The author has something to say: wait for the bug

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 in July;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: the dust is like a river, and the curtain is silent;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

20154346 40 bottles; 37285289, 20 bottles of Chaya Maiden; n Sleeping God n 10 bottles; Tata 5 bottles; 33849937 4 bottles; Plums and Tears Thief 3 bottles; Benny and Anluo 1 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

At the beginning of the lightning strike, the green trees were all in chaos.

When everyone was just fighting, the green tree was surrounded by servants sulking, so when the thin white-haired genius doctor just yelled, he heard it.

He felt ridiculous and flustered. When he realized what he meant, he ran into the woods with a few core family members without saying a word.

However, the people he cares about also have other concerns. For a while, the green flag is looking for gold, and the other is the youngest son who wants to take the nanny, and the confused bastard who says he wants to go home to get toys.

What time is it, just worry about it!?

There are more people and more servants, and your words are messy.Green Tree couldn't bear it. While forcefully dragging the green flag and young son to run into the woods, he ordered the servants to retreat a little bit and was not allowed to run in front of Green Tree's relatives.

"Abba!" The green flag was crazy: "My husband doesn't know where, what if he stays on the shore!? I'm going to find him!"

"Find a fart!" Green Tree roared bitterly: "Have you any chance!? It's time to die, thinking about that weak chicken!?"

The voice was accompanied by the rumble of thunder, and the green tree had to roar higher than the other, and the green flag yelled at him: "Where is the death!? I saw nothing except thunder——"

At the moment they have just stepped into the edge of the woods, and they can see the crowded beach when they look back, but they both breathe at the same time when they look back—

what is that!?

"...Abba," Green Banner's teeth trembled: "Is that... a snake?"

Sea snakes, huge sea snakes, are too big for them to be confronted.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-” The little son suddenly let out a piercing scream, broke away from the tree and grabbed his hand, and ran into the woods.Green Tree called his name loudly, but did not respond.

It's over, it's all over.Some servants cried out loud.Such a big snake can swallow their entire tribe. Who can run away?

Lu Shu was not so pessimistic, and only hated his younger son for being disobedient, so he resisted fear and pulled the green flag to chase him.She pulled it but couldn't move. She looked at his daughter in amazement, but she saw the tall and strong green flags with tears and her feet rooted.

"...No." Green flag gritted his teeth and choked: "I'm going to find gold."

"You!" Lvshu never expected that her favorite daughter would be so unbelievable, and she trembled with anger: "You go back and die!? Just for that..."

"You run first, he still needs my protection!"

The green flag wiped his face, tears on his face, dirty.She drew out the thick whip, turned her head and ran towards the coast, leaving Abba's roar behind her.

At this moment, on the coast, countless people are pouring into the forest, and some people are in completely different directions.

Wulou clutched the heart that was about to jump out, and ran towards the reef beach.

"Go to the woods! Go to the woods!" In the scattered small wooden houses near the reef beach, there are still many poor residents who have not been to see the excitement.He kicked when he saw the door, not caring whether the people in the room were frightened or whether he could understand, he just passed down the instructions.

After a while, a few mature men followed him, and they said as they ran: "What's the matter!?"

Wulou said with a green face: "Originally, during the maiden voyage ceremony, the blue water and green trees had just hit, and suddenly a giant snake swam over the sea... and it was a monster!"


A man behind him grabbed him: "Leave it to us! Call someone to withdraw into the forest, right? You will help your brother!"

"We yell ahead, you go back!"

Wulou paused, panting heavily, looked at them carefully for two seconds, and his eyes were firm: "I'll leave it to you." After that, he ran back.

Kuangsha and Jingye were organizing the people on the beach to retreat, and their voices went hoarse.The leader's faction had too few people, and the most well-trained servants were the blue and green servants, but they were brought into the woods first.

"Brother--" Wulou shouted.

"Wulou!" Kuangsha was surprised and called to him again: "Go over there! Let the brothers calm down, and withdraw everything you can, don't go back to get things!"

"Good!" "Drag over anyone who can't run!" "Yes!"

Wulou hurriedly conveyed Brother's will, and dragged the two wounded who were crying to Shiwa.

The earth kept shaking, and he couldn't tell whether it was a thunder in the sky or a snake on the ground. His heart was cold, and he couldn't hide his fear.

Is the current struggle really useful?

