Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 3161: exchange of information

An underground shelter was found underground in the south, and the five of them filed in, which indicated the end of the game.

The woman was dumbfounded, she didn't expect the game to end like this. This game is at the level of Club 3, that is to say, drawing lots is a game of balance between intelligence and physical strength, and the difficulty is 3.

"It turns out that the difficulty is only three, so is it so simple?" the woman said.

"Big sister, what's your name?" Kabe Daikichi asked.

"Zibuki Xiaozhi." The woman introduced: "It's a hard-working dentist intern, but now it's just standing in the lobby as a receptionist."

Everyone introduced themselves and got to know each other.

"Duran, you have participated in the game more than once, right? Why didn't you explain the existence of the game to us before?" Kabe Daikichi asked.

Dulan smiled and said, "Would you young and energetic young people believe in this incredible game? Even if I told you in advance, I'm afraid you wouldn't believe it. So it's best for you to experience it for yourself."

The three high school students were speechless. Until the time of the game, they still didn't believe in the game, let alone learned about it in advance. They certainly don't believe it.

"You're right." "You seem to be very powerful, why don't we form a team with five people in the future?" Kabe Daikichi said, he is already thinking about future development, if there are various games in the future, everyone Should cooperate well.

Dulan said: "Of course no problem. Then, next, everyone should understand the function of this visa." "This place is like a foreign country. Everyone needs a visa to live here. Once the visa expires, you will die. ...and the visa must be obtained by participating in the game, which means that we have to participate in the death game in order to survive."

[To be honest, I have been using reading books recently to follow up, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, both Android and Apple. 】

"Isn't this a contradiction?" Arisu Ryohei said excitedly.

In order to survive, it is necessary to participate in the death game. If you don't participate, you will die directly. If you participate, you may die. To live in this country is to constantly force people to die.

"This is forcing us to die." Shi Chuan Zhangtai's face was also pale, he didn't know what advantage he had here, in terms of physical strength and courage, he was not as good as Kabu Daikichi, and in terms of resourcefulness and thinking, he was not as good as Youqi Ryohei, he is so mediocre, he is nothing but cannon fodder in this kind of world.

No, he doesn't want to be like this, he doesn't want to be as useless as his father.

Zibuki Xiaozhi has already participated in the game. She was very lucky last time and survived the poison gas tram game, but it may not be so after that. The game she participated in before was like this, with four carriages and three oxygen tanks. Three of the four compartments have poisonous gas, and one has no poisonous gas. She needs to use three oxygen tanks to pass through the four compartments. It is best to use three oxygen masks and three gas chambers. Once she chooses the wrong one, she will die. .

It was pure luck. She had already given up hope of survival, but she was lucky enough to enter the car without poisonous gas. In this way, the three oxygen tanks corresponded to the three gas chambers. She successfully passed through the car and completed the game. It's really all luck, but if she's not lucky, she won't be able to survive.

So she scoffed at Duran's analysis, what are they game resources, what is the fairness of the game, in the end it is just a game of probability, there is no fairness at all, only luck.

But she also knows that it is very difficult for her to survive now, and it might be a good way to be with them.

The five left from the exit of the underground shelter. It was exactly midnight, and laser beams fell from the sky.

"This is?!" Straight white lasers connecting the sky and the earth appeared everywhere in the city.

"This is what happens every day, cleaning up people whose visas have expired." Zibuki Xiaozhi said with a wry smile.

The three friends looked at each other.

"Let's go, find a place to rest. Since there is no water and electricity, it's best to go to the river." Duran said: "This is the wisdom of ancient humans, living in groups by the water."

Everyone has no objection, along the way they saw a lot of corpses with headshots, some were already corrupted, some were very fresh. It can be seen that these lasers are really not deceiving.

vomit! Although it was already midnight and everyone was very tired, they couldn't help but vomit when they saw these things, and they became weaker and weaker.

"How many people are there?" Kabe Daikichi didn't know what to say.

No one could answer. They found a building near the river to live in. Because it was already a doomsday scene, the river was very clear and the pollution had been purified.

But this is not enough, because their visas are for a limited time, and they are not allowed to rest at all.

"We need information, the best is to ask other players, so next, we will not participate in the game, we can communicate with others outside the game venue. Of course, we can hunt or prepare some food during the day, and then trade with players." Duran said.

"Then let's do this." The young man had no idea, Dulan was right, so listen to him.

Start making traps, fishing, and go to the supermarket to collect supplies.

The exchange of information, of course, can only be established if there is an exchange, but it is not just asking for nothing.

"You are a medical student. Know about medicines, and find something that can be used for antibiotics." Duran directed Zibuki Xiaozhi to say.

Zibuki Xiaozhi thought it was weird, and didn't know why Dulan was giving orders. At the same time, I also feel that men cannot be trusted, and they are likely to abandon themselves.

She has no confidence in her own value, and feels that she is a weak woman who can be replaced at any time, and can only be cannon fodder in the game. So she is very insecure. After all, there is no sense of security in a well-ordered society, let alone a country where order has collapsed.

However, facing Duran's arrangement, she obediently went to find the medicine.

It's a pity that many things in this place have expired, and it is difficult to find useful medicines. Fortunately, many things are kept in their original state and have not been searched. So you can still find some useful medicines, antibiotics, normal saline, painkillers, antipyretics and the like.

Although not much, it can also be used. UU Reading

The results of the hunt were also good, with lots of animals and fish. Then Duran drilled wood to make fire, and simply smoked the hunting prey.

"Okay, that's basically it. You two go to exchange information, and I will go alone. The questions you ask are about the content of the game, such as what games they have participated in, the number of people participating in the game, or the process of the game. Like, knowing the game helps us survive."

Let's separate and go to a place with water and electricity to inquire. As long as you don't go in, you don't count as participating in the game, just stand at the door.

It is true that some information was exchanged, but unfortunately there was not much content.

Back at the resident, everyone gathered the information. Basically, they know that the game is divided into four types: Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, and Hearts. The difficulty is getting harder from A to 10. Each game has various rules. , not the same, some games reward something after the end.

It is very normal for people to die in games. Basically, some people will die in every game, and even some games can only live one person, and even require players to kill each other.

"There is a lot of information, and the next step is to learn. Daikichi Kabube needs to strengthen his overall view, and others need to strengthen their physical strength." Duran said.

Arisu Ryohei finally couldn't take it anymore, and roared: "We have no time, you are asking us to study now, you are simply asking us to die. I am fed up with your finger pointing, you adults are only wishful thinking, only hypocrisy , can't help anyone at all."

He had a big opinion on Duran.

Dulan thought to himself that he had such a big opinion, what plans does the other party have?

Do not ask. Asked but no, Arisu Ryohei had a lot of opinions, but he couldn't come up with a feasible plan that would allow everyone to survive, but the absence of a plan did not prevent him from opposing Duran's plan.

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