The white light dissipated the clouds, and when everyone's eyes slowly came over, they saw a ray of sunlight shining down.

The smoke and dust in the air has not dissipated, but at this moment, like the fog in the forest, the scene is reflected like a fairyland and dreamlike.

And those ferocious beasts have been melted into fine bones, and the black energy is nowhere to be found.

"I, we are saved?" The female soldier on the wall was dazed, tears fell in large drops, and suddenly covered her mouth and nose with her hands, and whimpered: "It was the moon sacrifice that saved must be..."

Someone got out of the underground shelter.

"The sun! The sun is out!"

A burst of excitement finally awakened Ah Jiu, who was stunned. His legs were soft and he almost knelt on the ground when he jumped off the wall. He immediately got up and ran in the direction of the white light.

It must be the Moon Festival!He woke up!At the north gate!

Ah Jiu was breathing heavily, tripping with his left foot and falling several somersaults with his right foot.

He never let himself be so embarrassed, but now he can't take care of anything. He is full of expectation and joy, and with the joy of living after the disaster, he only knows to run and keep running.

Finally, bypassing a few houses, the north wall appeared in view.

"Tianyang, Tianyang wakes up?" Rong Yue knelt on the wall in a panic, and from Ah Jiu's angle, he could only see his loose hair.

He shook his heart, accelerated to the destination, and ran up the ladder.

"Ajiu!" Seeing him, Guoguo cried and wiped away tears: "Master Tianyang didn't know why she fainted, Yueyue just arrived..."

Just arrived?

Ah Jiu's sanity gradually returned, and she found that Rong Yue's dress was very abnormal.

Didn't he just wake up?Why do you wear such gorgeous clothes?And although the clothes themselves are very complicated, there are a lot of leaks and dust everywhere...especially on the soles of the bare feet, mud mixed with blood.

"Moon sacrifice." Ah Jiu forced himself to calm down: "Don't be here, send Tianyang back to the house."

"...Ah," Rong Yue pressed her temples, she used too much strength just now, she was sweating, and her mind was a little dull: "Yes. Ajiu gave me a hand."

With the support of everyone, Tianyang was lifted off the wall.Ah Jiu followed Rong Yue's back.

Suddenly, he thought with horror, is Moon Sacrifice still lying in that hut?If it is really there, then who is this person in front of you?

Step by step, he approached the homes of Rong Yue and Tian Yang, and when he opened the door, Ah Jiu's fear reached its peak.

However, what appeared first was the scattered light spots.

And the bed was already empty.

Rong Yue didn't understand the cause and effect, and he had a splitting headache. When everyone lifted Tianyang onto the bed, he climbed up.

"Is there any water?" Rong Yue supported the bed with one hand, and looked at Tianyang's chapped and black lips with dull pain in her heart.

"Yes!" Guoguo said quickly, rushing out to find water.

The only bucket of water left in the tribe was carried into the hut, during which Rong Yue calmly sensed the vitality of Tianyang.

He is still alive.Although weak, the body has infinite power hidden.He just overdrawn too much, and fainted at this time, which is also a kind of physical self-protection.

Rong Yue put down half of her heart and took a sip of the water.

Unlimited peace of mind only infiltrated his limbs and corpses at this time. There was a flash of water in his eyes, and he took a deep breath and looked at everyone: "The battle is not over yet, I just cleared the beasts in my holy light... It won’t be long before they will gather."

When everyone heard this, they didn't care about the greetings, and hurriedly went out to organize the soldiers to rest to meet the new round of difficult battles.

"Moon Sacrifice," said Ah Jiu, "it will be soon? The white fox and blue tortoise leaves not many ice and fire eggs. It is expected to last another three days."

Rong Yue hummed softly: "I'm too tired, let's rest for a while...Said. Don't worry, I won't come so fast before I wake up..."

"Okay." Ah Jiu nodded. Before leaving, he held the door with his left hand and turned around and asked: "Moon sacrifice...Are you really a moon sacrifice?"

Rong Yue raised her head in confusion, her long silver hair slipping from behind her ears and hitting her ankles.

He suddenly realized that his body was not right.

This... is his real body.

The clothes are still the ones used during the celebrations, and the styles after being smashed. In the tribe, the hair that was cut to the waist net for convenience was restored in the game to grow to the calf.

He remembered that he had just rushed over, and other people said excitedly, "You are awake", that is to say, in the previous three months, he, or Yue's body, who had been affected by the power of his soul, had been sleeping.

Will the sleeping person change clothes?Will the hair grow so long suddenly?The most important thing is...where did he go?

...Yes, that burst of light.

Rong Yue thought a lot in just a few seconds, and said to Ah Jiu: "I have always been Rong Yue. I am the sacrifice of the tribe, the companion of Tianyang, and your comrade in arms."

Ah Jiu felt relieved, smiled relievedly, and took the door out.

The feeling of loss of strength came over, and Rong Yue got up from the bedside water, took two sips, and took another two to Tianyang.

Tianyang’s lips were chapped and bleeding, and her whole body was so haggard that she lost a lot of weight. How could Rong Yue not feel distressed?He lay down, clinging to Tianyang, sniffing his body like a pervert.

"...I am finally back." Rong Yue muttered: "I will never leave again this time. I'm sorry."


Tianyang had a dream.

He dreamed of a spring morning.

