Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 3197: speak out

If you do practical things, you will always be scolded, and if you fail to do things, you will always be held accountable. But the veteran doesn't think that this responsibility must be done by suicide, and he disdains those fighters who commit suicide because of guilt. People can die, but it shouldn't be so meaningless.

Their martial arts faction was defeated and they were going to be cast aside, but didn't they have such awareness when they first joined the martial arts faction? Do they think that the militant faction can last forever? I really don't know what they think. As the pioneers of the martial arts faction, the veterans knew very well that they could not win all the time, and the day they failed would be a catastrophe. How arrogant they were before, how much they would be hated after they failed.

But this is not a reason to die.

Anyway, the veteran didn't want to die. Of course, in the original book, because he killed his friend, he also thought about suicide. But now he has not done anything that he regrets, so he is very strong.

Right now, it is impossible for the martial arts faction to stay. If they die, they will walk away, and if they stay, they will be killed by angry survivors.

It's all over, looking at the blood-stained beach, the Mad Hatter is relieved, because maintaining all this is really exhausting. Now that it's all over, the beach has been destroyed, he doesn't have to continue to expend energy, and he doesn't have to worry about being liquidated after collecting the playing cards.

It's a pity that Haibin disappeared in the end, and his friends also left, but when he saw a group of people around him who were willing to continue to follow him, he felt that his work was not in vain, at least he established a relationship of trust with these people in the process.

"What should we do now?" The beach used to be lively and lively, but now it is as deserted as the cemetery. At this time they need a leader to make a decision.

The Mad Hatter looked at everyone. In fact, he knew very well that everyone had something in their hearts, but they just didn't say it. If you say it, you may not be supported, and if you say it, you have to be responsible. Not everyone is willing to be a humble dog.

Du Lan looked at the situation as if he was discussing who would be the boss during Liu Bang's uprising. In fact, Xiao He was the most suitable, with the highest status and good strategy. So in the end Liu Bang made his debut.

This time is actually similar, everyone still needs the king of the Mad Hatter, let him decide the future, he is responsible for the decision, if he fails, let him be trampled by thousands of people.

In fact, everyone has many ideas, but not everyone is willing to take the risk of failure.

What about the future? The Mad Hatter doesn't know that the seaside has become a game venue, which means that it is not feasible to operate a place for a long time, and his idea has failed. Then maybe they can only migrate around and live a hard life.

The Mad Hatter thought of Duran. Didn't he remind everyone before that he must have an idea. And since Duran can be resurrected, he must be able to take risks. He is more suitable to be a king than himself.

"Let's not talk about the future, our reward is here," Duran said.

The visa machine first gave a poker, which was 10 of Hearts, which is the highest level in the game, a brand new poker card. Then there are two resurrection cards. Everyone looks at the resurrection cards. You must know that all of them have friends who died, and they all want to use the resurrection cards to resurrect.

Looking at everyone's eyes, the Mad Hatter knew that these two resurrection cards had become a crisis that might cause a split. Hey, sometimes rewards are too good to be good. Everyone in the world knows that beauty is beauty, but this is evil.

A difficult task has been completed, and the collection of playing cards is getting closer and closer.

"Let's make a cemetery for everyone first." The Mad Hatter said: "Record the names of the dead, at least to prove that they lived."

It is a pity that the names of many of the deceased are not known at all.

"It seems to be Kudo, but I don't know his full name at all. He is obviously a very interesting guy." Everyone tried hard to remember everyone's names.

These people who can't leave their names are as if they never existed. Everyone is very sad. After all, they have lived on the beach for a while, and everyone still has a sense of identity.

Duran thought this was a remembrance of the dead and a farewell to the past. Because from now on, the depraved days of the seaside are over, and they must start a new journey.

After the simple funeral was over, the Mad Hatter led everyone to look for a new place to live. The sad place on the seaside was obviously not suitable for living.

I found a river first, and for the time being lived by the river. Just like the ancients, they lived by water. Water is the source of life, and living by water can catch prey, because animals also need water.

The ecology of this world is very good, the water is very clean, and there are many animals.

But Arisu Ryohei is very upset now, because the beautiful girl is gone. After all, it is because she refused to hand over the cards that so many people died in Haibin. She can't bear the eyes of others' accusations. It felt like everything was her fault, but she felt like she had done nothing wrong.

To pluck a hair for the benefit of the world is nothing. This Yuye really looks like Zhu Yang school, she just relies on her own strength to survive, and she won't blame others if she is not doing well, but if others need to use her to solve the problem, that is absolutely impossible.

She doesn't think she did something wrong, after all, she got the cards by her strength, why should she give them to them? She didn't believe Duran's promise at all, and she didn't believe that Duran would give her a card.

Now some people think that she caused so many deaths, and she didn't take the blame, so she just ran away. Feeling lost, Arisu Ryohei finally decided to find the beautiful girl after he got better.

"That woman is really selfish." Everyone said indignantly about the missing Youye.

"That is, if she takes out the resurrection card, we can immediately know that the murderer is the dead, and everyone doesn't need to die. Everyone said, right?"

Of course it is, everyone condemned the beautiful girl for being unnatural, and said that if she encounters it next time in the game, she must pay the price.

Arisu Ryohei couldn't hear it, so he asked Duran: "Is Yuba really wrong? She just wants to resurrect her father, so what right do we have to ask her to hand over the resurrection card?" Wrong, she was just protecting her own interests.

"Do you know her background?" Duran asked.

"I heard that her father committed suicide because he was not trusted." Arisu Ryohei is very concerned about the beautiful girl. He may not know the past of the Mad Hatter, but he is familiar with the past of the beautiful girl. Sure enough, he is not incompetent Studying well, but not caring at all, full of resistance to school and family, but full of yearning for beautiful girls.

Dulan said: "Then she ended up in the same fate as her father. You should also understand UU Reading After all, the father and daughter behave in the same way and don't fit in."

"Why do you want to be in a group?" Arisu Ryohei asked angrily: "Why do you have to use your own interests to satisfy you?" He was very angry, because the beautiful girl had been forced away, so he vented his anger on Duran.

Could it be that the Zhu Yang school is not good enough? Of course, Zhu Yang's tenacity and the Mohists' love and non-attack are also all the rage. It's a pity that practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and Zhu Yang's school can't beat the objective law of returning to the border.

The so-called returning to the side means that the crowd gradually concentrates from individuals to a whole, and the strength of one person cannot beat the strength of several people. Going back to the side is to let everyone stand in line based on interests, distinguish us from them, and then fight against them to **** interests.

Zhu Yang does not pluck a hair, just manages himself well, but unfortunately no matter how strong this person is, he is not an opponent in the face of a few people with malicious intentions. So if you don't pluck any hairs, in order to survive, you have to pluck your hairs and hand in the name certificate, and join the ranks of returning to the border.

Zhu Yang's theory cannot resist objective laws at all, and can only be eliminated in the end.

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