Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 3057: eager

Haibara Ai was persuaded that any behavior that breaks the cycle will inevitably hurt innocents. She can cherish her reputation and not do it, but these problems will be left to future generations, and more innocent people will be injured by then.

Therefore, people in every era have historical tasks, and Haibara Ai's historical task is to fight against the organization with chaos.

Of course, this time is just practice, not against the organization, just to understand the working principle of chaos, that is, to complicate simple things, and wait for more variables in the complex.

The bomber who challenged the Metropolitan Police Department has been found. Duran and Haibara Ai immediately attacked and grabbed him to make arrangements.

The bomber faxed the location of the bomb to the Metropolitan Police Department in the form of a riddle to test the police's IQ.

However, the police obviously couldn't find the bomb in the first place. Fortunately, there is Conan. He reasoned in Takagi's car, and at the same time, with Takagi's actions, he learned about Sato's past and why her crime index increased.

Conan quickly deduced the location of the bomb and immediately went to investigate, but at this time, Officer Mumu seriously asked all the detectives to stop, and a new situation emerged.

Officer Mumu was extremely serious, and he could feel his anger through the radio.

"What happened?" Takagi looked puzzled, wondering why Officer Meguro stopped all investigations. In such an emergency, time should be raced and time should not be wasted.

Conan didn't understand either. They had already investigated the location of the bomb, and they were one step closer to solving the case.

"I know everyone is in a hurry, but just now, the bomber received new news. This time it was not a fax, but a phone call. He directly told us the locations of the two bombs."

"??" Officer Mumu's words made everyone stunned, the bomber was too arrogant. But this doesn't seem to be the style of the other party. If you save the process of finding bombs, won't it save a lot of time?

The other party doesn't really think that the detective can't defuse the bomb, right?

However, the more arrogant ones are still behind, because not only did they tell the location of the bomb, but they also left the detonator at the scene.

"What, the remote control is also there?" Takagi and Conan were dumbfounded, indicating that Bomberman was too careless.

Conan doesn't think it's so careless. How can the bomber leave the remote control on the scene? The other party can be free for seven years and come to challenge once a year, so it's not so sloppy, right? If you can be so carefree for seven years, then the Metropolitan Police Department will really have a hard time.

Officer Mumu's next words also proved that the bomber was not sloppy, but wanted to test humanity. "Although the detonator did remain on the scene, it did not detonate the bomb at the site, but detonated another bomb. That is to say, there are two bombs in total, but the detonators have been exchanged. The bomber wants to let the civilians on both sides choose, Whether to wait until the time is up and detonate the two bombs together, or to detonate the opposite bomb for the sake of my own survival, and kill others to survive."

Everyone was silent for a while, because this has gone beyond ordinary crime, this is simply lunatic.

"Then we have to defuse the bomb as soon as possible." Takagi said excitedly, these crazy behaviors will only make Officer Sato's crime value higher.

"I'm afraid it won't work, because once we defuse the bomb, he will immediately detonate the bombs on both sides." Mu Mu said.

"Then we can't do anything now? Do we really have to wait and blow up first?" Takagi couldn't imagine what would happen once the explosion occurred, and the trust between people would be completely disintegrated.

"Where's the bomb?" Conan asked.

"One is in a tower where tourists gather, and one is at Didan High School where the exam is taking place. But the exam has now been completed, so don't worry." Officer Mumu said.

Conan is speechless, is he worried about the high school exams? What he was worried about was Xiaolan's safety.

Duran is very caring, especially after everyone has finished the exam before taking action, it is really too gentle.

"In short, now tourists, teachers and students already know about the bomb, and they can't escape, because once someone escapes, it will detonate. They can only make a choice or wait until the end of time. Explode together, or press the button first?" Officer Twilight said very seriously.

"We have to catch the criminal." Conan quickly thought of the key, as long as he caught the bomber, as long as neither side would explode, the tourists, teachers and students wouldn't press the button either.

Takagi also said, "That's right, we're going to catch the bomber now." But where is the culprit?

The criminal has now been controlled by Duran. He also heard Duran's various arrangements and was stunned. He didn't expect anyone to be crazier than him.

"I just want to prove that the Metropolitan Police Department are all food buckets, but you have to prove that human beings are all selfish lunatics. You are crazy." Bombers are also afraid of lunatics.

"Maybe it's not that we are crazy, but the world is crazy." Duran said lightly.

Haiyuan witnessed everything, and looking at everyone's performance, he wondered if the tourists, teachers and students would really detonate each other? In order to survive, do you really kill others? Although she has always felt that human nature is evil, in fact, she still hopes that human beings can show their shining points.

This is the same as the original sin of monotheism needs a savior, and Xunzi's theory of evil nature needs a gentleman.

Haiyuan is the best proof. She is usually very negative, but in fact, she is desperate for the kindness of human nature.

"I don't know the answer, it's chaos." Duran said happily: "They may or may not press. This has nothing to do with human nature, it's just a choice between two. This has been the case many times in history. Whether it is to sacrifice immediate interests, or even one’s own life, for the future, or to sacrifice future trust for the current interests, choose one of the two, in short, you can’t have all of them.”

If you want the present, there is no future. If you want the future, you have to tighten your belt to overcome the present. Human nature cannot solve this problem, it can only choose one by thinking.

As for which one you want, everyone can think and choose for themselves.

Haiyuan said that chaos is the is to make things unpredictable and make everyone feel uneasy and make mistakes.

Now the mentality of tourists, teachers and students is about to collapse. After all, they are just ordinary people. Many times they just follow the rules, and they can't even decide their own present and future, let alone decide whether to choose the present or the future.

No matter how you choose, you will definitely be scolded. Help others choose the present and be scolded by the future. Helping others choose the future is now being scolded by people.

Now tourists, teachers and students are sacrificing themselves for the trust of human beings and the sparkle of human beings. Or do you sacrifice your future for your own survival? I don't know, they don't know at all, living in this comfortable era, they have long forgotten how to choose in the face of the cruel reality.

If there is no trust and everyone is only for themselves, then the society will be finished, everyone will be in danger in the future, and life will not be good. But sacrificing themselves, let alone the future, the future has nothing to do with them. Of course, if they still have relatives and children, they may be able to sacrifice for the future of their families.

"If this country needs our sacrifice, it's better to disappear." A tourist said: "Hurry up and press it."

Obviously, for him, only himself is the most important thing. Anyway, as long as he survives, he doesn't need to consider anything else.

Through the sonar device, everyone's words reached Duran and Haiyuan Ai's ears. Haiyuan Ai was very disappointed. Sure enough, this is a human being, it's too despicable.

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