Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 354 The Terrifying Rashomon!

The first layer of Rashomon was broken! Orochimaru's face became even darker. Although he had sensed the dangerous aura in Naruto's ninjutsu, he really didn't expect such a strong threat! ! !

Even the Rashomon of the first generation, no, it should be said to be Dashemaru’s Rashomon now, the first layer of defense wall is so fragile, like a piece of paper...

However, Orochimaru's heart is still relatively calm! After all, it is the first level, and the next Rashomon defense will be even more terrifying!

Each layer is stronger than the previous one, this is Rashomon!

It is precisely because of this that the chakra required for each level of Rashomon after psychic channeling is extremely huge. How huge is it? Enough to make most ninjas in the entire ninja world far behind!

The one that is close to the right...

That's right! I have to talk about this sound ninja! Although he has already died, there must always be some references for examples, right? ? Although the first level Rashomon can be channeled from the left and right, it can only be regarded as a simplified version of the miniature first level Rashomon. The real Rashomon is huge, and this level alone is as difficult as reaching the sky!

Only people with huge chakras like Orochimaru can achieve triple psychic emergence! However, it is also the limit!

His second level of Rashomon can reduce the power of the enemy's attack. When the first level is defeated, it has also withstood a considerable part of the attack force. Under this premise, Second level Rashomon, you can absorb the remaining attack power, absorb it with all your strength, absorb while defending, and then... when the absorbed power has reached this critical point, the second level The Rashomon also shattered!

Then, what can this remaining power do to the third Rashomon? ? ?

After Naruto's spiral shuriken has been baptized by the first two Rashomons, how much power can it retain? ? ?

To use an image metaphor, the original waist length, er, the spiral shuriken with a diameter of about two meters has been worn down to a miniature size after passing through the two Rashomon barriers, which is similar to the normal version. The spiral pill is about the size of a mini spiral shuriken!

Although the power is still several times stronger than the spiral pill, such power is simply not enough to destroy the third Rashomon, that is, the Rashomon where the attack pressure spreads. The so-called Orochimaru after killing Rashomon...

That guy is still living very carefree!


The power of the remaining spiral shuriken hit the third Rashomon, and with a bang, the pressure of the attack was spread, only to let the third Rashomon of Orochimaru come out. There was a slight trembling sound, and then there was nothing, there was no way to leave any traces on this Rashomon, just like this, all the power of Naruto's spiral shuriken was dissolved...

"As expected of the Rashomon left by the first generation of Hokage, the reputation is well-deserved! Only two layers of Rashomon have allowed me to defend against my ultimate move!" Naruto was not depressed, but just praised. This is the first time he has seen the real Rashomon, from which Naruto can feel the power contained in the Rashomon, terrifying and majestic!

Sure enough, it was the Gate of Shura summoned from hell! ! ! It symbolizes death and represents absolute defense! The Ultimate Defense Ninjutsu!

This is like a natural moat, difficult to climb and difficult to break through! ! !

The towering and upright third door trembled, and with a rattling sound, it gradually receded from the ground and disappeared into the ground...

Then, Orochimaru stood there safe and sound, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, which was more like mocking!

All right! This is indeed your triple Rashomon stronger, and Naruto has to bear it. He won't slap a swollen face to pretend to be fat!

In fact, when Orochimaru used the blood contract to channel the triple Rashomon as a ninjutsu to defend against Naruto,

At that time, he already knew that his spiral shuriken might not be able to break it! Destroy! Rather, Naruto would be proud of being able to destroy two Rashomons with this ninjutsu!

Generally speaking, facing the Rashomon of Orochimaru, even Kakashi's Raikiri, Sasuke's Lei Qilin, and Naruto's Daima Heliwan, under the big mouth of Rashomon who came from hell, Next, these are useless!

It is like mocking the opponent, it can easily block the opponent's attack!

If it were Naruto's spiral shuriken in normal state, I'm afraid it would be enough to break through this heavy Rashomon. It's really gratifying to be able to break through two in sage mode!

However, this also means that Naruto's current strongest offensive trick is useless against Orochimaru!

Of course Naruto can continue to use the spiral shuriken, but, Master Orochimaru can also continue to use Rashomon! Is this... fighting for consumption? ? ?

I feel like I'm going to lose both sides, right? ? ?

In fact... as far as the current situation is concerned, whether it is Naruto or Orochimaru, the consumption of both of them at the moment is not small.

Orochimaru and Naruto, both of their chakras belong to that very terrifying level, bottomless! It can be said that, but in this fight from beginning to end, the overall strength of the two of them has also declined.

Especially Naruto! First, he was singled out with Kimaro, which took some energy, and then he was duel with Orochimaru. Until now, under various outputs, especially the use of the spiral shuriken, even Naruto, who is very physically strong, will I have to take a breath too!

Panting, Orochimaru suddenly smiled coldly, and then pressed one of his hands heavily to the ground, Naruto immediately became alert, clang~~~

A sharp long sword came out from under Naruto's feet and pointed straight at his throat. Fortunately, it was hit by Naruto's sword. Otherwise, if he was stabbed, the consequences would be disastrous!

The throat is the key point!

Orochimaru's insidious trick! You really can't be careless! Are you attacking him in such a hurry? It really doesn't let you take a breath!

It's a snake! A very ordinary snake! But this ordinary snake has a sharp long sword in its mouth, so this is another extraordinary snake!

He was so upset that a snake was so close to him! After Naruto blocked the attack, he split it in half with a single sword...


Then, Naruto discovered that the ground trembled slightly, which was difficult to detect. This was... (to be continued...)

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