Ling qianer has no way to help the child cry. At this time, Prince Jun left his residence and went to the Yamen of the county magistrate. Ling qianer looked for him for a long time and didn't find him. At this time, the government office was very busy, and these victims had to be resettled. When they had to, the Lord Lin county came forward;

"Lord, why don't you let these victims live in prison first and make plans after the flood recedes. Just when Lord Jun thought so, Ling qianer appeared with Xiao Hong under the leadership of Xiao Qin, and Ling qianer set up a horse road;

"Lord, the victims can't stay in prison temporarily. I have something to say. If the Lord listens to the Lord of Lin county and places the victims in prison, it will be rumoured that the Lord has put the victims in prison tomorrow. Since he wants to place them, the government has plenty of rooms, which is the best place to live. I don't know what the Lord thinks?"

The victims were moved to look at Ling qianer. At this time, Xiaoqin put Xiaohong down. As soon as Xiaohong landed on the ground, she immediately ran to the old woman with a tender voice:

"Grandma, look, Xiaohong is all right. This is the new dress put on by the princess's sister."

Lin county magistrate was so frightened by Ling qianer that he couldn't say anything. He could only sigh for his bad luck. When he met such a kind-hearted princess, he was afraid that his rooms would suffer. However, Ling qianer immediately turned around and said;

"But! I have one condition, that is, I can't live here for nothing. You have to do one thing for me, that is to make explosives with me."

When the victims heard this, they all took a deep breath. What was the princess doing in front of them? Ling qianer knew everyone's concerns, so she smiled and said:

"Don't worry, the explosives that my imperial concubine wants you to make are not powerful and will not spontaneously ignite, because there is no lead. If you want to return to your home and reunite your family as soon as possible, you can stay here to make explosives together. Because my imperial concubine needs you. Are you willing to stay?"

The victims looked at the sincerity on Ling qianer's face. At this time, they only heard a delicate voice breaking the silence. Xiao Hong shouted first:

"Princess sister, Xiao Hong will stay and help."

Ling qianer nodded with satisfaction. Finally, everyone agreed to stay and make explosives together. Prince Jun couldn't believe everything in front of her. Since when has Ling qianer become so popular? Ling qianer saw the result she wanted. It's really strength to unite, so she said to the uncle of Lin County:

"Lin County, please send someone to find the three things the imperial concubine wants before tomorrow morning. The more, the better. Also, prepare a cart. At that time, these explosives will be transported to the source of the disaster area. Do you understand?"

Lin County thought it would be safe to serve the two masters well. Unexpectedly, the Lord in front of him is such a serious person. He works so seriously, so he has to take orders to do it.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened, but the victims spontaneously didn't want to live in those houses. They knew that their identity didn't deserve them. The princess was very grateful to take them in and didn't put them in the prison. At this time, she didn't want the princess to make enemies with others. However, Ling qianer has always been a more serious master, either don't do it or do it well. She let everything in the government office The captains and servants of the disaster victims have prepared water and clean old clothes for the victims. All the victims have washed completely. They don't know how comfortable they are. One of them is very happy. All of them raised their thumbs and praised Prince Jun and princess.

In this way, the victims slept in the government office for the most comfortable night, and when they woke up the next day, the bodyguards had arranged bowls and porridge for them, which made them feel surprised. After a while, the victims lined up to receive the porridge, sat down to drink and said while drinking. One of the victims of a took a shortcut;

"Unexpectedly, God opened his eyes and sent the Lord and princess to us. It's really our blessing."

B. the victims also said:

"Yes, it's really our blessing. I didn't expect that the princess didn't have any shelf. She thought so much of us and didn't dislike us. You see, the Lord doesn't object to the princess doing so. You can see that the relationship between the princess and the Lord must be very deep."

Victims of disaster C went on more anxiously:

"We all have to thank the Lord and princess today. No matter what the princess says in the future, we will do it immediately without saying a word. The princess is our heavenly daughter."

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