Why didn't the big snake kill them all at once?

He finally plucked up the courage to look at the black behemoth, but saw a man in a black cloak fighting with it in midair!

"!!!" Wu Lou looked at him a few more times in shock, couldn't believe his eyes.

The man was incredibly jumping in the air on a big snake, holding a bow in his hand and wearing colorful rays. Where is this man?This is God!

Wulou returned to his senses with sadness and joy on his face. Suddenly, he got excited and dragged the two of them.

To win, there is hope!

I heard Brother Brother mentioned that there were two extraordinary people in the tribe who were supposed to help them complete the plan today... but I didn't expect that they actually grabbed the front and dragged their opponents and gave them time to escape.

While Wulou prayed for them, he dragged some people back and forth, one after another, the beach was empty.

Quiet night came out of the stone depression, and the voice broke: "Wu Lou! Come and press it for me! Someone's blood can't stop!"

Wulou was shocked and rushed over. There was a teenage boy who was hit in the thigh by a stone, blood was flowing all over the floor, and both hands were red in Jingye.He helped Jingye hold the wound and Kuangsha hurried back: "It's not safe here. I have to retreat into the woods."

"I, I, I'll call him..."

"I'll go," Kuangsha said as he crossed the fierce war outside Shiwa, Jingye hurriedly followed: "You go back, I'm looking for, looking for Yueyue."

Rong Yue was jumping off the bow of the ship, and Jing Ye's eyes were filled with joy, pulling him to see a magical scene.

It turns out that there is such a magical power that can heal all despair.

Jingye felt that the power used by Moon Sacrifice was not saving someone's life.He is giving them hope.The soft white light gently brushed his heart, Jingye only felt hot in his eyes, and she was about to cry.

"Okay." Healed all the wounded, Yue Jijie hurried back, and told them to leave.

Jingye's heart suddenly felt sad.Obviously it was the people of their tribe who were saving, but two people who didn't want to do it were desperate.And seeing the exhaustion of the Moon Sacrifice, and the situation where the warrior and the giant snake were unable to harm it, Jingye knew that they were not easy.

He wanted to stay, but was gone by Mad Salad, and he became sober halfway through, knowing his own weakness and powerlessness.

He couldn't help in fighting the giant snake, so he could only work with Kuangsha to settle the people of the tribe.If he can be saved, Jingye thinks, he will always be grateful to them and always respect and love them.

"Gold! Gold!?"

The group of Jingye was the last to evacuated. The ground in the forest had been smashed by people. The green flag did not dare to go to the sea where the battle was fierce, and only waited anxiously on the edge.

There are no servants by her side. She wanted to find someone in the deep forest, but she was afraid that Jinye hadn't left the beach. At this moment, seeing Jingye and them, she finally rushed over with her eyes brightly: "Is the gold here?"

Jingye didn't bother to pretend at this moment. I didn't want to have a good face for the green flag, but his good education made him unable to say anything bad.

"No, I ran early."

"It's great!" The green flags rang out because of their fatness and resonance.

Jingye frowned subconsciously, but changed her opinion a little bit.

The two were at the end of the team. While trotting, Jingye said: "Jin Ye is not a good person. If you are so worried about him, is he worried about you in turn?"

Green Bunting choked, and said unhappy: "I am a member of the Green Tree family. Naturally, there are many people guarding it and I can't hurt it. He is not worried that I am normal!"

Jingye: "...You are really..."

He didn't know how to evaluate, he insisted that he was arrogant and stupid.

I knew everything about the gold and green flags, and he and Kuangsha had gossiped in private as a joke.

The appearance of the green flag is unpleasant wherever it is placed. The hair on the arm is longer than the hair on the legs of some men, and most people cannot accept it.

With an ugly appearance and a wealthy background, there are always people wondering what kind of man she would find.

But she surprised many people and chose a man as thin and fair as gold.

Jin Ye's appearance does not conform to Jing Ye's aesthetics. If he were a woman, he might be called delicate.But perhaps it is because Green Banner wants something that she lacks, or because she has the ability and does not need her husband's protection, and finally gold has become the envy of many people.

Jingye didn't expect that the green flag was sincere.

The group finally left the battle, and the forest gradually calmed down.

Wulou ran in the forefront, watching the vegetation being trampled on, and judging where the troops went.They walked for nearly an hour before they saw many tribesmen by a stream leaning against a cliff.

