you into two pieces!" Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked the white blade of Kusanagi Sword, "How will your blood stain this sword?"


Orochimaru's laughter made Naruto spit at him, "Stop talking big, and watch the young master peel off your snake skin!"

Naruto's figure disappeared, and when he appeared, he kicked Orochimaru's head and sent it flying.

"Bah! Can you keep up with my speed?" Naruto's full speed, the entire ninja world, except for Raikage, who else can compare with him!

In order to avoid the sharpness of the grass pheasant sword, for the present plan, it can only be suppressed with speed!

As for the sword at the bottom of the box, it can't be used yet!

"Your speed can catch up with the Fourth Hokage." Orochimaru walked out from the ruins. Although Naruto's kick was strong, it made Orochimaru feel pain, but it was not enough to really hurt him. .

Orochimaru stared at Naruto with deep eyes.

This speed is really tricky!

Once this speed is deployed, even he is very passive! After the death of the Fourth Hokage, apart from the Raikage from the Land of Thunder, this kid also has such a speed.

It's just a blink of body art, it's so fast! How can it be? ?

This kid's growth rate is amazing!

Originally, Sasuke's growth rate was already abnormal, but this kid is even weirder!

The first time I met this kid, he took out an unknown sword, which actually resisted the sharpness of his Grass Pheasant Sword, but at that time, this kid's strength was still far from his!

The second time, he ravaged Sasuke released by the curse seal of the sky, which surprised Orochimaru, but he still didn't really take it to heart.

However, this is the third meeting!

This power can already threaten him.

Orochimaru actually... (to be continued...)

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