Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 3212: To dream

【Throughout the Anime World】【】

The games of the legal residents were cleared one by one, and the airship fell, which represented the fall of the legal residents.

Arisu Ryohei couldn't understand why this happened. It was unreasonable to kill legal citizens in order to survive. This dying country is like a Colosseum. Players and legal citizens are like beasts locked in the Colosseum, and they really have to fight.

It didn't make any sense at all. After seeing the naked legal citizen, Arisu Ryohei realized that the legal citizen was actually a flesh and blood life like their players. He had to kill legal citizens just to survive, which he was unwilling to do.

So he chose to be bad, and chose to travel with the beautiful girl in the Kingdom of the Dying, to see the scenery, instead of fighting. Seeing the airship fall, his heart was heavy. He understood the players' choices, but he certainly couldn't kill the legal residents. The fight was meaningless, at least he thought so.

It's a pity that only after defeating the legal citizens can the player choose to stay in the dying country or wake up in reality. Players have no way out without defeating legitimate citizens.

As for legal players, it seems like the four seasons reincarnate in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The rise of new players represents the decline of legal citizens. This is the rule of the Kingdom of the Dying. If you think it is unreasonable, it is as ridiculous as thinking that winter should not exist.

The beautiful girl is actually willing to continue participating in the game, she just wronged herself to accompany Arisu Ryohei.

"Yangu Zhuyin, what do you think?" Dulan has already recruited a female high school student with a broken leg. This girl who has a strong desire to survive and thinks she is a scumbag is a highly malleable person who is worth cultivating.

"A sissy." She thought Arisu Ryohei was just a sissy, not a man at all. She likes the kind of tough guy who takes responsibility, definitely not someone like Arisu Ryohei.

"It's not a sissy, it can only be regarded as seeing the slaughter of a cow and feeling sorry for the cow, and then trading the sheep for the cow." Du Lan said that there are too many such people. In ancient times there was King Xuan of Qi, and there are also a large number of such people in modern times.

Seeing legitimate citizens sacrifice their lives for righteousness, I feel pitiful for them, but aren't the players pitiful? Arisu Ryohei is just too lacking in position.

Even if you see cattle being sacrificed, you feel that the cattle are pitiful, but the sacrifice is to kill the cattle. If you don't kill the sacrifices, the people performing the sacrifices and the sheep being sacrificed will be pitiful.

"Then what are you going to do?" Yan Gu Zhu Yin asked, she was a little eager to try, because she just got the green light ring, and now she really wants to try its power.

"What to do if you're not prepared." Dulan said before that any kind of thought reappears repeatedly, and so is righteousness and despicability.

King Xuan of Qi couldn't bear to see the slaughter of cattle and exchange for sheep. This kind of thought also appeared repeatedly. After two thousand years, it still appeared in Arisu Ryohei. It can be seen that what Duran said is not wrong at all. A thought will not only appear once, but will appear repeatedly.

So we should still record the experience. Although we are not going to attack Arisu Ryohei's thoughts hard, but his behavior must be corrected. With this time to relax, it is better to record the history.

So Duran decided to give the beautiful girl a dream, using her identity as the dead ghost's father. The beautiful girl hasn't resurrected her father yet, because the Kingdom of the Dying is too terrifying. She thinks that if she can leave the Kingdom of the Dying, it won't be too late to resurrect her.

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【Throughout the Anime World】【】

So I entrusted her with a dream, and asked her to properly record the contents of the Kingdom of the Dying, don't follow men around all day long, and do something meaningful. Since you are dissatisfied with the Kingdom of the Dying, let's build it. Now the two of them ride around on bicycles all day long, can they change the unreasonableness of the Kingdom of the Dying?

"Now that we have seen the irrationality, we must change it instead of letting it go." "We are mountaineers. Do we just lie flat when we see a high mountain? No, the higher the mountain and the farther the road, the steeper and taller it is. The more we have to be brave to climb. Even if we can't climb, we must leave experience and lay a good foundation for future generations."

Yuba felt that it made sense, and she also felt that she was wasting her time during this period. Although Arisu Ryohei was very happy, she felt that they shouldn't be like this. Now listening to her father's dream, she immediately understood and made up her mind to do something meaningful.

Yes, she is an alpinist who conquers mountains and has to overcome difficulties.

The next day, Yuye started looking for pens and paper, and decided to do something with her own strength.

Arisu Ryohei was dumbfounded. He found that the beautiful girl seemed to be possessed by a ghost, and started to record. Isn't this what Duran hoped everyone would do before?

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I want to conquer the mountain of the Kingdom of the Dying. You are right. The rules of the Kingdom of the Dying are unreasonable. There is no need for players and legal residents to fight. But the current situation is that we must fight. In order to solve these problems Reasonably, we must record our experience so that future generations can change it." The girl said: "A high mountain cannot be conquered in one generation, and it usually takes several generations of mountaineers to challenge repeatedly to create a safe route. The same is true, the mountain is there, if we do nothing, we will never climb it, but as long as we take the first step, then posterity will always continue to work on the basis of our first step."

This is similar to Dulan's tone, except that Dulan taught by watching movies, while the beautiful girl used mountain climbing as a metaphor.

"But we agreed to go to see the sea." Arisu Ryohei had already arranged the trip, didn't they want to watch the stars and the moon, and wait until they died? Why do these pointless things?

But Yuye has changed completely, because what my father said makes sense. Unreasonable things are like high mountains. If you don’t challenge them, then unreasonable things will always be unreasonable. As long as you work hard to challenge, you may be able to conquer unreasonable things one day.

"Thoughts don't matter, actions are important." Dulan said to Yan Gu Zhuyin: "Do you understand?"

"Isn't it because the thinking has changed that you start to practice?"

Dulan said: "As long as the pomelo leaves start, even if Arisu Ryohei is reluctant, he will help."

That's right, he doesn't want to lose the beautiful girl, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com can only help, because he can't shake the girl's will to conquer the mountains, that's the inheritance.

Although both the girl and her father are penniless, no matter whether it is climbing or recording experience, they don't need help, they just need themselves.

She will not ask Arisu Ryohei for help, but Arisu Ryohei must help, and he knows that if he does not help, he will not be able to continue to win the favor of the beautiful girl.

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【Throughout the Anime World】【】

In the beginning, it was the beautiful girl who followed Arisu Ryohei wrongedly, but now, in turn, it was Arisu Ryohei who wrongedly helped the beautiful girl. This is the helpless reality, the conflict between reality and ideal, this is the compromise of love.

It is not necessary to change Arisu Ryohei's thoughts, but his behavior can also be changed.

"That's it, they have done something meaningful." Duran looked at the few airships in the sky, knowing that the legitimate citizens would be captured sooner or later.

The rest of the games are not too difficult. There are mahjong games, trust tests, and double games of mathematics and psychology. What Dulan cares most about is the duel between lawyers and medical students.

Medical students hope to judge whether they are a normal person by doing bad things. Lawyers, on the other hand, want to find a standard of value that works for everyone.

One wants to use the world to measure oneself, and the other hopes to use oneself to measure the world. The situation of the two is opposite, so this duel is not only a battle of game rules, but also a battle of ideas.

Of course, it is easy to measure yourself by the world, but it is difficult to measure the world by yourself, so medical students have a better chance of winning.

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