"Big pile!" "Small table!" "Abba and Mom!" The people brought by Kuangsha and Jingye rushed into the crowd and were found by their relatives.

There are too many people in one piece.

Kuangsha raised his eyes and searched, grabbed a nearby person and asked, "Where are the green trees and blue water?"

The man said stupidly: "Yes, on top."

Kuangsha looked up and saw two inconspicuous caves on the cliff like a knife.The cave is in the middle of the cliff, and people can climb up with the help of vines hanging down from the cliff.From this angle, only the black hole can be seen.

"Kuangsha Jingye!" Lan Shui suddenly poked his head out of one of the holes: "Come on!"

Kuangsha: "..."

If Yue Jiji and Demon Tianyang hadn't defeated the big snake, once they entered the forest, they would surely crush everything.And this cave is hidden, narrow, and strong, and it's safe to hide in it. No wonder Lan Shui is smiling now.

But what about the people below?What should we do with these thousands of people?

Wulou turned around at this time, with a serious expression: "Brother, there are not enough people, there are at least a thousand people missing. I probably left halfway."

Kuangsha nodded and asked him to drink some water for a while.Wulou smiled bitterly: "Maybe my fate is gone, I still drink water."

"Don't talk nonsense." Kuangsha said, "I believe those two people, they are amazing." After saying that, he gave his brother a good hug, and Wu Lou disliked his beard.

Wulou said again: "I don't worry about the lack of people, at least I have to know where it is, and I will take someone to find it."

Kuangsha: "Don't force it."

While speaking, Lan Shui shouted impatiently: "Kuangsha Jingye, come up!"

Jingye frowned, just about to say something, Kuangsha stopped him.

"I'll go up and see, you keep it."

Jingye knew that he could not be greedy for everything, so she nodded: "Be careful."

The crowd gradually calmed down, and everyone looked at Jingye for unknown reasons, and then at the wild sand going to the safest place in front of them.

Lan Shui and Lvshu, besides the younger generation, almost no servants were left with them, and they were the most embarrassed at the moment.But the people in the tribe, who have been oppressed for many years, have reached the point of habit and numbness. There are obviously many people, but they still dare not confront their authority.

Clean water, they drink first, safe caves, they live first, as if the courage to resist will always be endless torture.

Kuangsha, the leader of the tribe, and Jingye, who were chosen by the two families, had no contact with everyone.

They only appear when adjudicating people who have done bad things and when they return to the sea with a large ship. In the eyes of ordinary tribesmen, they appear to be non-existent.

Seeing Kuangsha go where they were unworthy, many people lowered their heads and sat numb to rest.

Unexpectedly, a few minutes later, Kuangsha came out of the cave again.

He pulled the vine, swayed a few meters quickly, and jumped directly to the ground, splashing a pool of stream water.

Lan Shui roared: "You will look good in the future! You are waiting!"

Kuangsha smiled and raised his head and said: "Hey, I'm waiting! Don't be afraid!"

"What's the matter?" Jingye pushed aside the crowd, Kuang Sha said with a smile: "A few cubs from the Lanshui family didn't bring them out."

"What?" Jingye was shocked: "That's not the most important kid in their family..."

"Yes, it seems that it is not that important now."

Kuangsha briefly talked about the situation.

He went up into the cave just now and found that the moving area was quite large, capable of accommodating one or two hundred people.He was going to discuss and transfer the cubs and wounded who stayed outside, but Lan Shui first made a bold request: to find someone to help him remove the cubs who hadn't escaped.

Kuangsha and Jingye didn't avoid others when they spoke, and the ordinary people around heard them.

Kuangsha: "They said that those cubs have recovered a lot after Yueyue's treatment, but before they can wake up, Yueyue ran away, and they were watched by the grandmothers who had been looking after them. The big snake came ashore. At that time, the grannies threw down the cubs and fled. No one found out that the cub was lying at home."

Silent night was speechless.

"When I was in the cave, Lan Shui remembered, and asked someone to go to the grannies, and finally found one to find out. That grannie was beaten by them and tied up in the cave." Kuang Sha said.

"So?" Jingye was very angry: "Their bastard, tell us to find someone to move?"


The people rioted for a while, and those who heard it spread to those who didn't, and it spread in a short while.

