Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 3128: Aggregation of contradictions

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The Traveler Across the Anime World Chapter 3128 Contradictory Aggregation

Godzilla wreaks havoc in the movie, which really entertains the audience. But when Godzilla appears in the real world, the name of the mobile natural disaster is no joke.

What makes Godzilla more terrifying than natural disasters is that most natural disasters last for only one or two days, only snow disasters last for a long time. Earthquakes, rainstorms, typhoons, etc. are all concentrated in one or two days. Godzilla won't just stay for two days and leave, he can even find a place to build a nest.

Godzilla is an exam question, an exam question for each country. As an examiner, Duran is only responsible for eating melons.

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The strategy of the island nation to face Godzilla is to hold a meeting. As for the specific matters, the small families in the disaster-stricken area will be responsible. As for how to destroy Godzilla, they can't do anything at all.

They can't do anything about it themselves, and of course they have to criticize Class 9, saying that it's all the fault of Class 9, which weakened the strength of the Self-Defense Forces, so they have no power to fight against Godzilla.

"Duran is definitely waiting to buy our property at a low price now, and we must let the people see his ugly face." Hua said that they all know what Duran is thinking, because they think so too.

Conan and Heiji talked on the phone, and Heiji comforted Conan who had been evacuated, telling him that Godzilla would definitely not enter the city.

"My father said that the top management is actively looking for a solution," Heiji said.

But Conan is not so optimistic, because Godzilla is not so easy to solve.

Heiji also knows that consolation is powerless, anyway, he doesn't have Godzilla here. Here, high-level officials are discussing how to accept high-quality assets that have fled. At the same time, a large number of building material dealers and resource dealers are sweeping up their goods, just waiting to hoard them.

Godzilla is a danger to the people of the landing site, but an opportunity to those in safe places. They don't consider whether Godzilla will land in their hometown if they don't solve Godzilla. Anyway, even if they land, they can transfer capital, so there is no need to worry.

Make a fortune first.

"Our equipment is the most important, and all the ships should be allocated to us. Our equipment produces hundreds of millions of output value every year."

"It should be given to us. There are only so many ships. We are the top priority."

There is still a struggle to evacuate, because the transportation capacity is also limited, and it is certainly impossible to transport all the assets out in one go. It must be made clear who comes first and who comes second.

"The people should be transported first." The Chinese are not all people who only care about assets, and some people care about human life.

"Without facilities, who will support the people?" "People like you don't understand at all, so don't interrupt." Apparently this person doesn't know what it means to "lose the land and lose the people, and all the land is lost." Save people and lose land, all people and land will survive'.

You have to rush to retreat. Everyone is looking after themselves at all, and they can't build a relationship of trust at all.

"That's why it's difficult." Dulan said that the team is not easy to lead because the hearts are broken.

"If it's a normal natural disaster, everyone will recognize it. After all, you can't blame God, Amaterasu, or the weather. But Godzilla is a materialized creature after all. If you don't do something, it will be easy. It is considered incompetent." Denisa feels that although Godzilla is called a mobile natural disaster, it is still different from ordinary natural disasters.

Ordinary natural disasters cannot be defended against, but creatures can be prevented according to the consistent thinking of human beings. After all, human beings claim to be the top of the food chain, and they became the masters of the earth only after defeating many animals. No matter how you say it, Godzilla is still an animal. With the pride of human beings, how could it be possible to admit defeat to mere Godzilla?

Because humans have too much victorious experience against animals, it is unacceptable that the Chinese do nothing against Godzilla. It’s fine if there are earthquakes and tsunamis, humans have never overcome it, but a mere animal still wants to climb on top of humans? Why? !

This is the inherent thinking of human beings, and it can also be said to be the thinking mode under successful experience. The development of human beings to the present is achieved by defeating wild beasts and avoiding disasters, so one is the defeated opponent of human beings, and the other is an opponent that human beings have never defeated.

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