Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 362 Zi Yuan's Foresight

"Ziyuan! Are you unhappy?" Even though she was soaking in the warm spring water, Ziyuan still looked worried. Burning novel??????????`?t

"Nothing?" A beautiful girl with yellow hair appeared in the mist. She has a delicate face, a noble temperament, and a plump figure. She is the Miko Shion-sama from the kingdom of ghosts.

Although she was about the same age as Ino and Sakura, her responsibilities were undoubtedly huge.

The ability to predict still exists, but the direction of prediction has changed. Start moving towards diversity and you can predict a lot of different things.

This is no longer the theme of death, but recently it has always been predicted around that guy. A few days ago, Ziyuan predicted that Naruto was ashamed of Naruto in the hot spring with that average woman... God, she also predicted that Naruto would be in danger, so she was very upset.

And there is...

She has lived in the village for ten and a half months, but Naruto never seems to have visited her.

What does this mean? ! Obviously he was the one who brought me to this strange village, but he didn't care about me, how annoying!

Have you heard that you are on a mission? ? Hmph, being a ninja is amazing!

She is Miko-sama! Ignore me? snort! ! !

"Are you thinking of Naruto?" A very gentle female voice sounded, looking in the direction of the voice, wow! Also a great beauty! Fair skin and beautiful, this mature charm is very charming.

This is sunset red!

Although she has not been picked by Naruto yet, she has a lot of ambiguous interactions with Naruto.

"Missing him? Why would I miss him?! Liar! Stop joking!" Zi Yuan proudly denied it, although such an attitude just proved her true inner thoughts.

The young miss lost her temper, and Ziyuan glared at Yuhihong angrily. The latter quickly waved his hand.

Shion knows about Kurenai Yuhi, because all the things she has foreseen recently are related to Naruto, so it is inevitable that there will be some restricted scenes, including this woman!

snort! shameless!

It is unimaginable that she looks dignified, but she is so dissolute.

"As for Naruto, hasn't he returned to Konoha in the past two days?" Another beautiful woman spoke.

With purple hair, a slim figure buried in the water, and beautiful lips, this woman has a very good temperament and is very peaceful.

But... it still has something to do with Naruto!

However, Shion still heard what she said clearly, Naruto has returned?

"There's nothing wrong with this, but..." It was the voice of the woman who spoke at the beginning, the white girl of the big sister next door, Naruto's restraint.

"But what?"

"It seems that something happened to him, and he may still be in the hospital!" Bai said.


"Naruto is hospitalized?" The beauties couldn't believe it. Although Naruto is very hateful, very unscrupulous, and always likes to take advantage of their women, but that strength is really strong! They are no match even if they are tied together! Otherwise, why would he always be molested and bullied by Naruto? With Naruto's strength, hospitalized? It seems like an impossible thing, doesn't it? ! ?

But, these words came from Miss Bai, so it should be true, right? !

But why didn't they get the information? ? ? Ziyuan's heart trembled a bit, the picture in memory, could it be real? Has it really come true? ? How is Naruto doing now?

Shion's mood was restless, and the expressions of several of her beauties also changed. It seems that for Naruto, whether it is Uzuki Xiyan or Yuhihong who has always been considered to be forced, they all have some complicated feelings!

"Bai, is what you said true?" Hong said.

"Naturally!" Bai nodded.

"Why is there no news?"

"Because this task is quite secretive! And when he came back, Naruto was in a bit of a bad condition,

So I have been observing... Now he..."

"How is he doing now?" The girls asked anxiously in dialogue, this urgent attitude made Naruto feel sour!

It hasn't officially started yet, so I feel sour in my heart, don't want it...

"Haha, wives, do you want to check how I am doing?" Naruto laughed, very excited!

"Naruto, you, why are you here?" Hong looked at this guy in surprise.

when? Actually came here, this is a women's bathhouse!

To actually have the audacity to break into the women's bathhouse, you are really a super pervert! Moreover, it is still naked.

"Come here, rub my shoulders!" Naruto said, pointing at Hong Gogou's fingers.

This attitude is like a big landlord!

However, after hesitating for a while, Hong still took the initiative to walk over. Now this is a women's bathhouse, soaking in the hot spring, misty, and outsiders can't find it, but if this happens, things will explode. up.

A story that has to be told between a man and several women? ? Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible! ! !

Hong sighed, being eaten to death by Naruto every time.

Then, Uzuki Xiyan was also cast a glance by Naruto, and before Naruto could speak again, she approached Naruto very obediently, although she was shy, she still pressed her beautiful butt against Naruto.

"Hmph, Bai, Naruto asked you to say those words just now?" Hong Xiaoxiao said to Miss Bai.

She spits out her tongue, looking a little delicate, isn't she Naruto? Naruto's sudden appearance just now gave her a big shock!

Naruto suddenly appeared here, like a ghost, and fortunately Bai, as a ninja, has excellent qualities and is calm enough! Otherwise, it will definitely be revealed at that time! ! !

"Fake? Hmph, I know you are a liar!" Hong said angrily.

"It's not a lie! Am I really hospitalized?! I was just discharged from the hospital!" Naruto looked very wronged.

"Really? And then you ran over to spy on the girl taking a bath??" Uzuki Xiyan said disdainfully.

"Where?! Didn't I find out that you are here, so I flew over quickly! With you here, how can I look at other people! You are the most beautiful!" Naruto said with a smile .

Although these love words to coax a woman are disgusting, sometimes this woman just loves to hear them! Even a mature woman like Hong, a beauty like Xiyan, and a big sister like Bai would love to hear it!

Who let Naruto say these things!

However, there seems to be another woman who is very unhappy! ! ! When Naruto was having sex with Hong and the others, a heavy snort was especially clear.

... (To be continued..)

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