Some people desperately think that the leader and the high priest are indeed running dogs of the blue and green families.At this moment, I don't know what the coast will be like. It's dangerous to go back.If the leader points to himself, he... can only go?

"It's really cheeky." Jingye gritted her teeth: "We're not going."

"Hahaha, of course not!" Kuangsha laughed.


The public was in an uproar.

What did the leader and the priest just say?Not going?

"Blue Sea Tribe!" Kuangsha suddenly turned around, tanned with anger, and shouted.The cliff wall echoed, making his voice travel far.

"From today, we are free!"

When the wind blows, Kuangsha stepped on a large rock, quietly looking at night, standing next to the rock, standing with his back.

"Look, without your help, they are nothing but waste that even their cubs can't get them out!" Kuangsha shouted.

Lan Shui and Green Tree furiously said: "Kuangsha!? What are you talking about!"

Kuangsha ignored it and continued: "They have nothing, but they can hide in the safest place. This is not because they are strong, but because you are weak!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

"Some people, get a little favor from them, and follow them to do some bullying, claiming to be from the green tree or the blue water family. But you can see, by this time, have they brought you into the cave!? "

Kuangsha pointed to the top: "No! You are not the green tree people, the blue water people, you are just the blue sea people!"

"Now, pull them out and send in the cubs of our tribe! The inside is spacious enough for all the cubs of our tribe to enter."

The crowd fell silent, Kuangsha looked around and shouted: "Don't you dare!?"

"Dare!" "Go up!" "Pull down!" "We are blue ocean people!"

At first there were a few sporadic noises, and then more and more people responded. In the end, the crowd was excited and the voices were loud.

"Blue sea people! Blue sea people!"


The green flag stood not far away, holding the tree with one hand, stunned.

As soon as she got here, she started looking for her gold in the crowd, but she never found it.

Just for a while, what happened?

Why has my own home become a target of public criticism, a target of hatred by so many people?

Kong Wu's strong green flag, his knees softened, and he didn't know where to stand.She used to be aloof, as long as she said "I'm the Lvshu family", no matter how many people there are and how strong the other person is, she will only look at her and pray for her forgiveness and tolerance.

What happens if those people no longer fear the name?

Green Banner understands in horror-it will be returned thousands of times.

Ordinary people who they look down upon are gathered together, quite spectacular.They shouted in unison, and climbed up the cave one after another, pulling out the two families who were crying for resistance or begging for mercy and threw them by the stream.

The two families were tied up with rope, and the cubs in the tribe were sent up one by one.Squeeze and squeeze, and still be able to put down.

These are the hopes of the tribe, and no one has objections.

In the cave, it is particularly shady.The cubs were brought up by Abba, Ama and others, not many young ones were crying.

When everyone was sitting down, Kuangsha waved and called out a few dashing young boys, and from the corner called a particularly clever boy, he remembered being called Xiaoyu.

This is what Rong Yue and the others took to play with.

"Chief." Xiaoyu pursed his mouth, eyes red.

Kuangsha rubbed his head and said to a few people: "Find a few sisters, take care of the younger ones, comfort everyone, don't be afraid."

"Are you going to do anything?" A teenager worried.

"It's probably okay, but even if something happens, you have to take the responsibility to protect other people." Kuang Sha said seriously, and several teenagers nodded.

Only Xiaoyu, with a pack of tears in his eyes, did not go along and asked Kuangsha choked up: "Where are Ambassador Yue and Ambassador Tianyang? Will they have anything to do?"

Kuangsha looked at him with bright eyes: "They are so powerful, they will be fine."

Wulou took a few brothers and hurried through the mountains and forests.

There are two spies among the brothers who have been sniffing the smell, but just now there was a strong wind and so many people entered the mountain. The smell was disturbed at once, and the ability was not as good as usual.

"I asked," Wulou said, "The people who dispersed were mainly people living near the coconut grove. Many of them depended on the Lanshui family to live their lives. When calling people, the coconut grove was far away. Patronized to the reef beach, the notice was late."

The brothers nodded without saying anything.

The few people selected by Wulou are more sensible. Although they know that these people were once part of the Blue Water forces, they are not going to ignore them at this time.

In the end, there are thousands of lives, some people have never thought of so many, they are just to live, not to die.

After going round and round, after running for nearly an hour, they finally found this group of people beside a swamp.

Thousands of people are already not small in size. They are huddled together in fear, while a few people are pulling and pulling by the swamp.

