(Want to hear more of your voices, and want to receive more of your suggestions, search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it now, to give more support to "Crossover Anime World"!) The contest that was established finally became the stage where the Avengers announced their existence in high profile. This slap is unforgivably unforgivable to the strongest empire of the Empire. Immediately sent someone to search in the imperial capital, but found nothing.

And because of the relationship between the avengers, Tazmi did not make further contact with Estes, and still received the rigorous daily training of yarn weaving.

On this day, Will, who rushed from the countryside to the Emperor Capital to participate in the hunter, like Tazmi, accidentally came to the backyard of the orchid coffin shop while walking in the palace. Originally it was just a visit of Grandma Liu into the Grand View Garden, but I didn't expect such a place in the magnificent palace of the magnificent palace. The cliffs piled up from the coffins are astonishingly high.

Walked in curiosity along the narrow path of the sky, and finally stopped at a door.


"Welcome to the orchid coffin shop."

Will saw that he had come to a coffin shop selling coffins, but why was he in the palace?

Dulan warmly welcomed every guest: "Would you like a coffin for your own use, or a coffin for friends and relatives? Are you looking for a dangerous wood coffin made of a new plant dangerous plant shell? We also provide A bronze lacquer plate, plus a lettering service, the font is optional. Ensure that the guests are satisfied. "

"..." Who wants a coffin, Will is just curious, and looking outside the store, he found that the store was actually embedded in the walls of the palace. So bold.

"Guests do n’t hesitate, you can try it first. You lie in and try to know that this dangerous wood coffin is warm in winter and cool in summer, comfortable and tight. Come and try, go in and lie down."

Where is there a living person pushed into the coffin, "Thank you, I don't need it, I don't need it."

"Unsatisfied with this? It does not matter, our store also has the best-selling Northland ice coffin of the imperial capital, which can keep the body from rot for a long time." Duran said, "Tazmi, the stupid boy come down to the backyard to pull a ice coffin.

It didn't take long to see Tazmi, who seemed to be tortured every time he moved, and stepped down a little bit. The gravity ring on his body has been working, and every step is miserable.

"Hurry up, don't you see the guests waiting?"

"I don't need to watch, really, I'm not here to buy a coffin." Will hasn't recognized Tazmi with a distorted expression.

"You can watch it if you don't buy it. Look before you decide." Duran is like a profiteer. "Anyway, you will definitely use this kind of coffin, especially for young people like you, you have to be prepared. Look at us The guy in the shop, when he first entered the city, there were three people, and he had only been in the emperor capital for two days. His two partners were killed. He took two credits from my shop to work here. I heard your accent too If you come from a foreign country, you need it more. The officials and nobles of the imperial capital do not blink at people, especially foreigners like you. "

...... Will looked at Tazmi's back, and his heart made waves. Is the Imperial City really decayed? I also thought that since I had already come to the Imperial Capital and had become the subordinate of Esdes, I had the responsibility to restore the Imperial Capital order. But I didn't know that Estes just loved killing people, and he didn't even care about the emperor.

Tazmi took a lot of time to pull in the ice coffin, and the whole person was falling apart. The gravity ring is heavier than Thor's hammer.

Duran pushed Tazmi upstairs and began to introduce the benefits of the ice coffin. Will heard something terrible, but he didn't buy it in the end. Just listening to Dulan seems to know the emperor very well, so he inquired about the situation of the emperor capital: "The boss is a native of the emperor capital, which must be more than I know. I wonder if the situation in the emperor capital has been really bad recently?"

"Not only bad, the emperor has two evils, and there are countless little evils. The emperor is also an unreliable little fart boy. The people are in deep water, the revolutionary army is in full swing, and now there are avengers rising. It seems that this time the two evils will be killed sooner or later. Yu Didu. Do you mean chaos? "Dulan whispered.

"Who are the two evils?"

"Secretary Onesta and General Estes, who else. You didn't know the emperor before you came to this emperor, but this is a typical example of a sweet-mouthed sword, very dark-hearted, using the little emperor's trust party to be different, almost treating the empire as an emperor In addition to his weak and strong food, there is no civilization in Esdess ’mind, and he is completely a brutal man who eats blood. A thief who tempts the prince to command the princes, a barbarian who takes pleasure in killing and is not educated by rituals and music. However, you are in charge of the two empire culture and martial arts, plus the effect of the upper and lower, you imagine the situation in the imperial capital! So I advise you to buy a coffin, it will be used. "

"?" Will's face changed from time to time, "You are so slandering the emperor, so you are not afraid of being arrested?"

