Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 1834: 3-body danger

There are Zergs in many science fiction works. The image of Zergs is often an evil race that devours everything. They are numerous in number. They roam through the universe in a variety of exotic ways. Once they land, they will quickly undergo a large number of births, turning all resources into Grow your own food.

The Zerg problem is also a problem that can never be solved in any science fiction work. No matter how advanced the technology and advanced civilization, there is only a desperate part of meeting the Zerg.

The Zerg always spread the most primitive malice in the universe in a simple and rough way, devouring everything with an irresistible gesture.

Zerg is also often set as a hive mind, that is, a worm king controls a group of small bugs, and this group of small bugs will have a different division of labor. Insect kings are generally female, mainly responsible for fertility, and have certain wisdom. The little bug is responsible for collecting resources and protecting the queen's fertility.

This simple and clear thing can bring the most terrible fear.

At this time, Duran was transforming the three-body in the laboratory, putting a shell on their body, installing wings, and then strengthening their teeth and claws.

The most terrifying thing about the Zerg is the number, the number that people can't kill and can't finish. The absolute quantitative advantage is really based on the worm sea tactics as the only means of warfare.

"But it just seems too boring just to have a baby." Duran thought that since the Zerg of this universe was created by him, he certainly wanted to make the Zerg stronger a little bit. Through DNA collection to evolve more powerful Zerg.

Looking around the universe, this universe is still technology-oriented, and there is no very powerful individual life. Some are clever wisdom and united civilizations, and big machines that countless individuals have worked hard to build.

No Ultraman, Saiyan, Kryptonite, Domineering ...

However, it is certainly beneficial to absorb DNA, and a zerg that can continue to evolve is scary enough.

Just as Duran went smoothly, there was a problem on the Trisomy side. It turned out that there were Duran believers found. The three-body people have always been transparent in thought. For the first time, they found out that this kind of transparency can be blocked by meditation. They also discovered for the first time that humans really seemed to be viruses, affecting three-body people 4.22 light years away.

What was caught was an operator of Tomoko, who was suspected of sending a lot of data. During the interrogation, he showed the brain closure technique, which shocked the entire trisomy society.

The last three-body man had to carry out the most primitive interrogation of the controller, that is, torture, and only then saw his thoughts again, only to find that this Toko controller was completely affected in the process of monitoring Duran.

Even more frightening is that the operator also betrayed the three-body star and passed many important information to Duran. This is the first case of the three-body star's traitor.

Occlusion of the brain has caused a lot of panic, no one knows whether there are users of this technology around them. From the perspective of the three-body, the brain closure technique is ashamed and immoral as it is in the human body.

Meditation of closed brain surgery was soon classified as an illegal technique, and no three-body person was allowed to practice.

At the same time Trisomn also found Duran's experiment, watching him transform the Trisomy clone. They have already seen Duran's transformation of human beings, and now his transformation of the three-body man is more thorough, directly reducing the civilization level of the three-body man, and turning the three-body man into a worm.

What is even more terrifying is that Dulan's research on the brain waves of the three-body man has given him the ability to control the thinking of the three-body man. The trisomies are just a group of dolls in front of Duran. Duran wants whatever he wants.

Duran is too dangerous to stay.

So the three-body man launched a human traitor and exposed Duran's position, hoping to use his hands to kill Duran.

There are countless bounty hunters, and Duran's bounty is very tempting.

Of course, the three-body people were not idle. They strengthened their control of Toko, and no three-body people were allowed to use Toko to contact Duran.

The believers of Duran are in trouble, their existence has been exposed, and now everyone is looking for them. Contact with Duran was broken again, and they really didn't know what to do.

The behavior of these believers has become more and more strange, and more and more out of group, and slowly they feel that they are correct, but that other compatriots are lunatics.

Duran's madness theory does not create lunatics, but people who think they are sober, even if the world thinks he is a madman, but he does not think so, but he thinks that the outside world is all mad.

The believers slowly use some unusual methods to prove their sobriety, eat something that everyone finds difficult, and love something that everyone finds ugly.

Gloomy, depressed, autistic, and at the same time began to have a tendency to violence, and became unfriendly or even hostile to fellow citizens who differed from themselves.

The more united the Duran believers are, the more unfriendly they are to the outside world. As if they were contaminated by Duran's spirit, they began to be abnormal.

Finally, these strange behaviors were discovered by the trisomn, and Duran believers were arrested for a forced investigation.

But then strange things happened one after another. First, the three-body suicides who investigated the believers committed suicide, and then prisoners in a prison with the believers went crazy and madly masochistic.

Anyway, as long as you contact the believers, it seems that there is a mysterious force that affects them and drives them crazy.

However, in the eyes of believers, these people have just become sober, and only understand the truth that ‘crazy is not yourself but the universe’.

This world is already crazy, and he must be conscious.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of others, the world is clearly normal ~ ~ It is believers who are crazy, and the lunatics also pass on the madness to others.

But who regulates madness and sobriety? Why is conformity sober by default?

"The great Duran told us that this universe was crazy. We used to be crazy and unaware, but now we are awake." The believers said that everyone should come awake too: "Come and accept Duran's guidance, He will show you how crazy this world is. Only when we realize this can we wake up. "

The three-body society has no choice but to think that this is a disease and it is named 'Duran Syndrome'. The manager of Tomoko's control room said something meaningful: when we observe Duran, Duran is also observing we.

This sentence quickly spread, Dulan became synonymous with fear for a time. This was the first time they began to be afraid of humans on the earth, and was observed by Duran as a nightmare for every three-body.

But the more scared, Duran ’s influence is getting bigger and bigger. Many three-body people will think that Duran is right. Madness is the origin of the world. They just fall into madness without knowing it, only to realize this Point, they can be 'normal'.

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