"Someone! Someone here!" I saw Wulou and the others sharp-eyed. Some of the Lanshui family's helpers had seen him. They didn't know what to do with him, and smiled awkwardly.

"Most people are on the other side, you are separated." Wulou said: "What is the noise?"

It was two middle-aged grandmothers pulling and pulling each other by the collars of each other.

With tears on one's face and anger on the other's face, Lan Shui's helper took the lead to explain the situation.

"In the Coconut Grove, Lan Shui's house, there are still eight unconscious cubs that haven't been brought out..."

"What?" Wulou was surprised: "Why?"

What's the reason for this, it's nothing more than cumbersome, just running away.

The two grandmothers both released their hands, and the one who had cried came over and begged Wulou: "That's human life, it's still a kid. The family master said that God has cured them and they are almost healed... as long as they are rescued..."

"What pretend to be!" The other person dusted his sleeves: "When the ground moved, I ran faster than anyone else, and now I'm pretending to be pitiful again. Why, hope that by pretending, Lan Shui can spare you?"

The gang helplessly spread their hands: "We walked here and wanted to go forward, but the swamp blocked the way. Taking advantage of the time someone was going to explore the road, the two quarreled. This grandma said to find someone to go back. Save people, the other refuses, we..."

After crying, the grandmother hurriedly said, "It's not that I refuse to go by myself, but I can't bring out eight bastards."

Wulou and the four brothers looked at each other.

"Ferncao, you take them to Kuangsha, and I and the others will bring the cub out."

Fern grass did not fight with them, nodded and said: "Okay."

After talking about Wulou, they are about to leave, and the crying grandmother hurriedly stepped forward: "I will go too! I will show you the way. Lanshui's house is very big, you don't know where it is."

Wulou glanced at her unexpectedly, nodded and said, "Okay."

The closer Wulou and the others are to the sea, the more violent the raging waves are different from the usual ones.

The head of the giant sea snake appeared from above the canopy, and the fighting beyond imagination made everyone more shocked.

At this time, a few hours have passed since the sea snake first appeared, and the sky became increasingly gloomy, and lightning and thunder continued.

My grandmother looked up at the figure flying in the sky and muttered: "God..."

Isn't it? This is not a god, so what is it?

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, gods should be more calm and elegant, facing such a behemoth, they can slap them with a wave of hands.But Wu Lou felt that these two people gave him a stronger shock.

Before getting close to the coconut grove, the snake let out a dull, sharp whistle.Probably it hit its sore spot, the sound was so harsh, it shook the lips of a few people, and the weaker grandmother spewed a mouthful of blood.

"Grandma, grandma!" The earth shook, and they flattened the grandma. After a while, she insisted on getting up, saying that it was okay, and the boys were still lying down.

She wiped her mouth and swallowed the sweet smell in her mouth after wiping, and suddenly started crying: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

I'm sorry to take care of myself when the crisis comes.

The brothers couldn't help comforting her, but Wulou stood up straight and stared into the distance.

"what happened?"

"Hush—" Wu Lou put his index finger to his mouth.

Listening carefully, there is not only the tumbling business of the big snake on the beach, but also the strange wind more distant.Wulou suddenly rushed forward, and several people followed him at a loss: "Wulou!? Where are you going—"

The black shadows on the sea horizon grew bigger and bigger, and when Wulou and everyone reached the edge of the forest, a bloody scene appeared.

The serpent was stabbed to death by the luminous arrow, and a turtle as big as an island exhaled a cold breath from its open mouth!

Frozen thousands of miles.

"Senior Blue Turtle!"

Rong Yue smiled and regained respect: "You are awake."


Just like the shout of the white fox, it rang in his mind.

This time Rong Yue and the others bowed to the Blue Turtle.

[Baby of the white fox, why is it in your hands——]

The blue tortoise spoke slowly, but the question made people sweat all over the body. The collar that had just recovered from the injury whispered and ran to the blue tortoise on the ice.


Blue Turtle didn't know what had been communicating with the bib, and finally calmed down.After a while, he whizzed and shrank like a white fox, and became a slap-sized turtle, which was held in his mouth by his scarf, and ran back chuckingly.

Rong Yue: "..."

Tianyang: "..."

Bib!?Respect the teacher, understand!?

Blue Turtle looked at the appearance and didn't know where it was blue. Rong Yue was really tired. He pulled Tianyang and didn't dislike the ice on the ground, and sat down directly.

