The shopkeepers and bartenders in Yuelai Inn disappeared. They had turned into masked men in black, rode their horses away and left the opposite place.

Four hours later, everyone in Gong Murong's team gradually woke up. Gong Murong shook his heavy head and slowly opened his eyes. He found that Ling qianer sitting opposite him was missing. His heart beat and his temper was very angry:

"Black tiger, where's the queen?"

The black tiger also slowly opened his confused eyes and said hoarsely:

"Your Majesty, my subordinates are here!"

Gong Murong looked at all the people who fell to the ground and knew that things were bad, but who would do so? Is it Yue Yijun? Did he know that qian'er was in lingguo and deliberately invited him to come to mourn Princess Jun? Actually let him do it? If it wasn't him, who would it be? Is there anyone in other countries who wants to harm him, or is she staring at the secret recipe of explosives in her hand?

Faced with so many doubts, Gong Murong was most worried about Ling qianer's safety. In a rage, he immediately ordered:

"Black tiger!"

"Yes, your majesty, your subordinates are here!"

"Pass on Gu's will, use 'black wind to strangle the Dragon' to find the Queen's whereabouts in the shortest time."

When the black tiger heard that the king had taken out the "black wind strangled dragon", what a crazy move. You know, the "black wind strangled dragon" was the most powerful force left to him by the former Emperor. 100000 elite generals, once dispatched, will be invincible and unmatched. Moreover, it is necessary to use the "black wind to strangle the dragon" unless it is a national event. The black tiger hesitated:

"Your Majesty, you really want to use the 'black wind to strangle the Dragon'. If the old ministers in the court know about this, my subordinates are worried that it will cause unrest in the court. Please think twice."

Gong Murong was worried at this time. He was afraid that Ling qianer would be in danger if he delayed a moment. Without saying a word, he took out a black dragon and tiger amulet from his arms and faced the black tiger way:

"Black tiger, take this tiger talisman to mobilize the 'black wind strangling the Dragon'. When they see this talisman, they will go out. As for the old ministers in the court, they will be measured."

The black tiger took the dragon and tiger talisman and was about to do it when their horse was gone. He said:

"Your Majesty, our horses are missing. My subordinates can only use lightness skills. I'll leave first."

Just as the black tiger was about to leave, Gong Murong stopped him:

"Wait, black tiger, in addition to mobilizing the 'black wind strangling the Dragon', he also transferred our 'Fengyun dark guard' to raise troops for a while. It's time for them to come out and have some activities. The 'Fengyun dark guard' investigates in the dark of several surrounding countries. Once they find the trace of the queen Wang, they will report it to the police."

"Yes, your majesty."

After Gong Murong's orders, he continued to leave for the state of the moon, because now, in addition to pretending to mourn Princess Najun, he also had to explore yueyijun's voice and see his reaction.

After driving for two days, they finally arrived at the first city of Yueguo, which is still a familiar first city. Only the beautiful shadow was missing, but she didn't know where it was. Was it dangerous?

When they entered the palace, the emperor of the state of Yue entertained Gong Murong with the highest standard and gave him a big dinner. All the important officials from all over the court attended the dinner. It seemed that the emperor of the state of Yue didn't want to drink. He smiled and said:

"Tonight is the reception dinner for King Ling, who came all the way. I'll set an example and drink a toast to the king. I hope our two countries can always become friendly countries, so I'll do it first."

Seeing that he wanted to perform like this, Gong Murong smiled:

"Gu thanks the emperor for his warm hospitality. Gu also takes this cup to the emperor. I wish the country of the moon is growing stronger and stronger, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe!"

"OK! Do it!"


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