Spring plowing has just begun, and everyone in the tribe is busy.In the factory that has been idle for a winter, the utensils in it need to be maintained, and the fields have to be rushed to sow seeds. After the winter, the cattle and sheep are hungry and thin. The people responsible for breeding are actively looking for fodder.

Only their little yard is quiet.

The spring breeze opened the panes and poured in the mildly warm wind.A small pink flower that bloomed very early because of too much sunlight was blown into this bed by the wind.

Eventually, she stopped at the tip of Rong Yue's nose, who was asleep.

Tianyang woke up early.He was staring at Rong Yue's sleeping face without blinking.

The other party is worthy of the so-called "artificial perfection", and the details of the whole body are exquisite.But because he has a soul, he is alive and lovely several times more——

He likes to sleep with his mouth slightly open, so the lips close to the outer edge are a little bit dry, so it's better to touch up close to the teeth.His eyelashes were condensed into two strands of water, and they quivered with his breath.Pressing his cheeks on the pillows made of bamboo strips, he pressed out a few checkered marks, and his natural reaction after falling asleep, his cheeks were always flushed.

Fresh and lovely people, even if they do not open their eyes, are decorated with a flower, they are like gifts from heaven.

Tian Yang kept watching, not even knowing the smiling expression on his face, and his eyes were filled with him, why is he so cute.

Even if you sleep late like this, it's cute.

Just thinking about it, Rong Yue frowned, hummed a few words in her mouth, and slowly opened her eyes.

There was a newly awakened mist in those eyes, as if they could contain thousands of stars, Tianyang breathed and his body temperature rose.

"Tianyang..." The lovely person called him unconsciously, as if he was disgusted with the sun waking him up, and frowned, put his head into Tianyang's arms, and hugged him tightly.

"It's really sun-dead..." He muffled dissatisfiedly: "Why is it so early... it's bright..."

What this said, where is the sky that you don’t want to light up?

Tianyang couldn't smile, a hairy head in his arms, it would only go down after it was combed, and it was quite messy after rolling all night.

Rong Yue slept for a while, feeling bored, raised her head, and her face turned red.

"About what time is it?" he asked blankly.

Tianyang knew he was almost awake, and replied with a chuckle: "It's past nine o'clock."

This timing method can only be used between the two of them, because Rong Yue always asks him the time when he first wakes up.Over time, he also mastered the ability to roughly judge time.

Rong Yue's eyes widened and she sat up suddenly: "Nine o'clock!? Why don't you call me?"

Tianyang thought, if you sleep like that, who can bear to call you up?

"...Ah, it's late." Rong Yue thought for a while, lay down again in frustration, and turned over: "It's too late, it's better to..."

"Get up." Tianyang didn't get used to him anymore, got up and got out of bed, thought for a while, and picked the most tempting word: "We will eat salted eggs with porridge and bake cakes for a while."

"Salted egg!" Rong Yue sat up again in surprise, combing her hair and asked: "What about lunch?"

I like salted eggs for breakfast, but must be served with a sweet one afterwards.In fact, he would be very excited no matter what dishes he said for lunch, Tianyang had already figured out the rules.

He suppressed his smile and replied, "Shredded pork with fish flavor."

Rong Yue looked very happy.

The warm breeze in spring was so hot that he was immersed in this joy, and his body felt light and fluttering.

At this moment, Rong Yue suddenly dropped her hand and looked out the window.

"Ah, I'm going back."

Tian Yang's heart tightened, fear like a sword that finally fell from the top of his head, piercing his whole person.

"Where are you going?" he asked eagerly.

"Yeah..." Rong Yue tilted her head for a moment, and said indifferently, "Of course it's where I came. That's the fairyland."

Suddenly a violent wind blew outside the window, blowing Rong Yue's hair into hunting noises.

Rong Yue said: "You knew that there was such a day, and you were mentally prepared, didn't you? Why are you afraid now? How can I stay here for such a good person?"

No, don't go.

Tian Yang repeated these words in his heart, but his mouth seemed to be glued, and he couldn't speak at all.

"Don't be greedy..."

"Don't go!"

"Tianyang!" Rong Yue held his shoulder in amazement: "Are you awake? How do you feel? You have been talking... are you having a nightmare?"

Tianyang's heart trembled, and the scene in his dream overlapped with his eyes, making him wonder whether he was waking up from a dream or not.

Especially outside the window, where the scorching sun is sky, where is the haze that lasted for half a month?

So... is he still dreaming?

"Stupid?" Rong Yue pinched him worriedly.

Tianyang shivered with pain: "..."

Not a dream!

Rong Yue just woke up after a sleep, and after recovering a little bit, she has been using divine power to relieve Tian Yang from fatigue.

He was overdrafted too badly and his body was seriously injured.Rong Yue has been treating him distressed and self-blame, and now she wakes up.

Rong Yue's still hanging half of her heart finally slowly fell.

He has countless things to say to Tianyang.

The nature of this continent, the plan of war, the difficulties I encountered, and even wanted to behave with Tianyang, how painful it was when I was pressed on the door frame that day...

But when Tian Yang slammed into her arms, Rong Yue suddenly couldn't say anything.

"...Just come back." Tianyang said hoarsely: "Don't go, okay."

The author has something to say: Rong Yue: The dog god presses me so much!

Tianyang: The Battle of the Gods is scheduled.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 soul mark;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

6 bottles for the little connoisseur who sells newspapers; 5 bottles for the fish-loving Meow Meow and Chayou girls; 1 bottle for the deep unknown lane;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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