It just so happens that the blue tortoise is small enough to sit on the ground and communicate easily.

"Senior, we are entrusted by Senior White Fox to come to the Blue Sea Tribe to wake you up." Rong Yue squeezed her wrist, trying to make herself more decent.But the tattered cloak can't conceal his good temperament. When he doesn't hold coconuts or drools on chicken wings, he can still bluff people.

He hesitated: "I don't know how you were awakened? We haven't gone to you yet..."

"It's a devil..." The Blue Turtle opened his mouth, and another voice sounded like an uncle who did not fit in with the small figure, lower than the white fox.Rong Yue simply subdued these two sacred beasts. Could it be that the era in which they lived was majestic as beautiful?

"I was asleep. If there is a fox fire approaching, I can feel the breath." The collar curiously touched the blue turtle with its pointed mouth, and lifted the little blue turtle, as if it was about to turn over.

Rong Yue endured and endured. Seeing that the blue turtle was not angry, she put down her hand that was about to pull the tail of the bib.

"But recently there seems to be a change in the sea. I was half asleep and half awake, and I was aware of it. Until today, I noticed that there is a large group of devilish energy here, and vaguely resonates with the fox fire, so I can wake up."

Rong Yue and Tianyang looked at each other: "Senior, is this devilish energy normal?"

The Blue Turtle shook his head left and right, looking cute: "I have to wait for me to investigate."

"The genius doctor!"

Suddenly several people rushed out of the forest. Rong Yue picked up the blue turtle, held it in her palm, and asked, "You are?"

The man in the front was tearful, his face was delicate, his eyes were very beautiful, and he was a bit familiar when he looked closely.

"I am Wulou, Kuangsha's younger brother. Genius doctor, Tianyang, you really won!"

The Wulou four were shocked by the scene just now, and only now recovered, but they didn't understand where the island turtle had gone.

The island tortoise looked more terrifying than the giant snake, but Wulou was not afraid at all, as if he felt close to it from the blood.

He ran up on the ice ball, and every step he took made a deeper feeling-they won, we can survive!

"Wu Lou!" Rong Yue's eyes widened: "I remember you, your brother told me about you, you"

Wulou's face was reddish: "In fact, our brothers look alike, and Kuangsha feels that he is not dignified enough, so..."

Rong Yue Tianyang was silent at the same time.

Three seconds later, Rong Yue quickly changed the subject: "Don't you all go to avoid danger, why are you here?"

Speaking of this, Wu Lou remembered their important business, and hurriedly said, "Genius doctor, it's okay now. The few cubs of the Lan Shui family are still in a coma. They were left in their house when they were all transferred. We are afraid of big snakes. If you destroy the house on the shore, you have to rush to take away the cubs."

Rong Yue knew it, and she was a little surprised: "Did Lan Shui tell you to take those cubs with you when he left? He is a treasure, and he said that as long as he can cure them, he is willing to exchange his life."

Wulou sneered: "Wait for your knife to rest on his neck, and see if he is willing or not. Besides, at the time of the maiden voyage ceremony, others fled directly into the forest, probably forgot."

Rong Yue nodded: "The snake has hit, are you going to deal with those two families? Or take the cubs, let's see the excitement."

Wulou was taken aback for a moment: "Just take it like this?"

"Yes." Rongyue lowered her head and asked the blue turtle in her palm: "Senior, do you want to follow the show?"

The blue turtle nodded up and down: "Go—"

"Ahhhhhhh! Speaking!" Wulou and the few people behind them sat down on the ground with fright, the Blue Turtle laughed loudly: "Ha-ha-ha..."

"...Senior." Rong Yue reluctantly explained to a few people, after listening, their eyes looked at the blue turtle with eagerness.

Although Blue Turtle speaks slowly, but his personality is obviously more lively than the white fox, and he is more talkative and loves to deal with people.On the way to the immediate refuge with the unconscious cubs, a group of people just listened to the Blue Turtle talk about the history of the rise and fall of the Blue Sea Tribe.

Only then did they know that not every sacred animal loves to sleep like a white fox and does not care about people. The Blue Turtle used to watch the Blue Sea tribe develop and grow step by step, and was once their guardian sacred animal.The original colorful flags were what it watched as those people flew into the sky tied up.