Duran suddenly looked at Will with awe and justice: "I think you came from the country and you should have kept a pure bottom line. How can you say such an irresponsible language. Why has the Empire been so chaotic and chaotic for thousands of years? On the inside, the beasts eat the food, the emperor capital, the wolf heart, the lungs, the dogs and the lungs are everywhere, forcing people to be thieves, making people uprising, so that the spirits are charcoal. Do you think that because everyone is full and nothing to do, they like to rebel? People are playing guns, but they do not know that they are thieves and fathers, and they are embarrassed. "

"............" Will was completely dumbfounded. Was he always wrong?

Another guest entered the store, or the back door, but the doctor of fashion: "You really are, Will. There is still a need for research on your emperor, can you come with me?"

Will is still shocked.

"Will?" Dr. Fashion called again, then looked at Duran strangely. He originally belonged to the Imperial Capital Research Department. Of course, he knew that the owner of this shop had a deep relationship with the little emperor. Of course, he did n’t believe it. If there was immortality, the first emperor would not need to make forty-eight emperors to protect the empire. “What ’s wrong with him?”

"Maybe stunned by the good quality of the coffin."

Dr. Fashion looked at the ice coffin with great interest. Yes, you can make a freezer for refrigerated limbs. "Give me ten such ice coffins."

Big business, "Okay, Tazmi came down to prepare for delivery."

Will was taken away by Dr. Fashion, Dulan's words were like a thunder and a thunderbolt, letting the ignorant kid Will know the other side of the imperial capital. It turned out that what he had done was work that endangered the people, and he was completely lost.

Tazmira followed ten fashion ice coffins behind Dr. Fashion and asked him to lead the way to the laboratory.

"Are you Tazmi?" Will finally decided to talk to Tazmi from the country like him.

"Hello." Tazmi thought to himself that this was a hunter, and he could not show his feet.

"I am Will. Can we talk?"

"I'm just a part-time worker." Tazmi couldn't help it.

"It's okay, I am also a part-time worker." Just working for the emperor, "Tazmi, your companion was really killed shortly after coming to the capital?"

Tazmi recalled the noble lady's beast in human skin, and now he gritted his teeth, "Yes, it was killed by the nobleman."

"Is the Emperor Capital really so chaotic?" Will still didn't believe it, and he didn't want to think about why the hunter was established. The Emperor Capital was of course chaotic.

"It's quite messy," Tazmi said.

"What are you talking about, we're here." Dr. Fashion said suddenly, beckoning that they had arrived.

This is the office area of ​​the vet. Tazmi saw the vet research laboratory on the door. Xin said that these are members of the vet.

"This is money, you can go back." Fashion Doctor said.

Tazmi didn't dare to read more, and left immediately, so he didn't see the meaningful eyes of Dr. Fashion. As a scientist, his keen intuition told Dr. Fashion that this Tazmi was suspicious.

So at night, Dr. Fashion took his artificial creatures to track Tazmi and found the location of the night attack headquarters. It is a pity that he did not contact other members and decided to carry out a raid himself, ruining the night raid.

The war is on the verge, and Dr. Fashion will not think that his impulsive decision will awaken the best among the zombies, the zombies ‘Wang Jiangchen’ (the fog). It's the zombie Shayou and the zombie Iyeas. They don't know the general.

There are many reformers under Dr. Fashion. According to Japan, chess is divided into: gold and silver with strengthened eyes, nose and nose, Guima, which is good at sneak attacks, mechanically modified flying cars, strengthened the body and use the corners of both ends of the Hill. Finally, A large number of infantry can explode.

In the middle of a quiet night, the attack began. In order to obtain experimental materials, Dr. Fashion did not use the annihilation mode from the beginning. It is to let the infantry sneak into ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and then explode completely, destroying everything.

However, this decision is destined to fail Dr. Fashion. The villains will never know that the Eagles fight rabbits with all their strength. The assassination failed, awakened the members of the night raid, and the war began.

The roar of the explosion reached the room where the coffin was parked, and the searched infantry climbed in, disturbing the biological electromagnetic field of the room and awakening the dead sleeping in the coffin.

Saw that Sha You's original torn scalp quickly grew hair, and the hair glowed with metal, and it didn't stop until the waist. On the other side, Iyas's yellowed skin turned into metal like Shayou's hair next door.


The ice coffin exploded, and a huge iron fist composed of dense hair like a door plate crushed the infantry into shattered foam.

The other side also awakened, and stepped directly out of the coffin. After being covered with metal armor, his stiff body was even more indestructible. Raising his hand and turning the blade straightly divided the infantry lying on the ground into two sections with the floor.

Steel zombies and all poisonous widows? One is a golden zombie, indestructible. One is a poisonous zombie, but likes to use his hair as an arm fight.

At this point, all six Avengers Emperor Juveniles will appear. The unpredictable factor of Avengers Emperor Juvenile will make the Imperial capital more lively. (My novel "Cross-Border Animation World" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there is also a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign on the upper right ", Search the public account" qdread "and pay attention, speed up!)

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