That's right! A counterfeit is always a counterfeit. Naruto has a feeling in his heart that this fake is very powerful, but what? ! Compared with the real nine-tailed fox... there seems to be some gap...

In other words, without the momentum of the real thing, this chakra seems to be unable to reach the level of nine tails~

At first, Naruto didn't notice the difference, but after a long time, after playing with the big fox for a while, Naruto noticed the subtle difference. Naruto and the real Kyuubi have been getting along day and night. , how could he not know anything? ! ?

Originally, in the mirror world, the strength of Uzumaki Mianma should be equal to that of Naruto in all aspects, but after the real battle, Naruto discovered that this is really evenly matched, and it is actually just physical skills~~

At a higher level, such as ninjutsu, genjutsu, and sharingan pupiljutsu, Kyuubi is not as good as Naruto!

Could it be... Is this the insufficient regret that Obito inadvertently lamented just now? ? ?

This made Naruto suddenly think of the calmness of his first meeting with Uchiha Obito. At that time, Tianjiqiao and Uchiha Obito seemed to be just running errands to save Uchiha Sasuke away? ?

Now think about it, maybe it's not that simple, right? ! Is there another purpose? ? Think about this theatrical version...


In this world, there is a balance!

There are some powerful things in existence, and there will always be some opposites, things specially designed to restrain them, even if it is an invincible existence, he also has things to fear...

What is the Nine Lamas most afraid of?

That is the Sharingan of the Uchiha family!

In the past, he was high-spirited and arrogant, but in his heyday, he was treated as a monster. It's very sad, isn't it? Now there is only half of it left, Kurama still feels comfortable staying in Naruto's body ~ it is a tenant of a rented house, right? Just use Chakra to pay the rent from time to time!

I can no longer be controlled by that nasty Uchiha Madara and become a psychic beast... This is the majestic Kyuubi-sama, this is actually regarded as a psychic beast, this is humiliating~~ Therefore, Kurama is very People who hate the Uchiha family, especially these eyes! !

force! This is Kyuubi's weakness, it is very wary of that powerful force!

Then what? ? Now its host actually has such eyes, Nine-Tails is not annoying, but it feels comfortable to listen to, why? ?

This also means that Sharingan no longer just belongs to the Uchiha family! Sharingan who is not from the Uchiha family, but has Sharingan, its own safety factor has also been improved a lot, is there any? ? ! Although Kurama doesn't know why Naruto has Sharingan, he is too angry to tell the majestic Kyuubi-sama! But the power of Sharingan... Hehe~~~

...Kyuubi knows the power of Naruto's Sharingan...that's a tough one! Usually when Naruto is practicing, he is often treated as a subject to experiment with the effects~~ I know that feeling very clearly...

This fake big fox can't do it! Ah bah, what a big fox~ Isn't this scolding itself? ? ? They were all infected by Naruto...

"Uzumaki Naruto, where did you get such eyes?!" Obito was frightened and angry. Only the blood of the Uchiha family can have the Sharingan. This is the blood successor limit of the famous Uchiha family. He actually...

This is the only one! But~

"Hmph, Obito, I think you know more about Sharingan than I do. Do you think my eyes are transplanted???" Naruto sneered. Will the updated and fastest ported Sharingan look like this...

"But, it's impossible! A foreigner, the Uzumaki clan and the Uchiha clan, this... can't be matched~~" Obituary language is incoherent, it's true, only the original Sharingan can switch normally The state of writing sharing eyes and ordinary eyes, otherwise, it will be like Kakashi,

You have to cover that sharing eye with a forehead protector...

However, Naruto's situation is not like that! This switching back and forth seems to be very random~~~


At this time, Obito also has a feeling of being messed up in the wind...

What reasons can be used to explain this phenomenon that is happening before us? ? Distorted worldview? ? ?

It's so difficult, isn't it? ? !

Naruto was very satisfied with Obito's shock at the moment, and this reaction made Naruto feel refreshed.

Of course, the feeling presented by this Sharingan is even more enjoyable!

That's right, why is he still hiding his current strength? ! Even if Sharingan is exposed, who can do anything to him? Who dares to touch him? !

"Obito, now you have no advantage!" Naruto said.

"What??" Obito didn't respond.

"Tear him up!" Uzumaki Mianma directed his Nine-Tails to roar, Sharingan? What's wrong with Sharingan? It's just a pair of broken eyes. Under the power of his Nine Tails, it can turn everything into ashes!

Energy cannons full of high-intensity chakra are continuously blasted out of Kyuubi's mouth, and only high-end and high-end tail beasts like Kyuubi can squander its chakra recklessly...

People's normal attack is like this~~ Who makes it bottomless in its chakra? ! Although Chakra is not unlimited, but in the eyes of ordinary ninjas, this is almost the same...

Kakashi has always been known as the most mana-deficient ninja! In his eyes, this is probably the case...

Every attack is shaking the ground, and if this continues, it is estimated that it will cause a large-scale earthquake!

This cultivation cave, my God, it is completely devastated... Fortunately, it is not real~ Otherwise, the last thoughts and memories will not exist...

Kyuubi's energy cannon is irresistible. Rashomon, known as the strongest physical defense, in the original book, Tiandiqiao! Orochimaru opened the triple layer, but faced with Naruto who was only in the four-tailed mode, he was instantly destroyed...

This is not defensible!

We need to use special means~~~

Among them, the fastest, most convenient and labor-saving method is pupil surgery! Derived from the power of Sharingan, Naruto's deep eyes are full of unimaginable magic power, which makes people unable to extricate themselves! Let this big red-haired fox also fall deeply into...

Facing this kind of power radiating from the pupils, and attacking from the spiritual level, Kyuubi was hit!

"Look, I'm killing you~" Naruto said arrogantly to the other big fox.

"Tch!" Nine Lamas showed disdain!


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