"Although Bai Fox is headstrong, he doesn't do things without rules. He asked you to wake me up, and he must have noticed something."

Rong Yue listened silently, recalling the expression of Bai Fox saying that it was so boring to find someone to talk to.

Because of the resolution of the crisis, everyone's mood was quite relaxed. When he was about to step into the scope of the temporary refuge, Wulou and his brothers couldn't help rushing back, shouting: "The genius doctor and his husband have defeated the beast!"

Thanks to the blessings offered by Lanshui, three-quarters of the people in the entire Blue Sea tribe have heard of the name of the genius doctor, and one-quarter of them have personally contacted Rong Yue and Tianyang.Everyone was quite worried when they were fighting before, and now the two men must have a full-tailed future, the crowd suddenly burst into cheers.

"I can go back!"

"Really killed!"

"Such a big sea beast, too powerful, is it injured?"

"Stupid, they are genius doctors, they will heal themselves if they are injured."

"That hurts too, the genius doctor will have a rest soon—"

Nearly a hundred people from the Lanshui and Lvshu two families were tied up with their hands and feet and threw them on the ground.

Among them, the blue water was even more unlucky. Although the height was not high, the landing posture was wrong when he was thrown down. He broke his leg and cried out in pain.

Although everyone wanted to return to the tribe immediately, the matter of the two families had to be dealt with first.

Kuangsha and Jingye had been waiting for Rong Yue and the others to return victoriously. At this moment, they finally waited and stepped forward to hug the two.

"Thank you." Kuangsha choked: "I knew you could definitely do it."

Rong Yue smiled, planning to wait for the specific situation to talk about it, and now look at the people on the ground: "How do you tie up people?"

The act of occupying the cave and preventing others from going up is really annoying. At this moment, the boys are coming down from the cave one after another. Rong Yue sighs: "I'm really used to being a king, and I always enjoy more than others. "

While talking, eight unconscious Lan Shui cubs were gently laid on the grass, and Lan Shui hissed suddenly: "Our cubs!"

Kuangsha smiled: "Yeah, you forgot at home, the most important bastards?"

Lan Shui was choked to speak, but the dispute on the side suddenly interrupted their confrontation.

"She forced me!" Jin Jin's originally white skin was bloodless, standing in the crowd and pointing to the only standing green tree family-Green Bunting.

"I don't want to marry her at all, she forced me! She said, if I don't marry her, I will make my parents feel bad and starve them to death!"

The voice of the gold became louder and louder, as if to rely on the volume to boost courage.

The green flag was dumbfounded, and was stunned for a while. At first glance, it looked like it was being said and couldn't be refuted.

"It's disgusting." Someone whispered: "I have grown up like this, and I don't look at the water. I will force people..."

"The one called Jin Jin, although a little thinner, but his features are not bad, right?"

"So skinny, is it all the meat in the belly of the green flag?"

"It's too much, they do all kinds of bad things--"

The green flag suddenly laughed miserably, and the wire-like hair stood up. She pointed at the gold and said angrily: "I never thought that you are such a person!"

Before she was tied up, many people took a step back when she drew out the snake-like whip.

"I first took the initiative to pursue you. Seeing that you are small, cute, and pitiful, I don’t have much strength, and Aba and Ama are not in good health... But you didn’t agree to me right away, and you were happily showing off everywhere. Forced look!"

The more she talked, the more angry she became, and everyone was stunned by the roar.

"I threatened you? Since you followed me, whenever I have something delicious, I will send you a portion for your dad and grandma. Although I didn't respectfully help them with their work, you can ask, your dad. Did Mom work a day after we got better?"

"Shut up!" Jin Jin was very guilty, and without waiting for the Green Banner to say more, he hurriedly said to the surroundings: "That's from the Green Tree family! Very bad, very bad..."

"Huh, I think you are from the Lushu family." Someone murmured.

"Who doesn't know who, are there few people who know you in the tribe? Everyone says that they want to be the husband of the green flag, without taking a break."

"I testified that this gold was on the same boat as the husband of the genius doctor. Relying on his identity as the fiancé of the green flag, he also asked his family to help him..."

"Really!? Unbelievable..."

Rong Yue raised her eyebrows, and before she could speak, everyone spontaneously tied up the gold and threw it on the ground.But the green flag was disheartened, and stopped paying attention to Jin’s curse, and sat down on his own, God

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